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Winged Insects
Winged Insects
Snout And Bark Beetles
Pentarthrum ruficorne Broun 1881
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Pentarthrum ruficorne Broun 1881
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Electronic Catalogue of Weevil names (Curculionoidea) in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Pentarthrum ruficorne
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Pentarthrum ruficorne Broun 1881
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Pentarthrum ruficorne Broun 1881
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Pentarthrum ruficorne Broun 1881
(this page)
Pentarthrum aeneopicea Broun 1880
Pentarthrum affine Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum alpinum Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum amicum Broun 1893
Pentarthrum angustissimum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum angustum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum antennale Broun 1895
Pentarthrum anticepunctulatum Richard 1957
Pentarthrum apicale Broun 1880
Pentarthrum argentinense Hustache 1938
Pentarthrum asperellum Broun 1881
Pentarthrum asperirostris Broun 1880
Pentarthrum assimilatum Broun 1880
Pentarthrum auricomus Broun 1881
Pentarthrum auripilum Broun 1911
Pentarthrum badius Broun 1880
Pentarthrum blackburni Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum brevirostre Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum brouni Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum canaliculatum Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum capense Péringuey & L. 1908
Pentarthrum castus Broun 1881
Pentarthrum celebensis Schaufuss 1887
Pentarthrum cephalotes Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum chinensis Omar & Zhang ex Omar, Zhang & Davis 2010
Pentarthrum comata Broun 1886
Pentarthrum confertus Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum confine Broun 1881
Pentarthrum congoanum Hustache 1922
Pentarthrum conicollis Broun 1881
Pentarthrum conocephalum Richard 1957
Pentarthrum constrictus Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum contiguus Broun 1880
Pentarthrum crassellum Broun 1904
Pentarthrum crenata Broun 1883
Pentarthrum cteis Richard 1957
Pentarthrum dissimile Broun 1911
Pentarthrum exilis Broun 1893
Pentarthrum ferrugineum Broun 1883
Pentarthrum foveiceps Lea 1927
Pentarthrum foveiventre Lea 1927
Pentarthrum fultoni Broun 1893
Pentarthrum fulvicornis Broun 1880
Pentarthrum glaber Broun 1883
Pentarthrum gravi Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum halodorum Bryan
Pentarthrum hebes Marshall 1957
Pentarthrum hervei Csiki & E. 1936
Pentarthrum hirticolle Marshall 1931
Pentarthrum hovanum Hustache & A. 1933
Pentarthrum hovanus Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum humile Hustache & A. 1924
Pentarthrum huttoni Wollaston & T. V. 1854
Pentarthrum impressum Broun 1913
Pentarthrum lateritia Broun 1880
Pentarthrum longicolle Champion 1914
Pentarthrum longirostris Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum macrocephalus Broun 1886
Pentarthrum melanosternum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum millingtoni Olliff & A. S. 1888
Pentarthrum musae Marshall 1926
Pentarthrum nefeanianum Olliff & A. S. 1858
Pentarthrum nitidum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum obscurum Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum orthodoxum Lea 1927
Pentarthrum parvicornis Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum philpotti Broun 1895
Pentarthrum piceus Broun 1880
Pentarthrum planicolle Broun 1909
Pentarthrum planiusculus Broun 1880
Pentarthrum planum Marshall 1937
Pentarthrum porcatum Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum porteri Brèthes 1913
Pentarthrum proecesoides Richard 1961
Pentarthrum proximum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum punctata Broun 1880
Pentarthrum punctatissimum Broun 1893
Pentarthrum punctatum Broun 1880
Pentarthrum rufoclavatum Aurivillius 1931
Pentarthrum rufum Broun 1880
Pentarthrum rugosum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum sculpturatum Broun 1881
Pentarthrum seychellarum Champion 1914
Pentarthrum sharpiana Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum simillimum Hustache 1956
Pentarthrum spadicea Broun 1886
Pentarthrum strigicolle Lea 1927
Pentarthrum subcoecus Wollaston & T. V. 1869
Pentarthrum subconvexus Gemminger, M., Harold & E. von
Pentarthrum sublaevigatum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum subsericatum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum tananarivense Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum tenebrosum Broun 1913
Pentarthrum tenuiscapum Richard 1957
Pentarthrum tristanensis Brinck 1948
Pentarthrum vestitus Broun 1909
Pentarthrum vossi Kuschel 1950
Pentarthrum wollastoni Roelofs & W. 1876
Pentarthrum wollastoniana Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum zealandicum Broun 1880
37 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Curculionidae Latreille & P. A. 1802
Pentarthrum Wollaston & T. V. 1854
Pentarthrum ruficorne Broun 1881
(this page)
Pentarthrum aeneopicea Broun 1880
Pentarthrum affine Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum alpinum Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum amicum Broun 1893
Pentarthrum angustissimum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum angustum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum antennale Broun 1895
Pentarthrum anticepunctulatum Richard 1957
Pentarthrum apicale Broun 1880
Pentarthrum argentinense Hustache 1938
Pentarthrum asperellum Broun 1881
Pentarthrum asperirostris Broun 1880
Pentarthrum assimilatum Broun 1880
Pentarthrum aurantiaca Broun 1893
Pentarthrum auricomus Broun 1881
Pentarthrum auripilum Broun 1911
Pentarthrum badius Broun 1880
Pentarthrum blackburni Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum brevicorne Broun 1914
Pentarthrum brevirostre Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum brouni Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum brunneum Broun 1880
Pentarthrum canaliculatum Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum capense Péringuey & L. 1908
Pentarthrum carmichaeli Waterhouse & O. C. 1884
Pentarthrum castaneum Voss 1934
Pentarthrum castus Broun 1881
Pentarthrum celebensis Schaufuss 1887
Pentarthrum cephalotes Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum chinensis Omar & Zhang ex Omar, Zhang & Davis 2010
Pentarthrum comata Broun 1886
Pentarthrum confertus Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum confine Broun 1881
Pentarthrum congoanum Hustache 1922
Pentarthrum conicollis Broun 1881
Pentarthrum conocephalum Richard 1957
Pentarthrum constrictus Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum contiguus Broun 1880
Pentarthrum crassellum Broun 1904
Pentarthrum crassirostre Voss & E. 1934
Pentarthrum crassirostris Voss 1934
Pentarthrum crenata Broun 1883
Pentarthrum cteis Richard 1957
Pentarthrum curvum Hustache 1938
Pentarthrum cylindricum Wollaston & T. V. 1861
Pentarthrum debilis Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum dissimile Broun 1911
Pentarthrum dissimilum Broun 1911
Pentarthrum dubitans Broun 1909
Pentarthrum elumbe O'Brien & Wibmer 1982
Pentarthrum exilis Broun 1893
Pentarthrum ferrugineum Broun 1883
Pentarthrum foveiceps Lea 1927
Pentarthrum foveiventre Lea 1927
Pentarthrum fultoni Broun 1893
Pentarthrum fulva Broun 1893
Pentarthrum fulvicornis Broun 1880
Pentarthrum glaber Broun 1883
Pentarthrum gracilicorne Broun 1910
Pentarthrum gratus Broun 1880
Pentarthrum gravi Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum halodorum Bryan
Pentarthrum hebes Marshall 1957
Pentarthrum helmsianum Sharp & D. 1882
Pentarthrum hervei Csiki & E. 1936
Pentarthrum hirticolle Marshall 1931
Pentarthrum hovanum Hustache & A. 1933
Pentarthrum hovanus Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum humile Hustache & A. 1924
Pentarthrum huttoni Wollaston & T. V. 1854
Pentarthrum impressum Broun 1913
Pentarthrum indicator Péringuey & L. 1908
Pentarthrum interoculare Lea 1927
Pentarthrum lateritia Broun 1880
Pentarthrum longicolle Champion 1914
Pentarthrum longirostris Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum macrocephalus Broun 1886
Pentarthrum mauritianum Marshall 1937
Pentarthrum melanosternum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum millingtoni Olliff & A. S. 1888
Pentarthrum morosa Broun 1886
Pentarthrum musae Marshall 1926
Pentarthrum naucum Marshall 1931
Pentarthrum nefeanianum Olliff & A. S. 1858
Pentarthrum nigrum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum nitidum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum rugosum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum scotti Champion 1914
Pentarthrum sculpturatum Broun 1881
Pentarthrum servulum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum seychellarum Champion 1914
Pentarthrum sharpiana Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum simillimum Hustache 1956
Pentarthrum spadicea Broun 1886
Pentarthrum strigicolle Lea 1927
Pentarthrum subcoecus Wollaston & T. V. 1869
Pentarthrum subconvexus Gemminger, M., Harold & E. von
Pentarthrum sublaevigatum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum tananarivense Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum tenuiscapum Richard 1957
37 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Pentarthrum ruficorne Broun 1881
(this page)
Pentarthrum aeneopicea Broun 1880
Pentarthrum affine Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum alpinum Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum amicum Broun 1893
Pentarthrum angustissimum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum angustum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum antennale Broun 1895
Pentarthrum anticepunctulatum Richard 1957
Pentarthrum apicale Broun 1880
Pentarthrum argentinense Hustache 1938
Pentarthrum asperellum Broun 1881
Pentarthrum asperirostris Broun 1880
Pentarthrum assimilatum Broun 1880
Pentarthrum auricomus Broun 1881
Pentarthrum auripilum Broun 1911
Pentarthrum badius Broun 1880
Pentarthrum blackburni Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum brevirostre Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum brouni Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum canaliculatum Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum capense Péringuey & L. 1908
Pentarthrum castus Broun 1881
Pentarthrum celebensis Schaufuss 1887
Pentarthrum cephalotes Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum chinensis Omar & Zhang ex Omar, Zhang & Davis 2010
Pentarthrum comata Broun 1886
Pentarthrum confertus Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum confine Broun 1881
Pentarthrum congoanum Hustache 1922
Pentarthrum conicollis Broun 1881
Pentarthrum conocephalum Richard 1957
Pentarthrum constrictus Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum contiguus Broun 1880
Pentarthrum crassellum Broun 1904
Pentarthrum crenata Broun 1883
Pentarthrum cteis Richard 1957
Pentarthrum dissimile Broun 1911
Pentarthrum exilis Broun 1893
Pentarthrum ferrugineum Broun 1883
Pentarthrum foveiceps Lea 1927
Pentarthrum foveiventre Lea 1927
Pentarthrum fultoni Broun 1893
Pentarthrum fulvicornis Broun 1880
Pentarthrum glaber Broun 1883
Pentarthrum gravi Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum halodorum Bryan
Pentarthrum hebes Marshall 1957
Pentarthrum hervei Csiki & E. 1936
Pentarthrum hirticolle Marshall 1931
Pentarthrum hovanum Hustache & A. 1933
Pentarthrum hovanus Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum humile Hustache & A. 1924
Pentarthrum huttoni Wollaston & T. V. 1854
Pentarthrum impressum Broun 1913
Pentarthrum lateritia Broun 1880
Pentarthrum longicolle Champion 1914
Pentarthrum longirostris Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum macrocephalus Broun 1886
Pentarthrum melanosternum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum millingtoni Olliff & A. S. 1888
Pentarthrum musae Marshall 1926
Pentarthrum nefeanianum Olliff & A. S. 1858
Pentarthrum nitidum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum obscurum Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum orthodoxum Lea 1927
Pentarthrum parvicornis Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum philpotti Broun 1895
Pentarthrum piceus Broun 1880
Pentarthrum planicolle Broun 1909
Pentarthrum planiusculus Broun 1880
Pentarthrum planum Marshall 1937
Pentarthrum porcatum Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum porteri Brèthes 1913
Pentarthrum proecesoides Richard 1961
Pentarthrum proximum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum punctata Broun 1880
Pentarthrum punctatissimum Broun 1893
Pentarthrum punctatum Broun 1880
Pentarthrum rufoclavatum Aurivillius 1931
Pentarthrum rufum Broun 1880
Pentarthrum rugosum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum sculpturatum Broun 1881
Pentarthrum seychellarum Champion 1914
Pentarthrum sharpiana Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum simillimum Hustache 1956
Pentarthrum spadicea Broun 1886
Pentarthrum strigicolle Lea 1927
Pentarthrum subcoecus Wollaston & T. V. 1869
Pentarthrum subconvexus Gemminger, M., Harold & E. von
Pentarthrum sublaevigatum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum subsericatum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum tananarivense Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum tenebrosum Broun 1913
Pentarthrum tenuiscapum Richard 1957
Pentarthrum tristanensis Brinck 1948
Pentarthrum vestitus Broun 1909
Pentarthrum vossi Kuschel 1950
Pentarthrum wollastoni Roelofs & W. 1876
Pentarthrum wollastoniana Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum zealandicum Broun 1880
37 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Pentarthrum ruficorne Broun 1881
(this page)
Pentarthrum aeneopicea Broun 1880
Pentarthrum affine Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum alpinum Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum amicum Broun 1893
Pentarthrum angustissimum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum angustum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum antennale Broun 1895
Pentarthrum anticepunctulatum Richard 1957
Pentarthrum apicale Broun 1880
Pentarthrum argentinense Hustache 1938
Pentarthrum asperellum Broun 1881
Pentarthrum asperirostris Broun 1880
Pentarthrum assimilatum Broun 1880
Pentarthrum auricomus Broun 1881
Pentarthrum auripilum Broun 1911
Pentarthrum badius Broun 1880
Pentarthrum blackburni Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum brevirostre Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum brouni Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum canaliculatum Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum capense Péringuey & L. 1908
Pentarthrum castus Broun 1881
Pentarthrum celebensis Schaufuss 1887
Pentarthrum cephalotes Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum chinensis Omar & Zhang in Omar, Zhang & Davis 2010
Pentarthrum comata Broun 1886
Pentarthrum confertus Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum confine Broun 1881
Pentarthrum congoanum Hustache 1922
Pentarthrum conicollis Broun 1881
Pentarthrum conocephalum Richard 1957
Pentarthrum constrictus Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum contiguus Broun 1880
Pentarthrum crassellum Broun 1904
Pentarthrum crenata Broun 1883
Pentarthrum cteis Richard 1957
Pentarthrum dissimile Broun 1911
Pentarthrum exilis Broun 1893
Pentarthrum ferrugineum Broun 1883
Pentarthrum foveiceps Lea 1927
Pentarthrum foveiventre Lea 1927
Pentarthrum fultoni Broun 1893
Pentarthrum fulvicornis Broun 1880
Pentarthrum glaber Broun 1883
Pentarthrum gravi Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum halodorum Bryan
Pentarthrum hebes Marshall 1957
Pentarthrum hervei Csiki & E. 1936
Pentarthrum hirticolle Marshall 1931
Pentarthrum hovanum Hustache & A. 1933
Pentarthrum hovanus Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum humile Hustache & A. 1924
Pentarthrum huttoni Wollaston & T. V. 1854
Pentarthrum impressum Broun 1913
Pentarthrum lateritia Broun 1880
Pentarthrum longicolle Champion 1914
Pentarthrum longirostris Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum macrocephalus Broun 1886
Pentarthrum melanosternum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum millingtoni Olliff & A. S. 1888
Pentarthrum musae Marshall 1926
Pentarthrum nefeanianum Olliff & A. S. 1858
Pentarthrum nitidum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum obscurum Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum orthodoxum Lea 1927
Pentarthrum parvicornis Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum philpotti Broun 1895
Pentarthrum piceus Broun 1880
Pentarthrum planicolle Broun 1909
Pentarthrum planiusculus Broun 1880
Pentarthrum planum Marshall 1937
Pentarthrum porcatum Sharp & D. 1886
Pentarthrum porteri Brèthes 1913
Pentarthrum proecesoides Richard 1961
Pentarthrum proximum Broun 1886
Pentarthrum punctata Broun 1880
Pentarthrum punctatissimum Broun 1893
Pentarthrum punctatum Broun 1880
Pentarthrum rufoclavatum Aurivillius 1931
Pentarthrum rufum Broun 1880
Pentarthrum rugosum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum sculpturatum Broun 1881
Pentarthrum seychellarum Champion 1914
Pentarthrum sharpiana Wollaston & T. V. 1874
Pentarthrum simillimum Hustache 1956
Pentarthrum spadicea Broun 1886
Pentarthrum strigicolle Lea 1927
Pentarthrum subcoecus Wollaston & T. V. 1869
Pentarthrum subconvexus Gemminger, M., Harold & E. von
Pentarthrum sublaevigatum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum subsericatum Wollaston & T. V. 1873
Pentarthrum tananarivense Hustache 1933
Pentarthrum tenebrosum Broun 1913
Pentarthrum tenuiscapum Richard 1957
Pentarthrum tristanensis Brinck 1948
Pentarthrum vestitus Broun 1909
Pentarthrum vossi Kuschel 1950
Pentarthrum wollastoni Roelofs & W. 1876
Pentarthrum wollastoniana Sharp & D. 1878
Pentarthrum zealandicum Broun 1880
37 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.