Image of Cerithium punctatum Bruguière 1792
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Cerithium punctatum Bruguière 1792

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cerithium punctatum Bruguière, 1792

Cerithium punctatum Bruguière, 1792:498 [lectotype, larger of 2 syntypes, herein selected: MHNG 109743; type locality: Senegal; 11.8 mm; not Cerithium punctatum (Linné), Philippi, 1848; nor Cerithium punctatum Woodward. 1833].—Lamarck, 1822:76.—Kiener, 1842:48–49, pl 16: fig. 4.

Cerithium punctatum (Trochus) [sic] Linné.—Philippi. 1848:18, pl. 1: fig. 16 [not Cerithium punctatum Bruguière 1792].

Cerithium alveolus Hombron and Jacquinot, 1852, pl. 24: figs. 28, 29 [holotype: MNHNP, no number; type locality: Samoa; 14.8 mm × 3.1 mm]; 1854:105–106.—Salvat and Rives, 1975:270. fig. 66.

Cerithium piperitum Sowerby, 1855:867, pl. 181: figs. 136–137 [new name for Cerithium punctatum Bruguière, 1792]; 1865, pl 12: fig. 81.—Martens and Langkavel, 1871:36.—Tryon, 1887:144, pl. 27: figs. 31, 32.—Kobelt, 1898:117–118, pl 22: figs. 12, 13.—Adam and Leloup, 1938:106–107, pl 5: fig. 16a,b.

Cerithium (Liocerithium) piperitum Sowerby — Tryon, 1887:144, pl. 27: figs. 31.32.

Lampania piperita (Sowerby).—Paetel, 1887:351.

Cerithium (Semivertgagus)piperitum Sowerby.—Maes; 1967:114, pl. 6: fig. 1.

Cerithium (Semivertagus) alveolus (Hombron and Jacquinot).—Cernohorsky, 1972:68–69, pl. 15: fig. 8.

Cerithium (Thericium) alveolus (Hombron and Jacquinot).—Ladd, 1972:37, pl. 9: figs. 7, 8.

DESCRIPTION.—Shell (Figure 108A–J): Shell small, conic-ovate, comprising 8–10 slightly convex to straight-sided whorls, and reaching 17.3 mm length and 7.4 mm width. Protoconch of 3 whorls; protoconch 1 smooth; protoconch 2 sculptured with subsutural plaits and 2 spiral threads. Early teleoconch whorls (Figure 108C) sculptured with fine spiral incised lines, 3 primary spiral cords, and fine spiral striae. Adult teleoconch whorls sculptured with 2–4 dominant spiral cords, several smaller, spiral threads, and many microscopic spiral striae per whorl. Whorls angulate centrally. Dominant central spiral cord with as many as 10–14 weak beads, but sometimes smooth. Thick varices randomly distributed on teleoconch. Suture weak, closely adpressed, wavy. Body whorl wide, convexly angulate, with moderately constricted base. Body whorl sculptured with 10–12 spiral cords, 4 or 5 posterior to constriction of shell base. Varix on body whorl opposite outer lip of aperture. Aperture ovate, about one–third the shell length. Columella concave with slight columellar callus and lip. Anterior siphonal canal very short, tubular, directed about 45° to left of shell axis. Anal canal weakly developed, bordered with small columellar plait. Outer lip of aperture convex, thick and smooth. Shell color white, irregularly spotted with blackish brown and with spiral rows of spots on spiral cords. Columella purple. Edge of outer lip with small dark spots. Measurements (Table 35). Periostracum thin, tan.

Radula (Figure 109): Type-1 radular ribbon (Figure 3A) a little more than one-fifth the shell length. Rachidian tooth (Figure 109B–D) squarish with central posterior projection and pair of small, posterior, lateral ridges on basal plate; anterior front convex centrally having cutting edge with central, spade-shaped, main cusp flanked on each side with 2 or 3 small denticles. Basal plate of lateral tooth (Figure 109B,C) with wide, strong central buttress projecting posteriorly, with small central pustule and short lateral, posterior extension; cutting edge of lateral tooth with large, wide main cusp, one inner denticle and 4 or 5 pointed, outer denticles. Marginal teeth (Figure 109C,D) long, spatulate with wide central portions, narrow, curved serrated tips, and narrow bases. Inner marginal tooth tip with long narrow main cusp, 3 pointed inner denticles, and 2 outer pointed denticles. Outer marginal tooth same, but lacking outer denticles.

Anatomy: Pattern of pigmentation closely matching that of shell. Head-foot yellowish white with large, dark brown to black spots and blotches overlain with yellow and white papillae. Cephalic tentacles with dense black dots and with larger spots on snout, head, and foot (Figure 110). Large black spot on metapodium and two large spots on sides of foot, one beneath each eye and the other centrally placed. Mantle edge bordered with black and white papillae. Papillae at inhalant siphon yellow. Body comprising about 4 coils with white ovary and orange testes. Snout short, broad, and bilobed.

Osphradium orange, high and wide in relation to ctenidium. Ctenidium orange-brown, comprised of long narrow filaments. Hypobranchial gland white, thick, folded transversely, and papillate where covering rectum.

Buccal mass large, robust Massive salivary glands tightly coiled distally, passing through nerve ring as winding, thick tubes and empting into buccal mass. Type-A palliai oviduct (Figure 4A). Anterior sperm gutter short. Spermatophore bursa orange, extending length of medial lamina. Posterior seminal receptacle dark orange. Orange ciliated tract leads into anterior seminal receptacle of lateral lamina.

bibliographic citation
Houbrick, Richard S. 1992. "Monograph of the genus Cerithium Bruguiere in the Indo-Pacific (Cerithiidae: Prosobranchia)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-211. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.510