Cymopterus longipes very close to blooming. Very small at this stage.Here also: Erodium cicutarium, most consider it to be an undesirable weed of non-native origin; it was however in the Salt Lake valley long before European immigration/settlement, and it is widely naturalized in the western United States. It is believed to have been brought to North America by Spaniards, originally via Mexico and then it spread perhaps in part by the horses (one hypothesis) that the Spanish brought with them in the 17th century. March 9, 2013, Murray City, Salt Lake County, Utah, elev. 4,317 ft.
While I have seen different species of bees on Cymopterus longipes in the past, I don't recall seeing these flies before. One of the earliest native plants to bloom in our area.March 24, 2012, Red Butte Garden natural space, Salt Lake City, Utah, approx. 5400 ft. elev.(Note comments below from Kerry Matz that these appear to be March Flies in the family Bibionidae.)
Cymopterus longipes S. WatsMarch 18, 2011, Old Mill Golf Course, Salt Lake County, Utah at approx. 4,860 ft. in elevation.This is usually the earliest blooming native plant at this elevation (seen also in bloom on March 19, 2011 at 4,310 ft. in Murray, Utah). A member of the Carrot family, plants at this stage are small and low to the ground when the start to flower but the pseudoscape will significantly elongate at time goes on to as much as 20 cm, i.e. the foilage in essence raises up off the ground. A western U.S. species occurring in Utah, Idaho, Colorado and Wyoming.