2010.08.19 Vienna XXII. district (Lobau heath - Pinus nigra forest 155 m AMSL).Inflorescence from below.German name: Wiesen-AlantID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora A/FL/SdT (2008 3rd); see also remarks here
2010.08.19 Vienna XXII. district (Lobau heath - Pinus nigra forest 155 m AMSL).This species is quite common in Lobau; I thought at first sight that I've found I. salicina subsp. salicina but I was wrong (thanks to Manfred A. Fischer).German name: Wiesen-AlantID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora A/FL/SdT (2008 3rd)
2010.08.19 Vienna XXII. district (Lobau heath - Pinus nigra forest 155 m AMSL).Inflorescence, cut in half.German name: Wiesen-AlantID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora A/FL/SdT (2008 3rd); see also remarks here
2010.08.19 Vienna XXII. district (Lobau heath - Pinus nigra forest 155 m AMSL).Inflorescence with seeds (not quite but almost mature).German name: Wiesen-AlantID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora A/FL/SdT (2008 3rd); see also remarks here
2010.08.19 Vienna XXII. district (Lobau heath - Pinus nigra forest 155 m AMSL).Leaf, lower side.German name: Wiesen-AlantID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora A/FL/SdT (2008 3rd); see also remarks here
2010.08.19 Vienna XXII. district (Lobau heath - Pinus nigra forest 155 m AMSL).Leaf, upper side.German name: Wiesen-AlantID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora A/FL/SdT (2008 3rd); see also remarks here