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White Pasqueflower

Pulsatilla occidentalis (S. Wats.) Freyn

Anemone occidentalis ( Azerbaijani )

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Anemone occidentalis: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijani )

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Anemone occidentalis (lat. Anemone occidentalis) - qaymaqçiçəyikimilər fəsiləsinin əsmə cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Anemone occidentalis

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Anemone occidentalis, the white pasqueflower[2] or western pasqueflower, is a herbaceous species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. Other authorities place it in the genus Pulsatilla. Individuals are 10–60 cm (3.9–23.6 in) tall, from caudices, with three to six leaves at the base of the plant that are 3-foliolate, each leaflet pinnatifid to dissected in shape. Leaf petioles are 6–10 cm (2.4–3.9 in) long. Leaves have villous hairs and their margins are pinnatifid or dissected. Plants flower briefly mid-spring to mid-summer, usually soon after the ground is exposed by melting snow. The flowers are composed of five to seven sepals (sometimes called tepals), normally white or soft purple, also mixed white and blueish purple, one flower per stem. The sepals are 15–30 mm (0.59–1.18 in) long and 10–17 mm (0.39–0.67 in) wide. Flowers have 150–200 stamens. The fruit occurs in heads rounded to subcylindric in shape, with pedicels 15–20 cm (5.9–7.9 in) long. The achenes are ellipsoid in shape, not winged, covered with villous hairs, with beaks curved that reflex as they age and 20–40 mm (0.79–1.57 in) long, feather-like. Generally, the fruit persists into fall.

Native to far western North America including British Columbia to California and Montana, it is found growing in gravelly soils on slopes and in moist meadows.[3]


Western pasqueflower likely contains ranunculin and protoanemonin, an irritant glycoside and its aglycone, as these are seen in most members of this genus and the plant's latex is irritating.[4] It can be fatal to domestic animals, particularly to sheep, and should thus not be eaten by humans.[5]

Traditional medicine

The fresh stems and seeds of the plant are used traditionally in North America as analgesics, anxiolytics, and sedatives.[6]


Pulsatilla Pass in Banff National Park is named after this species.[7]

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  1. ^ "NatureServe Explorer - Anemone occidentalis". NatureServe Explorer Anemone occidentalis. NatureServe. 2022-06-22. Retrieved 22 Jun 2022.
  2. ^ USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Pulsatilla occidentalis". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 16 October 2015.
  3. ^ Flora of North America Vol 3, Magnoliophyta:Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Flora of North America Editorial Committee. Oxford University Press. 1997. pp. 139–158. ISBN 0-19-511246-6.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  4. ^ Hao DC, Gua XJ, Xiao PG (2017). "Anemone medicinal plants: ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and biology". Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 7 (2): 146–158. doi:10.1016/j.apsb.2016.12.001. PMC 5343163. PMID 28303220.
  5. ^ Reiner, Ralph E. (1969). Introducing the Flowering Beauty of Glacier National Park and the Majestic High Rockies. Glacier Park, Inc. p. 28.
  6. ^ Moore, Michael (1993). Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West. Santa Fe, NM: Red Crane Books. p. 257. ISBN 9780890135396.
  7. ^ "Passes of the Canadian Rockies". Archived from the original on 2015-09-19. Retrieved 2017-08-17.

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Anemone occidentalis: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Anemone occidentalis, the white pasqueflower or western pasqueflower, is a herbaceous species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. Other authorities place it in the genus Pulsatilla. Individuals are 10–60 cm (3.9–23.6 in) tall, from caudices, with three to six leaves at the base of the plant that are 3-foliolate, each leaflet pinnatifid to dissected in shape. Leaf petioles are 6–10 cm (2.4–3.9 in) long. Leaves have villous hairs and their margins are pinnatifid or dissected. Plants flower briefly mid-spring to mid-summer, usually soon after the ground is exposed by melting snow. The flowers are composed of five to seven sepals (sometimes called tepals), normally white or soft purple, also mixed white and blueish purple, one flower per stem. The sepals are 15–30 mm (0.59–1.18 in) long and 10–17 mm (0.39–0.67 in) wide. Flowers have 150–200 stamens. The fruit occurs in heads rounded to subcylindric in shape, with pedicels 15–20 cm (5.9–7.9 in) long. The achenes are ellipsoid in shape, not winged, covered with villous hairs, with beaks curved that reflex as they age and 20–40 mm (0.79–1.57 in) long, feather-like. Generally, the fruit persists into fall.

Native to far western North America including British Columbia to California and Montana, it is found growing in gravelly soils on slopes and in moist meadows.

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Anemone occidentalis ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Anemone occidentalis es una planta herbácea de la familia de las ranunculáceas. Es nativa del extremo occidental de América del Norte desde Columbia Británica hasta California y Montana, donde se encuentra creciendo en suelos pedregosos en las laderas y en los prados húmedos.[1]

Detalle de la flor


Es una planta herbácea que alcanzan un tamaño de entre 10 y 60 cm de altura, se alza desde un caudex con 3 a 6 hojas en la base de la planta que tienen 3 foliolos, cada foliolo pinnatífido. Las hojas con pecíolos de 6-10 cm de largo. Las plantas florecen brevemente desde mediados de primavera hasta mediados de verano, por lo general poco después del deshielo. Las flores están compuestas de 5 a 7 sépalos (a veces llamados tépalos), de color púrpura o normalmente de color blanco suave, también con mezcla de blanco y azulado, con una flor por tallo. Los sépalos son de 15 a 30 mm de largo por 10 de ancho y 17 mm. Las flores tienen 150-200 estambres. La fruta se produce en cabezas redondeadas en forma subcilíndricas, con pedicelos de 15 a 20 cm de largo. Los aquenios son elipsoides.


Anemone occidentalis, fue descrita por Sereno Watson y publicado en Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 11: 121, en el año 1876.[2]


El nombre del género Anemone viene del griego ἄνεμος (anemos, que significa viento), por una antigua leyenda que dice que las flores sólo se abren cuando sopla el viento.

occidentalis: epíteto latíno que significa "del oeste".[3]

  • Anemone occidentalis var. subpilosa Hardin
  • Preonanthus occidentalis (S.Watson) Skalický
  • Pulsatilla occidentalis (S. Watson) Freyn
  • Pulsatilla occidentalis (S. Watson) Coville[4]


  1. Flora of North America Vol 3, Magnoliophyta:Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Oxford University Press. 1997. pp. 139-158. ISBN 019511246-6.
  2. Anemone occidentalis en Trópicos
  3. En Nombres Botánicos
  4. Anemone occidentalis en PlantList

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Anemone occidentalis: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Anemone occidentalis es una planta herbácea de la familia de las ranunculáceas. Es nativa del extremo occidental de América del Norte desde Columbia Británica hasta California y Montana, donde se encuentra creciendo en suelos pedregosos en las laderas y en los prados húmedos.​

 src= Detalle de la flor  src= Ilustración
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Pulsatilla occidentalis ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

La Pulsatille de l'Ouest (Pulsatilla occidentalis ou Anemone occidentalis) est une plante herbacée vivace de la famille des Ranunculaceae. Certaines autorités la considèrent du genre Anemone alors que d'autres la classent dans le genre Pulsatilla.


La plante est présente à l'ouest de l'Amérique du Nord. Au Canada, elle est présente en Colombie-Britannique et en Alberta. Aux États-Unis, elle est présente en Californie, en Oregon, en Idaho, au Montana et dans l'État de Washington[1]. Elle apprécie les sols graveleux sur les pentes et dans les prés humides[2].


Akènes et feuillages de la plante.

La plante atteint une taille comprise entre 10 et 60 cm. Elle possède à la base trois à six feuilles très découpées. Le pétiole des feuilles fait entre 6 et 10 cm de long. Les fleurs fleurissent du milieu du printemps jusqu'en été. Elles sont composées de cinq à sept tépales blancs à pourpres. Chaque tige a une seule fleur. Les tépales font 15 à 30 mm de long et 10 à 17 mm de large. Les fleurs ont entre 150 et 200 étamines. Les fruits sont présents sous forme d'akènes ellipsoïdes non ailés dans une protection poilue blanche.


  1. (en) Profil de Pulsatilla occidentalis
  2. (en) Flora of North America Vol 3, Magnoliophyta : Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae, New York, Oxford University Press, 1997 (ISBN 978-0-19-511246-7, LCCN ), pp 139-158
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Pulsatilla occidentalis: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

La Pulsatille de l'Ouest (Pulsatilla occidentalis ou Anemone occidentalis) est une plante herbacée vivace de la famille des Ranunculaceae. Certaines autorités la considèrent du genre Anemone alors que d'autres la classent dans le genre Pulsatilla.

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