Dillenia triquetra is a plant endemic to the island of Sri Lanka, where it is known as දියපර (diyapara) by local people.
Broadly oblong oval, obtuse to blunt pointed apex, margins coarsely serrated; petiole channelled above in mature leaves; prominent fleshy horseshoe-shaped cushion on upper side of petiole of young leaves.
Twigs smooth, brown, marked with large leaf scars.
White, few, large, sepals fleshy and persistent; Inflorescence - small, racemes opposite leaves.
Small, globular, enclosed by enlarged sepals.
Secondary forest, scrub, disturbed areas.
Wood - furniture, light construction; fruit - medicinal.
Dillenia triquetra is a plant endemic to the island of Sri Lanka, where it is known as දියපර (diyapara) by local people.