Description of Entosiphon sulcatum
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Gliding euglenid, with two emergent flagella, one trailing, one beating with undulating motion anteriorly. Cell ovate but left anterior margin protruding slightly because of the underlying siphon which is widest anteriorly and extends almost to the back of the cell - although this is not always easy to see. The siphon may be moved in and out a distance of about 2.5 microns. Cell usually slightly dorso-ventrally flattened and not metabolic or plastic. Cell 15 - 40 microns long and 10 - 18 microns wide. Pellicle with 6 -12 deep grooves - usually 6 deep grooves and maybe 6 less strongly developed grooves. The anterior flagellum is about 1.0 body length. The thicker recurrent flagellum 1 - 1.5 body length and deflected posteriorly. The anterior flagellum beats actively with a sweeping motion and the recurrent flagellum trails along the substrate. The cell may detach and swim with a trembling motion. The nucleus is located near the equator and to the right, it is granular. A single contractile vacuole is located to the right and empties into the base of the flagellar pocket.