short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.