
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Trigonodera nubila Gerstacker
1855. Trigonodera nubila Gerstacker, Rhip. Col. Fam., p. 4. 1891. Pelecotomoides nubilus Champion, Biol. Cent. -Am., Col., iv, pt. 2, p. 351.
Elongate, brown covered with silky pubescence varying from golden-yellow to brown, sometimes variegated.
Head inserted in thorax to the eyes, vertex round, finely punctate and pubescent. Eyes coarsely granulated, very large, subcontiguous, especially in the males, being separated by a very narrow strip of chitin. Frons punctate and pubescent. Clypeus and labrum quadrangular, their anterior margins sometimes yellow and smooth. Mandibles curved, black and smooth at tip, pubescent on the sides near base. Antennae pectinate with the first four segments simple; the first segment longest and thickest, third segment longer than the second or fourth, which are subequal. In the male the processes are broad at tip and longer than the first
3 This is slightly modified from Champion's key.
four segments taken together; in the females the processes are acute and slightly longer than the third and fourth segment taken together.
Pronotum at base wide, lateral sides curved, anterior margin very narrow Posterior lobe broad truncate, and two slight depressions on each side at base Hind angles slightly produced. Elytra long and narrowly rounded at tip
Length, 6.5 to 12 mm.
Distribution. — Gerstacker described the species from Peru, and Champion records it from Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama
The specimens studied were the following:
Mexico: Venodio Sin, (Kuche). [U. S. N. M., 12 cf], Jicaltepec, Vera Cruz, March, [F. C. Bowditch Collection, 29].
bibliographic citation
Rivnay, E. 1929. REVISION OF THE RHIPIPHORIDAE OF NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA (COLEOPTERA). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 6. Philadelphia, USA