Abiromorphus is a genus of leaf beetles in the subfamily Eumolpinae that are found in eastern Asia. It was first described by the French entomologist Maurice Pic in 1924 for a single species from China. It is similar to Abirus, and is distinguished by simple tarsal claws and thick femurs.[1]
Abiromorphus is a genus of leaf beetles in the subfamily Eumolpinae that are found in eastern Asia. It was first described by the French entomologist Maurice Pic in 1924 for a single species from China. It is similar to Abirus, and is distinguished by simple tarsal claws and thick femurs.
Abiromorphus Pic, 1924
Abiromorphus (лат.) — род жуков семейства листоедов.
Коготки простые. Верхняя часть тела в грубых поперечных морщинках и тонких прилегающих волосках, ярко-металлическая. Пигидий с продольной срединной бороздкой[1].
В составе рода:
Abiromorphus (лат.) — род жуков семейства листоедов.