Discoderoides is a genus of beetles in the family Buprestidae, containing the following species:[1]
Discoderoides is a genus of beetles in the family Buprestidae, containing the following species:
Discoderoides abessynicus (Obenberger, 1931) Discoderoides africanus (Kerremans, 1907) Discoderoides alluaudi (Kerremans, 1914) Discoderoides cordae (Obenberger, 1922) Discoderoides derutus (Fahraeus, 1851) Discoderoides grewiae Thery, 1938 Discoderoides helferi (Obenberger, 1922) Discoderoides immunitus (Fahraeus, 1851) Discoderoides kerremansi Bellamy, 1986 Discoderoides macarthuri (Thery, 1941) Discoderoides priesneri Thery, 1936 Discoderoides pygmaeus Bellamy, 1987 Discoderoides theryi Bellamy, 1986