NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History. NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History. NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History. Year: 2019. Contact: Torbjorn Ekrem.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
CNC/CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CNC/CBG Photography Group. Year: 2013. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Marko Mutanen. University of Oulu. Marko Mutanen. Year: 2016. Contact: tel: +358-8-5531256, e-mail: marko.mutanen@oulu.fi.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen. SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen. Year: 2015. Contact: zsm@zsm.mwn.de.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen. SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen. SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen. Year: 2012. Contact: coleoptera-zsm@zsm.mwn.de.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. Year: 2021. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems