Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 230, Figs. 7-8: U. Permian (Djulfian), Guangxi, China. Type species of Septoglobivalvulina J. X. Lin. 7, Paratype, x 30; 8, holotype, x 30 (from J. X. Lin, 1978).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 230, Fig. 6: U. Permian (Djulfian), Turkey. Holotype, x 80 (from Lys and Marcoux, 1978).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 231, Figs. 6-7: U. Permian (Djulfian), Turkey. 6, Longitudinal section of paratype, x 183; 7, holotype, x 202 (from Altiner and Brönnimann, 1980).
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Gaillot, J.; Vachard, D. (2007). The Khuff Formation (Middle East) and time-equivalents in Turkey and South China: biostratigraphy from Capitanian to Changhsingian times (Permian), new foraminiferal taxa, and palaeogeographical implications. Coloquios de Paleontologia. 57: 37-223., available online at (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00310245) page(s): p. 57, Pl. 17, figs. 16-17.
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Gaillot, J.; Vachard, D.; Galfetti, T.; Martini, R. (2009). New latest Permian foraminifers from Laren (Guangxi Province, South China): Palaeobiogeographic implications. Geobios. 42(2): 141-168., available online at (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geobios.2008.02.004) page(s): p. 158, Fig. 6(6–8, 12–14, 15?, 16?) (holotype fig. 6(6)).
Gaillot, J.; Vachard, D. (2007). The Khuff Formation (Middle East) and time-equivalents in Turkey and South China: biostratigraphy from Capitanian to Changhsingian times (Permian), new foraminiferal taxa, and palaeogeographical implications. Coloquios de Paleontologia. 57: 37-223., available online at (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00310245) page(s): p. 74, Pl. 15, figs. 13-14 (holotype pl. 15 fig. 13).
Gaillot, J.; Vachard, D. (2007). The Khuff Formation (Middle East) and time-equivalents in Turkey and South China: biostratigraphy from Capitanian to Changhsingian times (Permian), new foraminiferal taxa, and palaeogeographical implications. Coloquios de Paleontologia. 57: 37-223., available online at (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00310245) page(s): p. 76 Pl. 32, figs. 10-13, 15-17 (holotype pl. 32 fig. 10).
Gaillot, J.; Vachard, D. (2007). The Khuff Formation (Middle East) and time-equivalents in Turkey and South China: biostratigraphy from Capitanian to Changhsingian times (Permian), new foraminiferal taxa, and palaeogeographical implications. Coloquios de Paleontologia. 57: 37-223., available online at (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00310245) page(s): p. 76, Pl. 6, figs. 1-3, 5- 6 (holotype pl. 6 fig. 5).
Altiner, D.; Özkan-Altiner, S. (2010). Danielita gailloti n.gen., n. sp., within the Evolutionary Framework of Middle–Late Permian Dagmaritins. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences. 19(4): 497-512., available online at (https://doi.org/10.3906/yer-0905-4) page(s): p. 499, Plate 1, Figures 1–8 (holotype pl. 1 fig. 7).
Marfenkova, M. M. (1991). ??????? ?????? ??????????: ????????????, ????????? ???????????, ???????????? - Marine Carboniferous of Kazakhstan [in Russian]. ????-??? : ????? - Alma-Ata: Gylym. 1-2: 1–198. page(s): p. 104 pl. 9 fig. 9 (holotype).
Gennari, V.; Rettori, R. (2019). Globigaetania angulata gen. n. sp. n. (globivalvulininae, foraminifera) from the Wordian (middle permian) of NW Iran. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia. 125(1): 1-11., available online at (https://doi.org/10.13130/2039-4942/11054) page(s): p. 6, Pl. 1, figs 1-8; Pl. 2, figs 1-8; Figs 4, 5 (holotype pl.1 fig. 1). 1) holotype, slightly oblique equatorial section, sample MRAN 10151; red arrows indicate the supplementary nodular structures whereas the yellow one points to the valvular projection; 2) oblique equatorial section, sample MRAN 10151; 3) oblique section, sample MRAN 10199; 4) oblique section, sample MRAN 10192; 5) oblique equatorial section, sample MRAN 10199; 6) oblique section, sample MRAN 10192; 7) oblique tangential section, sample MRAN 10151; arrow indicates the microgranular, single layered wall; 8) tangential section, sample MRAN 10281; red arrow points to the supplementary nodular structure whereas the yellow one indicates the microgranular, single layered wall. Scale bar: 200 µm.
Altiner, D.; Özkan-Altiner, S.; Atasoy, S. G.; Sahin, N. (2021). Paynita Permotaurica N. Gen., N. SP., and the Other Dagmaritin Foraminifera from the Changhsingian (Permian) of Southern Turkey: Review of Dagmaritin Phylogeny. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 51(1): 14-31., available online at (https://doi.org/10.2113/gsjfr.51.1.14) page(s): p. 18, Figs. 5A–C (holotype 5C2 = 6.10). Figure 5. A) Reconstruction of Paynita permotaurica n. gen., n. sp. B) 1 Sketch tangential section showing hook-shaped apertural flaps of Paynita permotaurica systematically terminating against the inner surfaces of septa of succeeding chambers. 2 Sketch tangential section of Paynita permotaurica showing sections of folded apertural flaps and sections extending parallel to the inner surface of the septa. Straight sections of flaps here are due to the plane of section passing through the foramen of the apertural flap. 3 Sketch tangential section of Paradagmarita monodi with sections of planar apertural flaps or an exceptional tangential section of Paynita permotaurica where the plane of section is systematically passing through the foramens of apertural flaps. C) 1–3 Paynita permotaurica n. gen., n. sp. 1 AR-1, sample 684. 2 Holotype, DT, sample 9/1. 3 TR, sample 1.5/1 (equivalent of TCX, sample 47). Scale bar: 100 µm.
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 231, Figs. 1-5: U. Permian (Djulfian). 1, Ladakh region, Kashmir, enrolled early stage of juvenile test, x 124 (from Lys et al., 1980); 2-5, Transcaucasus; 2, holotype, longitudinal section, x 65; 3, part of longitudinal section, x 65; 4, transverse section, x 65; 5, longitudinal section perpendicular to flat sides of test, x 35 (2-5, from Reytlinger, 1965). courtesy of Michael Hesemann https://foraminifera.eu
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 231, Figs. 1-5: U. Permian (Djulfian). 1, Ladakh region, Kashmir, enrolled early stage of juvenile test, x 124 (from Lys et al., 1980); 2-5, Transcaucasus; 2, holotype, longitudinal section, x 65; 3, part of longitudinal section, x 65; 4, transverse section, x 65; 5, longitudinal section perpendicular to flat sides of test, x 35 (2-5, from Reytlinger, 1965). courtesy of Michael Hesemann https://foraminifera.eu
Palmieri, V. (1988). Globivalvulinid Foraminifera from the Permian of Queensland. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology. 12(1): 27-47., available online at (https://doi.org/10.1080/03115518808618994) page(s): p. 39, figs. 12F-I. F, lateral view, G, spiral-lateral view, H, umbilical view, x 125; I, x 600, enlargement of umbilical area showing pore openings in sutural position, location indicated by arrow in H, holotype.
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 230, Figs. 9-10: U. Permian (Djulfian), Transcaucasus. 9, Paratype showing well-developed interseptal chamberlets, x 45; 10, holotype, almost centered section, x 45 (from Reytlinger, 1965). courtesy of Michael Hesemann https://foraminifera.eu