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Cilunculus galeritus Nakamura & Child 1991

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cilunculus galeritus

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—HONSHU: Kii Strait, 33°28.6′N, 135°28.9′E, 353–354 m, KT84-12, sta 15, 1 Sep 1984 (1, holotype, USNM 234468); 33°28.1′N, 135°28.5′E, 455–492 m, KT84-12, sta 16, 1 Sep 1984 (1, paratype, USNM 234469).

DESCRIPTION.—Size moderately small, leg span 14.3 mm. Trunk slender, elongate, completely segmented, posterior of first, second, and third segments flared with broad rim, those of second and third segments with dorsomedian tubercle bearing tubular spine as long as least diameter of segment Lateral processes long, the longest slightly over three times longer than their maximum diameters, armed with long posterodistal seta on first pair, two anterodistal and two posterodistal setae on second and third pairs, one anterodistal and one posterodistal setae on posterior pair, all setae at least twice segment diameter or longer. Lateral processes separated by about three times their diameters. Oviger implantation directly anterior and ventral to first lateral processes. Palp bases directly anterior to oviger bases, anteroventral to short neck. Chelifores insert into broad sunken hood in trunk anterior, dorsal to slender proboscis insertion. Ocular tubercle a slender cylinder at top of hood rim, three times longer than its diameter, eyes at tip of tubercle, unpigmented. Ocular tubercle pointing anteriorly at oblique angle. Proboscis long, slender, without constrictions, with distal low pointed tubercles at rim of each antimere, lips flat Abdomen very long, slightly over half as long as proboscis, carried with a slight dorsal bend from the horizontal, armed with few short distal setae.

Chelifores short, almost hidden in dorsal view by placement in cephalic hood, little more than twice as long as their diameters, armed with two setae distally, each twice segment diameter in length. Chelae little more than small bulbous knobs, armed with single short seta.

Palps slender, first segment not as long as wide, second segment longest, fourth about 0.8 length of second, armed with three proximal short setae and many distal short setae. Fifth through ninth segments short, subequal in length, armed with many ventral and lateral setae slightly longer than segment diameters. Ovigers very long, slender, second segment slightly shorter than fourth, fifth about half as long as fourth. Third, fourth, and fifth armed with few short lateral setae. Strigilis short, sixth segment slightly inflated, armed with five lateral recurved setae. Denticulate spines long, with many lateral serrations, with one on eighth segment, one on ninth, two on tiny bud of tenth segment.

Legs slender, very setose, first coxae with four or five very long lateral setae, one or more over three times segment diameter. Second coxae with few short setae on ventrodistal sexpore tubercle, which is shorter than segment diameter. Major leg segments with many dorsal, ventral and lateral long setae, some over three times longer than segment diameters, setae increasing in density distally. Femoral cement gland tube very long, originating on conical tubercle placed at about 0.75 dorsal length of segment. Cement tube slightly over twice femur diameter, with many wrinkle bands along its length, carried erect First tibiae longest of major segments with second tibiae slightly shorter. Tarsus very short, subtriangular, armed with one dorsal and two ventral setae. Propodus slender, slightly curved, without obvious heel but with two heel spines, eight shorter sole spines and several dorsal setae longer than propodus diameter. Claw slender, curved at tip, auxiliaries slightly shorter and more curved than main claw.

Female Paratype: Slightly larger than male except for oviger, which has shorter major segments. Very long setae less numerous than in male.

MEASUREMENTS (holotype, in mm).—Trunk length (dorsal hood rim to tip 4th lateral processes), 2.24; trunk width (across 2nd lateral processes), 1.46; proboscis length, 1.01; abdomen length, 0.54; third leg, coxa 1, 0.26; coxa 2, 0.64; coxa 3, 0.37; femur, 1.31; tibia 1, 1.54; tibia 2, 1.45; tarsus, 0.09; propodus, 0.51; claw, 0.27; femoral cement gland from base, 0.52.

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type locality, Kii Strait in southern Honshu in 353 to 492 meters.

ETYMOLOGY.—The name is from the Latin galeritus (wearing a hood), and refers to the very large cephalic segment hood of this species.
bibliographic citation
Nakamura, K. and Child, C. Allan. 1991. "Pycnogonida of Waters Adjacent to Japan." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-74. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.512


provided by World Register of Marine Species


van der Land, J. (ed). (2008). UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (URMO).

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Jacob van der Land [email]