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Werauhia latissima (Mez & Wercklé) J. R. Grant

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Thecophyllum latissimum Mez & Werckl^; Mez, Bull Herb. Boiss. II. 4: 1122. 1904.
Stemless; leaves up to 10 in a regular broadly infundibuliform rosette, 25 cm. long; sheaths barely broader than the blades, subcinereous-lepidote with very appressed scales, the margin with a broad violet band; blades broadly rounded and apiculate, 11 cm. broad, light-green above, deep-violet below, without markings, thick and rigid when dry; scape erect, very stout, probably exceeding the leaves; scape-bracts imperfectly known; inflorescence many-flowered, densely cylindric, 25 cm. long, 6 cm. in diameter, glabrous; axis very stout; primary bracts unknown; branches up to 3 cm. long, very stout, compressed, the lower and middle ones bearing 4 flowers near the apex; floral bracts shorter than the sepals; pedicels very stout, up to 6 mm. long; sepals equal, elliptic, obtuse, 21 mm. long, S mm. wide, thick, coriaceous, glabrous and even outside, striate within.
Typb LOCAUiTi": Costa Rica.
Distribution: Known only from the type collection.
bibliographic citation
Lyman Bradford Smith. 1938. (XYRIDALES); BROMELIACEAE. North American flora. vol 19(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Thecophyllum discolor Mez & Werckid; Mez, Repert. vSp. Nov. 14: 246. 1916.
Leaves very broad, obtuse, green above, dark-violet-brown below; scape probably decurvcd, very stout, glabrous; scape-bracts much exceeding the internodes, foliaceous, glabrous; inflorescence many-flowered, very densely l>ipinnate, cylindric, obtuse, 3 dm. long, 8 cm. in diameter, glabrous; axis stout, subtercte; primary bracts shorter than the axillary branches; branches distinct, all about 5 cm. long, lax, bearing up to 12 secund flowers about 8 nun. apart, spreading to reflexed; floral bracts elliptic, obtuse, equaling or shorter than the pedicels, thick, coriaceous; flowers subercct; pedicels stout, 10 mm. long, slightly thickened toward the apex; aepals asymmetric, 8 mm. long, 6 mm. wide, thick, coriaceous, even; capsule 30 mm. long.
TvP8 locality: Costa Rica.
Distiibution: Known only from the type collection.
bibliographic citation
Lyman Bradford Smith. 1938. (XYRIDALES); BROMELIACEAE. North American flora. vol 19(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Werauhia latissima

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Werauhia latissima is a plant species in the genus Werauhia. This species is native to Costa Rica.


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Werauhia latissima: Brief Summary

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Werauhia latissima is a plant species in the genus Werauhia. This species is native to Costa Rica.

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