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Shortstem Sedge

Carex brevicaulis Thouars

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Carex brevicaulis Mackenzie, Bull. Torrey Club 40: 547. 1913
In large clumps, the rootstocks stout, woody, short-creeping, short-stoloniferous with ascending stolons, the culms 3-15 cm. high, slender but stiff and erect, exceeded by the leaves, sharply triangular, very rough on the angles, phyllopodic, reddish-brown and more or less fibrillose at base; sterile shoots aphyllopodic; leaves with well-developed blades 6-10 to a fertile culm, clustered near base, the blades thin but firm, deep-green, channeled or nearly fiat towards tip, the margins slightly revolute, usually 2.5-7.5 cm. long, 1.5-3.5 mm. wide, roughened above and towards the apex, long-attenuate; leaf-blades of sterile culms 5-12 cm. long; sheaths glabrous dorsally, little or not at all breaking or filamentose ventrally, the ligule much wider than long; terminal spike staminate, few to many-flowered, shortto long-peduncled, 6-18 mm. long, 1.5-2 mm. wide, the scales oblong-obovate, acute to short-cuspidate, reddishbrown with light-colored 3-nerved center and white-hyaline, non-ciliate margins; lateral spikes 2-4, pistillate, 4-6 mm. long and nearly as wide, the uppermost sessile near the base of the staminate, the second non-basal one (if present) sessile and somewhat remote, the others far remote, basal, slender-peduncled, the maturing perigynia 1-6, erect-ascending, the upper flowers usually not developing; bract of lowermost non-basal spike leaflet-like, shorter than to somewhat exceeding culm, widened at base into reddish-brown auricles with hyaline margin; scales ovate, acute to short-cuspidate, reddish-brown with light-colored 3-nerved center and white-hyaline, non-ciliate margins, narrower and shorter than the mature perigynia; perigynia about 4 mm. long, loosely short-pubescent, more or less yellowish-brown-tinged, membranaceous, the body nearly orbicular in cross-section, 2.25 mm. wide, 2-keeled, long-stipitate, abruptly contracted into a beak 1 mm. long, slender, serrulate, rather shallowly bidentate; achenes triangular-globose, the sides strongly convex with prominent angles, closely enveloped, 2 mm. wide and slightly longer, slightly stipitate, abruptly rounded at base and apex, jointed with the short, slender style, slightly enlarged at base; stigmas three, slender.
Type locality: Yaquina Bay, Oregon {Howell Z994).
Distribution: Dry soil near the coast, from British Columbia southward to Santa Cruz County, California. (Specimens examined from British Columbia (including Vancouver Island), Washington, Oregon, California.)
bibliographic citation
Kenneth Kent Mackenzie. 1935. (POALES); CYPERACEAE; CARICEAE. North American flora. vol 18(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora