Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Corbin Bradford
Figure 3.Shells, opercula and radula, Pyrgulopsis licina sp. n. A Holotype, USNM 850347 B, C Shells, USNM 1204732, USNM 1188732 D, E Opercula (outer, inner sides), USNM 850348 F Portion of radular ribbon, USNM 850348 G Central teeth, USNM 850348 H Lateral and inner marginal teeth, USNM 850348. Scale bars A–C 1.0 mm; D, E 100 µm; F, H 10 µm; G 2 µm.
Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Corbin Bradford
Figure 4.Penes (dorsal, ventral surfaces). A, B Pyrgulopsis licina sp. n., USNM 850346 C, D Pyrgulopsis perforata sp. n., BellMNH 20891 E, F Pyrgulopsis sanchezi sp. n., USNM 883361 G, H Pyrgulopsis micrococcus, BellMNH 20663 I, J Pyrgulopsis turbatrix, USNM 860699 K, L Pyrgulopsis turbatrix, USNM 883373. Scale bars A–C 250 µm; D–L 500 µm. Pd penial duct Pf penial filament Pl penial lobe Tg terminal gland.
Robert Hershler, Victoria Ratcliffe, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Brian Lang, Claire Hay
Figure 3.Shells, opercula and radula, Pyrgulopsis marilynae n. sp. A Holotype, USNM 1135068 B Shell, USNM 1135067 C, D Opercula (outer, inner sides), USNM 1135067 E Portion of radular ribbon, USNM 1135067 F Central teeth, USNM 1135067 G Lateral and inner marginal teeth, USNM 1135067. Scale bars A, B 1.0 mm; C, D 100 µm; E 20 µm, F, G 10 µm.
Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Corbin Bradford
Figure 4.Penes (dorsal, ventral surfaces). A, B Pyrgulopsis licina sp. n., USNM 850346 C, D Pyrgulopsis perforata sp. n., BellMNH 20891 E, F Pyrgulopsis sanchezi sp. n., USNM 883361 G, H Pyrgulopsis micrococcus, BellMNH 20663 I, J Pyrgulopsis turbatrix, USNM 860699 K, L Pyrgulopsis turbatrix, USNM 883373. Scale bars A–C 250 µm; D–L 500 µm. Pd penial duct Pf penial filament Pl penial lobe Tg terminal gland.
Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Corbin Bradford
Figure 9.Shells, opercula and radula, Pyrgulopsis turbatrix. A Paratype, USNM 860699. B–D Shells, SBMNH uncat., USNM 853508, USNM 853510 E, F Opercula (outer, inner sides), USNM 860699 G Portion of radular ribbon, USNM 860699 H Central teeth, USNM 860699 I Lateral and outer marginal teeth, USNM 860699. Scale bars A–D 1.0 mm; E, F 250 µm; G 20 µm; H, I 10 µm.
Robert Hershler, Victoria Ratcliffe, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Brian Lang, Claire Hay
Figure 4.Penes (dorsal, ventral surfaces). A, B Pyrgulopsis marilynae n. sp., USNM 883175 C, D Pyrgulopsis similis n. sp., USNM 1135065 E, F Pyrgulopsis gilae, BellMNH 20898. Scale bars A–F 200 µm. Dg2 dorsal gland along left edge Dg3 dorsal gland along right distal edge Ipg inner (left) penial gland Opg outer (right) penial gland Tg terminal gland Vg ventral gland.
Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Corbin Bradford
Figure 2.Map showing the distribution of mtDNA clades A–F with color codes matching those in Fig. 1.
Robert Hershler, Victoria Ratcliffe, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Brian Lang, Claire Hay
Figure 1.Map showing the distribution of mtDNA clades I-III.
Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Corbin Bradford
Figure 5.Photographs of habitats. A Spring south of Clay Pits, Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, type locality of Pyrgulopsis licina sp. n. (photograph taken on 7/VII/1986) B Purgatory Spring, Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, type locality of Pyrgulopsis sanchezi (15/XI/2011) C, D Uppermost spring east of Scotty’s Castle, Death Valley, Inyo County, California, type locality of Pyrgulopsis perforata sp. n. (18/IV/1980).
Robert Hershler, Victoria Ratcliffe, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Brian Lang, Claire Hay
Figure 2.Bayesian tree based on the combined (COI, NDI) dataset. Posterior probabilities for nodes are given when >95%. Specimen codes are from the Table 1.
Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Corbin Bradford
Figure 1.Bayesian tree based on the combined (COI, NDI) dataset. Nodes having posterior probabilities >95% are identified by filled circles. Specimen codes are from Appendix I.
Robert Hershler, Victoria Ratcliffe, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Brian Lang, Claire Hay
Figure 4.Penes (dorsal, ventral surfaces). A, B Pyrgulopsis marilynae n. sp., USNM 883175 C, D Pyrgulopsis similis n. sp., USNM 1135065 E, F Pyrgulopsis gilae, BellMNH 20898. Scale bars A–F 200 µm. Dg2 dorsal gland along left edge Dg3 dorsal gland along right distal edge Ipg inner (left) penial gland Opg outer (right) penial gland Tg terminal gland Vg ventral gland.
Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Corbin Bradford
Figure 4.Penes (dorsal, ventral surfaces). A, B Pyrgulopsis licina sp. n., USNM 850346 C, D Pyrgulopsis perforata sp. n., BellMNH 20891 E, F Pyrgulopsis sanchezi sp. n., USNM 883361 G, H Pyrgulopsis micrococcus, BellMNH 20663 I, J Pyrgulopsis turbatrix, USNM 860699 K, L Pyrgulopsis turbatrix, USNM 883373. Scale bars A–C 250 µm; D–L 500 µm. Pd penial duct Pf penial filament Pl penial lobe Tg terminal gland.
Robert Hershler, Victoria Ratcliffe, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Brian Lang, Claire Hay
Figure 5.Shells, opercula and radula, Pyrgulopsis similis n. sp. A Holotype, USNM 1135064 B Shell, USNM 854684 C, D Opercula (outer, inner sides), USNM 1135065 E Portion of radular ribbon, USNM 1135065 F Central teeth, USNM 1135065 G Lateral and inner marginal teeth, USNM 1135065. Scale bars A, B 1.0 mm; C, D 200 µm; E 20 µm, F, G 10 µm.
Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Corbin Bradford
Figure 6.Shells, opercula and radula, Pyrgulopsis perforata sp. n. A Holotype, USNM 853507 B, C Shells, USNM 1204734 D, E Opercula (outer, inner sides), USNM 857965 F Portion of radular ribbon, USNM 857965 G Central teeth, USNM 857965 H Lateral and inner marginal teeth, USNM 857965. Scale bars A–C 1.0 mm; D, E 200 µm; F 20 µm; G, H 10 µm.
Robert Hershler, Victoria Ratcliffe, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Brian Lang, Claire Hay
Figure 1.Map showing the distribution of mtDNA clades I-III.
Taken through 1 inch thick acrylic 'window' set in the stream bank.
Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Corbin Bradford
Figure 2.Map showing the distribution of mtDNA clades A–F with color codes matching those in Fig. 1.
Robert Hershler, Victoria Ratcliffe, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Brian Lang, Claire Hay
Figure 2.Bayesian tree based on the combined (COI, NDI) dataset. Posterior probabilities for nodes are given when >95%. Specimen codes are from the Table 1.
Robert Hershler, Hsiu-Ping Liu, Corbin Bradford
Figure 5.Photographs of habitats. A Spring south of Clay Pits, Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, type locality of Pyrgulopsis licina sp. n. (photograph taken on 7/VII/1986) B Purgatory Spring, Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, type locality of Pyrgulopsis sanchezi (15/XI/2011) C, D Uppermost spring east of Scotty’s Castle, Death Valley, Inyo County, California, type locality of Pyrgulopsis perforata sp. n. (18/IV/1980).