Cephalosphaera is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the nutmeg family, Myristicaceae. The only species is Cephalosphaera usambarensis, a tree native to the moist evergreen forests of Kenya and Tanzania.[1]
The genus' nearest relative is the genus Brochoneura, native to Madagascar.[1]
Cephalosphaera is restricted to small areas in the Usambara, Nguru, Uluguru, and Udzungwa mountains of Tanzania and the Shimba Hills of Kenya.
It is endemic to transitional rain forest, a mid-elevation plant community found on seaward-facing mountain slopes above 800 meters elevation, and occasionally at lower elevations in stream valleys.[3]
Cephalosphaera is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the nutmeg family, Myristicaceae. The only species is Cephalosphaera usambarensis, a tree native to the moist evergreen forests of Kenya and Tanzania.
The genus' nearest relative is the genus Brochoneura, native to Madagascar.