An appressed-tomentose or villose perennial herb, with erect branched stems and ovate-orbicular,3-7-palmatifid, dentate-crenate leaves; petiole is 2-7.5 cm while stipules are 3-5 mm, narrowly triangular, deeply 2-fid and acuminate; flowers are solitary arranged in racemes and they are leafless above; epicalyx is 3/4 as long as the calyx, the lobes are triangular, acute and striate; calyx is 1.5-1.8 cm with ovate-triangular lobes; corolla is 5-7 cm colored white, yellow, pink or violet; mericarps are usually obscurely grooved and hirsute.
Mountainous Southern Sinai
East Mediterranean Region, Sinai.
Stony Ground.
Height: 60-80 cm