Kokio keokeoMalvaceae (Mallow family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (These shrubs to trees are found in the gulch bottoms in mesic to wet forests in the Koolau Mountains from Kaipapau to Waihole, Oahu)Oahu (Cultivated)Hawaiian Names:Aloalo is the given Hawaiian name for hibiscus in general.Kokio kea and Kokio keokeo literally mean "white kokio" and "white, white [clear white] kokio," respectively.Pmakani is a name given to this species of hibiscus and also to a native violet (Viola chamissoniana).The flowers and leaves are wider than my open hand! This subspecies grows to be the tallest all the native hibiscuses to over 40 feet tall trees. The fragrance on this particular plant is by far the strongest I have yet detected with any native white hibiscus. JUST AWESOME!Note: The two native white species of Hawaiian hibiscuses (H. arnottianus, H. waimeae) are the only two known fragrant hibiscus species in the world.Early Hawaiians used these flowers medicinally. The bases of the buds of hau hele (H. arnottianus, H. furcellatus) were chewed by the mother and given to infants as a laxative. Too, children would chew and swallow seeds for general weakness of the body.Plants were cultivated by early Hawaiians "for the sake of their flowers." Both the native red and white hibiscuses were grown near their houses for their flowers.The astounding publication "N Lei Makamae--The Treasured Lei" features Hibiscus punaluuensis as its subject for lei.EtymologyThe generic name Hibiscus is derived from hibiscos, the Greek name for mallow. The specific and subspecific epithets are named in behalf of George Walker Arnott (1799-1868), Scottish botanist, traveler, collector and director of the Glasgow Botanic Gardens.The subspecies punuluuensis is named for the area where it is found, Punaluu, Koolau Mountains on Oahu.