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Comarostaphylis spinulosa subsp. glandulifera G. M. Diggs

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Comarostaphylis conzattii (Fernald) Small
Arctostaphylos Conzattii Fernald, Proc. Am. Acad. 36: 497. 1901.
A shrub with puberulent twigs; leaf-blades oblong to oval, or slightly broadened upward. 2.5-6 cm. long, acute or obtuse, singly serrate, especially above the middle, pubescent when young, glabrous above and often slightly shining in age, more or less pubescent beneath, short-petioled ; panicles raceme-like, simple or compound, rather closely flowered, the rachis and pedicels finely pubescent; calyx 4.5-5 mm. wide, the lobes ovate or triangular-ovate, ciliolate; corolla 4^6 mm. long; stamens 2.5 mm. long, the filaments villous; ovary pubescent; drupes 6-7 mm. in diameter.
Type locality: Sierra de San Felipe, Oaxaca. Distribution: Oaxaca.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, NathanieI Lord Britton, Per Axel Rydberg, LeRoy Abrams. 1914. ERICALES, CLETHRACEAE, LENNOACEAE, PTROLACEAE, MONOTROPACEAE, ERICACEAE, UVA-URSI. North American flora. vol 29(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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partner site
North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Comarostaphylis glabrata (Fernald) Small
Arctostaphylos glabrata Fernald, Proc. Am. Acad. 36: 497. 1901.
A shrub with minutely pubescent or puberulent twigs; leaf-blades elliptic, 2-4 cm. long, acute or obtuse, entire or sharply toothed, bright-green and somewhat shining above, sparingly tomentulose beneath when young, glabrate in age, short-petioled; panicles closely flowered, the rachis and pedicels reddish-tomentulose ; calyx 4-5 mm. wide, the lobes deltoid91
ovate, orbicular-ovate, or deltoid, obtuse, slightly tomentulose, ciliolate; corolla 4-5 mm. long; stamens 3.5-4 mm. long, the filaments villous above the dilated base; ovary glabrous; drupes globular, 6-7 mm. in diameter.
Type locality : Summit of Sierra de San Felipe, Oaxaca Distribution: Oaxaca.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, NathanieI Lord Britton, Per Axel Rydberg, LeRoy Abrams. 1914. ERICALES, CLETHRACEAE, LENNOACEAE, PTROLACEAE, MONOTROPACEAE, ERICACEAE, UVA-URSI. North American flora. vol 29(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
visit source
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North American Flora