Zaspilothynnus nigripes Guér.
Thynnoides nigripes Guér. Mag. de Zool. xii. p. 10 (1842), ♂ .
♂ . Clypeus punctured-rugose, moderately convex, the apical margin straight but not very broad ; antennae as long as the thorax without the median segment, of even thickness through- out ; the interantennal prominence bilobed. The whole insect closely punctured, with sparse greyish-white pubescence. Median segment not truncate, broad, with an obscure median sulcus. Abdomen elongate; segments 2-5 with an impressed transverse line near the base, the base of the segments before the line almost smooth. Second ventral segment with a tubercle at the base ; a spine on each side at the apical angles of the sixth ventral segment. Seventh dorsal segment without a produced flattened plate, the basal portion marked with strong rounded striae, the apex strongly defiexed and transversely striated. Hypopygium elongate-triangular, with prominent basal angles, the apical spine feebly recurved.
Black. Wings hyaline faintly flushed with purple, nervures black.
Length 20-22 mm.
♀ . Clypeus without a carina ; head and pronotum deeply but rather sparsely punctured, more closely on the front ; head moderately thick, much broader than long ; the eyes separated from the base of the mandibles by nearly half their own length. Pronotum subrectangular, slightly narrowed posteriorly, nearly twice as broad as long, the punctures on the anterior margin deep and setigerous. Scutellum sparsely punctured ; median segment minutely and closely punctured, with a few large scattered punctures, as long as the scutellum and broadened from the base, the surface of the posterior truncation almost smooth. First abdominal segment truncate at the base, sparsely punctured immediately above the truncation, then irregularly transversely striated, the striae low and about four in number, the apical margin raised, with a deep groove before it ; second segment with many transverse striae, the striae irregular and more than twelve in number, the basal striae very low, those near the apex moderately elevated ; segments 3-5 smooth at the base, sparsely punctured at the apex ; fifth ventral segment coarsely longitudinally striated. Pygidium not much narrowed at the base, obliquely striated near the base, defiexed posteriorly ; the posterior surface ovate, with three or four arched carinae at the base ; the extreme apex of the dorsal plate smooth, rounded and slightly recurved, not reaching to the apex of the ventral plate.
Black ; head and prothorax ferruginous red ; sometimes the scutellum is red also.
Length 15-17 mm.
Hab. South Perth, W. A. (H. M. Giles). ♂ ♀ in cop. 5 ♂ , 3 ♀. January and February. One female in the Berlin Museum from Western Australia.