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Rostrum very stout, not longer than the head, not dilated anteriorly; the upper portion sulcate, narrowing forwards, sharply produced on each side between the points of insertion of the antennæ and excavate and foveate in the middle; the nasal plate depressed, long, triangular, squamose, and emarginate in front; the genæ triangularly excised; the scrobes in great part visible from above, curved, sublateral, converging forwards, and not extending below the eyes. Eyes large, oval (as seen in profile), not strictly lateral. Antennal scape curved, flattened, more or less dilated or clavate. Prothorax short, bisinuate at the base, truncate in front. Scutellum well developed. Elytra subtriangular (♂) or oblong (♀), 10-striate, the outer striæ entire, the humeri prominent. Tibiæ unarmed at the inner apical angle in both sexes; posterior pair laminate and squamose at the apex, the articular surface glabrous and ascending. Body winged, densely squamose.


Champion in: David Sharp & G. C. Champion, Oct. 1911. Biol. Centr.-Amer.,Coleoptera, vol. 4, pt. 3: 283.

Biologia Centrali-Americana
Champion, G.C.
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INOTAXA archive

Physical description

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Under this genus are placed various moderate-sized Mexican and Guatemalan forms nearly related to the S.-American Platyomus mutabilis, dianæ, &c., all of which differ from the type of Platyomus (Cyphus cultricollis, Germ.) in having large, oval, moderately prominent eyes, an apically dilated scape, a subcylindrical or subconical prothorax, non-tuberculate elytra, &c. The type of Pseudocyphus, P. flexicaulis, Schaeff., from Brownsville, Texas, for specimens of which we are indebted to Mr. Wickham and the author (Tab. XIII. figg. 7, 7 a, ♂), has the head relatively broader, the antennæ stouter, and the outer joints of the funiculus more transverse than in the Central-American species, but these differences are insufficient for generic separation*.* The allied genus Chamælops (type C. munita, Kirsch, from Colombia) has the scape strongly curved, slender at the base, and greatly dilated outwards, the funiculus slender, the elytra strongly lobed at the base, the legs very hairy, &c. Temnoscapus fissirostris, Chevr., from Bogota (the type of which I have seen), is another allied form; it superficially resembles the female of Steirarrhinus conicollis, differing from that insect in the short antennæ, with apically dilated curved scape, the not strictly lateral eyes, the non-descending scrobes, &c.
Biologia Centrali-Americana
Champion, G.C.
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INOTAXA archive