Under a low magnification of 100X, this photomicrograph revealed some of the ultrastructural cytoarchitectural histolopathology found at the site of a corneal lesion caused by what was determined to be saprophytic Tritirachium roseum fungal organisms. This corneal tissue sample was stained using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stains in order to highlight the tissues histopathologic changes, which reflected an inflammatory response accented by the presense of a high number of various white blood cells, edema, and necrosis.Created: 1975
Under a very low magnification of only 25X, this photomicrograph revealed some of the ultrastructural cytoarchitectural histopathology found at the site of a corneal lesion caused by what was determined to be saprophytic Tritirachium roseum fungal organisms. This corneal tissue sample was stained using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stains in order to highlight the tissues histopathologic changes.Created: 1975
Magnified 400X, this photomicrograph revealed the presence of saprophytic Tritirachium roseum fungal organisms in this Gomori and methenamine-silver nitrate-stained corneal tissue specimen.Created: 1975