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Organ Pipe Cactus

Stenocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Buxb.


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Stenocereus thurberi is a common columnar cactus of the Sonoran Desert, throughout Baja California and the islands of the Gulf of California and in the west-coastal vegetation from Sonora to Sinaloa. In Mexico, where S. thurberi is arborescent, it has a very short trunk to 0.5 m, exceeds 12 m, branches more than in northern populations, and can have as few as 12 ribs. Tall specimens of S. thurberi occur where the plants grow in taller vegetation, hence competing with small trees for sunlight (A. C. Gibson and P. S. Nobel 1986).

Stenocereus thurberi belongs to the largest clade of Stenocereus wherein all species possess dark red or brown, glandular areolar trichomes (A. C. Gibson 1988). The group of species most closely related to S. thurberi have the interareolar transverse fold, a distinctive mark that persists after the ribs become fully expanded.

Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 4: 186, 187, 188 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
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Shrubs, branching basal, 3-6[-12+] m. Stems erect, at first yellow-green then green, lacking red pigmentation, glabrous and dull, forming patches of orange young bark on aged and undamaged segments; ribs [12-]15-19, somewhat tuberculate, interareolar transverse fold often present on young ribs, 9-12 mm to rib crest; cortex yellowish, mucilage sacs conspicuous in outer cortex only; pith lacking mucilage, 4-6 cm wide; areoles 1-1.6 cm apart along ribs, circular, 4-6 mm, hairs reddish brown. Spines 11-14(-19), thin, straight; radial spines 1-3.5 cm; central spines to 6 cm. Flowers nocturnal, mostly subterminal, funnelform, to 6-7.5(-9) × 6-7 cm; flower tubes about 4 cm; scales at base of tube red with green margins; tepals to 6.5 cm wide; outer tepals reddish with pink margins; inner tepals cream-white to light pink; filaments white to pink, 2-3 cm; ovary tuberculate with green, rhomboid tubercles and small red bracts at anthesis, areoles with tan hairs and sometimes short spines; styles white, 4 cm; nectar chamber 1-1.5 cm. Fruits red, 45-65 mm, fleshy, bearing deciduous spiny areoles; pulp sweet. Seeds 2 mm, glossy. 2n = 22.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 4: 186, 187, 188 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
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Ariz.; Mexico (Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, Sonora).
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 4: 186, 187, 188 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
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Flowering (Mar)Apr-Jul[-Dec]; fruiting mostly Jul-Aug.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 4: 186, 187, 188 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
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Upland Sonoran desert scrub; 20-1100m.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 4: 186, 187, 188 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
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Cereus thurberi Engelmann, Amer. J. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, 17: 234. 1854; Lemaireocereus thurberi (Engelmann) Britton & Rose; Marshallocereus thurberi (Engelmann) Backeberg; Pilocereus thurberi (Engelmann) Rümpler; Rathbunia thurberi (Engelmann) P. V. Heath
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 4: 186, 187, 188 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
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Orgelpfeifenkaktus ( German )

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Der Orgelpfeifenkaktus (Stenocereus thurberi) ist eine Pflanzenart in der Gattung Stenocereus aus der Familie der Kakteengewächse (Cactaceae). Das Artepitheton thurberi ehrt George Thurber (1821–1890), den ersten Sammler der Art.[1] Trivialnamen sind „Mehuelé“, „Órgano Marismeña“, „Organ Pipe Cactus“ und „Pitayo Dulce“. Nach der Art ist das Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument benannt.


Der Orgelpfeifenkaktus wächst groß strauch- bis baumförmig mit zahlreichen säulenförmigen Zweigen. Er ist für gewöhnlich ohne deutlichen Stamm und erreicht Wuchshöhen zwischen 1 und 8 Metern. Die an der Basis bogig aufsteigenden ansonsten aufrechten, grünen Triebe weisen Durchmesser von 5 bis 20 Zentimeter auf. Seine 12 bis 19 Rippen sind bis 2 Zentimeter hoch. Von den 1 bis 3 gräulichen bis schwärzlichen Mitteldornen ist der unterste 2 bis 5 Zentimeter lang. Die 7 bis 9 Randdornen sind gräulich und bis zu 1 Zentimeter lang.

Die weißen oder hell rosafarbenen, trichterförmigen Blüten erscheinen im oberen Teil der Triebe. Sie sind 4 bis 8 Zentimeter lang und öffnen sich in der Nacht, bleiben aber bis zum folgenden Tag geöffnet. Die kugeligen, roten Früchte haben einen Durchmesser von 3 bis 7,5 Zentimeter, sind essbar und enthalten ein rotes Fruchtfleisch.

Verbreitung, Systematik und Gefährdung

Der Orgelpfeifenkaktus ist im US-Bundesstaat Arizona sowie den mexikanischen Bundesstaaten Sonora, Baja California, Baja California Sur und Sinaloa in Höhenlagen von 0 bis 1.470 m verbreitet.

Die Erstbeschreibung als Cereus thurberi erfolgte 1854 durch George Engelmann.[2] Es werden zwei Unterarten unterschieden:

  • Stenocereus thurberi subsp. thurberi
  • Stenocereus thurberi subsp. littoralis

Die Unterart littoralis ist mit Wuchshöhen von unter 3 Metern wesentlich kleiner. Ihre Sprosse erreichen nur Durchmesser zwischen 5 und 7 Zentimeter. Sie ist ausschließlich an der Südspitze von Baja California Sur verbreitet.

Seit der Erstbeschreibung wurde die Art in eine Reihe von Gattungen gestellt, so dass zahlreiche Synonyme entstanden sind. Karl Theodor Rümpler stellte ihn 1885 in die heute nicht mehr anerkannte Gattung Pilocereus (Pilocereus thurberi).[3] Nathaniel Lord Britton und Joseph Nelson Rose ordneten sie 1920 ihrer Gattung Lemaireocereus (Lemaireocereus thurberi) zu. Curt Backeberg stellte 1951 die Gattung Marshallocereus auf und ordnete die Art als Marshallocereus thurberi dort ein.[4] Paul V. Heath unternahm 1992 mit der Umkombination Rathbunia thurberi den bisher letzten Versuch die Art einzuordnen.[5]

Die zurzeit anerkannte Einordnung der Art in die Gattung Stenocereus wurde 1961 von Franz Buxbaum vorgenommen.

In der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN wird die Art als „Least Concern (LC)“, d. h. als nicht gefährdet geführt.[6]



Die Seri, eine im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Sonora lebende Gruppe Einheimischer, erntet die Früchte des Orgelpfeifenkaktus. Die Stämme werden medizinisch genutzt. Seine holzigen Rippen werden als Baumaterial und seine Rinde als Bootsabdichtung verwendet.




  1. Marshallocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Backebg. In: Walther Haage: Kakteen von A bis Z. 3. Auflage. Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Heidelberg 1986, S. 438, ISBN 3-494-01142-7
  2. George Engelmann: Further Notes on Ceretus giganteus of Southeastern California, with a short account of another allied species of Sonora. In; American Journal of Science and Arts. Serie 2, Band 17, New Haven 1854, S. 234 (online).
  3. Theodor Rümpler: Carl Friedrich Förster's Handbuch der Cacteenkunde in ihrem ganzen Umfange: Oder, die erfolgreichsten, auf die neuesten Erfahrungen gegründeten Kulturangaben. Nach dem gegenwärtigen Stande der Wissenschaft bearbeitet und durch die seit 1846 begründeten Gattungen und neu eingeführten Arten vermehrt. Wöller, 1886, S. 689 (Online).
  4. Cactus and Succulent Journal. Band 23, Los Angeles 1951, S. 121
  5. Calyx. Band 2, Nr. 3, 1992, S. 103
  6. Stenocereus thurberi in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN 2013.2. Eingestellt von: Burquez Montijo, A. & Felger, R.S., 2010. Abgerufen am 26. Januar 2014.


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Orgelpfeifenkaktus: Brief Summary ( German )

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Der Orgelpfeifenkaktus (Stenocereus thurberi) ist eine Pflanzenart in der Gattung Stenocereus aus der Familie der Kakteengewächse (Cactaceae). Das Artepitheton thurberi ehrt George Thurber (1821–1890), den ersten Sammler der Art. Trivialnamen sind „Mehuelé“, „Órgano Marismeña“, „Organ Pipe Cactus“ und „Pitayo Dulce“. Nach der Art ist das Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument benannt.

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Uergelpäifekaktus ( Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch )

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Den Uergelpäifekaktus (Stenocereus thurberi) ass e Kaktus, deen am Süde vum US-Bundesstaat Arizona an am Norde vu Mexiko ze fannen ass.

D'Bléi vun engem Stenocereus thurberi

Am Süde vum Arizona ass dat no him genannnten Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, dat al Joer vu méi wéi 1,5 Millioune Leit besicht gëtt.

Den Uergelpäifekaktus gëtt an der Moyenne bis 5 Meter héich, maximum 7 bis 8 m, an ass domat den zweetgréisste Kaktus vun der Welt. Een Aascht kann en Duerchmiesser vu bis zu 20 cm hunn. De Kaktus mécht direkt iwwer dem Buedem vill eenzel Äscht déi da praktesch am Senkel eropwuessen. Dëst gesäit dann aus wéi eng Rei Uergelpäifen. Seng Friichte si schwaarz a ronn, an hunn en Duerchmiesser tëscht 5 a 7.5 cm.

De Kaktus ka bis op enger Héicht vun 900 Meter virkommen, an e verdréit kee Frascht.

En Uergelpäifekaktus
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Stenocereus thurberi

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Stenocereus thurberi, the organ pipe cactus,[3] is a species of cactus native to Mexico and the United States. The species is found in rocky desert. Two subspecies are recognized based on their distribution and height. The Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is named for the species.

Its English common name is derived from its resemblance to a pipe organ. It is locally known as pitaya dulce, Spanish for "sweet pitaya" or sweet cactus fruit.


This cactus species has several narrow stems that rise vertically, growing from a single short trunk just above the ground level. These stems are about 15 cm (6 in) thick and grow to a height of 5 m (16 ft), however it has been known to reach 7 to 8 m (23 to 26 ft).[4] These stems rarely branch but rather grow annually from the tip of the last growth. The mature plant can reach a width of 3.5 m (12 ft). Each stem has twelve to nineteen 10 mm (38 in) high ribs that bear dark brown to black spines that turn gray as it matures. It takes 150 years to reach maturity.[4] The older plants produce 75 mm (3 in) funnel-shaped white flowers annually which are open at night and close by the morning and have a purple or pink tint to them. These usually grow during April, May, and June. The organ pipe cactus is usually pollinated by bats. The plant also produces fruit about the size of a tennis ball. Beneath the fruit's spiny exterior is red flesh that has been described as tasting better than watermelon.[5] This fruit has traditionally been harvested by the Seris, who call the plant ool [oːɬ], and is used as a medicine.[6][7]


This species is found mostly in Mexico, mainly in Sonora and southern Baja California and Northern Sinaloa.[8] It is also known to the United States, but is much rarer, with the notable exception of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. The plant is predominantly found on rocky hillsides up to 900 m (3,000 ft) in elevation. It is sensitive to frost, so the species is rare in low desert areas, which can be more susceptible to frost. The plant is slow growing, and prefers well-drained soil and full sun.[5] However, when in the seedling stage, it requires shade, and will grow beneath a "nurse tree". It will need this for several years until it grows an adequate root system, which is mostly in the upper 10 cm of soil.[9]


There are two recognized subspecies, the type subspecies, thurberi, is much larger and occurs in southern Arizona, mainland Mexico, and Northern Baja California. The other is littoralis, which is much smaller and usually grows to around 3 m (10 ft). It occurs only in southern Baja California.[6]

See also


  1. ^ Burquez Montijo, A.; Felger, R.S. (2017) [amended version of 2013 assessment]. "Stenocereus thurberi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017: e.T151842A121569995. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T151842A121569995.en. Retrieved 24 February 2023.
  2. ^ "Stenocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Buxb". Plants of the World Online. Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 2017. Retrieved 27 November 2020.
  3. ^ USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Stenocereus thurberi". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 2 December 2015.
  4. ^ a b Johnson, G. Mark (2003-03-26). The Ultimate Desert Handbook. McGraw-Hill Professional. p. 27. ISBN 0-07-139303-X.
  5. ^ a b Mielke, Judy (1993-01-01). Native Plants for Southwestern Landscapes. University of Texas Press. pp. 262–3. ISBN 0-292-75147-8.
  6. ^ a b Anderson, Edward; Brown, Roger (2001-03-13). Cactus Family. Timber Press. p. 648. ISBN 0-88192-498-9.
  7. ^ Felger, Richard; Moser, Mary B (1985). People of the desert and sea: ethnobotany of the Seri Indians. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. ISBN 0-8165-0818-6.
  8. ^ "Organ Pipe Cactus (U.S. National Park Service)". www.nps.gov. Retrieved 2021-09-29.
  9. ^ "ORGAN PIPE CACTUS (Stenocereus thurberi)". Desert Ecology. Retrieved 2006-07-31.
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Stenocereus thurberi: Brief Summary

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Stenocereus thurberi, the organ pipe cactus, is a species of cactus native to Mexico and the United States. The species is found in rocky desert. Two subspecies are recognized based on their distribution and height. The Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is named for the species.

Its English common name is derived from its resemblance to a pipe organ. It is locally known as pitaya dulce, Spanish for "sweet pitaya" or sweet cactus fruit.

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Stenocereus thurberi ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Pitayo dulce (Stenocereus thurberi) es una especie de planta fanerógama de la familia Cactaceae. Es endémica de Norteamérica. Crece de 1 a 8 m en varias ramas columnares en forma de árbol y con flores de color rosado. Los frutos son comestibles de color rojo. Se distribuye desde Arizona a la península de Baja California y Noreste de México. Actualmente está protegida del Comercio Internacional por la convención CITES (Apéndice II).

Vista de la planta


Stenocereus thurberi crece como un arbusto alto con numerosas ramas columnares en forma de árbol. Alcanza alturas de 1-8 metros. En la base arqueada ascendente de otro modo vertical, los verdes brotes tienen diámetros de 5-20 cm. Tiene 12 a 19 costillas de 2 cm de alto. con 1 a 3 espinas centrales grisácea a negruzcas de 2 a 5 cm de largo. Las 7-9 espinas radiales son de color grisáceo y miden hasta 1 cm de largo. Las flores son rosadas, en forma de embudo blancas o pálidas que aparecen en la parte superior de los brotes. Miden 4 a 8 pulgadas de largo y abren por la noche, pero permanecen abiertas hasta el día siguiente. Los frutos son rojos, redondos y tienen un diámetro de 3 a 7,5 cm, son comestibles y contienen una pulpa roja.


Stenocereus thurberi fue descrita por (Engelm.) Buxb. y publicado en Botanische Studien 12: 101. 1961.[1]


Stenocereus: nombre genérico que deriva de las palabras griegas: "στενός" (stenos) para "apretado, estrecho" y se refiere a las costillas relativamente estrechos de las plantas y cereus para "cirio, vela".

thurberi: epíteto otorgado en honor de George Thurber (1821-1890),

  • Cereus thurberi
  • Pilocereus thurberi
  • Lemaireocereus thurberi
  • Marshallocereus thurberi'
  • Rathbunia thurberi[2]


Es una especie nativa de México. Su principal distribución es la región Noroeste del país. Sonora, Sinaloa y la península de Baja California.[3]

Estado de conservación

Está protegida del Comercio Internacional por la convención CITES (Apéndice II)[4]

Nombres comunes

Se le conoce como Pitahaya en el área de Sonora y Sinaloa, prácticamente en todos los lugares donde se consume su fruto que lleva su mismo nombre. Popularmente se le conoce y se le dice "Cardón" en sur de sonora y todo sinaloa. Se usa su pulpa o cáscara para hacer hemostásis en cortadas sencillas o profundas en la piel.

  • Español: Pitahaya; Etcho, Echo (Sonora y Sinaloa)


  1. «Stenocereus thurberi». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 11 de marzo de 2015.
  2. «Stenocereus thurberi». The Plant List. Consultado el 11 de marzo de 2015.
  3. «Enciclovida».
  4. «Enciclovida».

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Stenocereus thurberi: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Pitayo dulce (Stenocereus thurberi) es una especie de planta fanerógama de la familia Cactaceae. Es endémica de Norteamérica. Crece de 1 a 8 m en varias ramas columnares en forma de árbol y con flores de color rosado. Los frutos son comestibles de color rojo. Se distribuye desde Arizona a la península de Baja California y Noreste de México. Actualmente está protegida del Comercio Internacional por la convención CITES (Apéndice II).

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Stenocereus thurberi ( French )

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Stenocereus thurberi, également appelé cactus orgue[1], est une espèce de cactus originaire du désert de Sonora.

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Stenocereus thurberi: Brief Summary ( French )

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Stenocereus thurberi, également appelé cactus orgue, est une espèce de cactus originaire du désert de Sonora.

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Stenocereus thurberi ( Italian )

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Stenocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Buxb. 1961 (noto come cactus a canne d'organo[2]) è una pianta succulenta della famiglia delle Cactacee.[3]



S. thuberi è una cactacea dal fusto colonnare, ramificante appena sotto la base di color verde slavato. Presenta numerose coste, areole brune e dalle 5 alle 8 spine, dritte e sporgenti, di color nero.

In prossimità del suo apice, durante il periodo vegetativo (da aprile a giugno), possono sbocciare fiori dai colori sgargianti, rossi o viola, solitamente impollinati dai pipistrelli, seguiti dai frutti, rossi e dal sapore dell'anguria, grandi come una pallina da tennis.

Distribuzione e habitat

Questa specie è diffusa in Arizona e nel Messico settentrionale[3].


La loro polpa, racchiusa da un guscio di spine, oltre che fornire cibo alla comunità degli indiani Seri (che chiama il cactus ool) è da questi utilizzato anche come medicina naturale.[4] Sebbene possa raggiungere fino ai 4 metri di altezza, è una pianta dal ciclo vitale molto lento, tanto che per raggiungere la piena maturità può impiegare, in media, fino a 150 anni.[5]


  1. ^ (EN) Burquez Montijo, A. & Felger, R.S. 2017, Stenocereus thurberi, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020. URL consultato il 19 marzo 2022.
  2. ^ Cactus a canne d'organo, su it.haenselblatt.com.
  3. ^ a b (EN) Stenocereus thurberi, su Plants of the World Online, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  4. ^ (EN) Felger R., Moser M.B., People of the desert and sea: ethnobotany of the Seri Indians, Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1985, ISBN 0-8165-0818-6.
  5. ^ (EN) Johnson, G. Mark, The Ultimate Desert Handbook, McGraw-Hill Professional, 26 marzo 2003, pp. 27, ISBN 0-07-139303-X.

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Stenocereus thurberi: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Stenocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Buxb. 1961 (noto come cactus a canne d'organo) è una pianta succulenta della famiglia delle Cactacee.

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Orgelpijpcactus ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De orgelpijpcactus (Stenocereus thurberi) is een cactus.

De cactus komt van oorsprong uit Mexico en de Verenigde Staten en wordt voornamelijk aangetroffen in rotsachtig woestijngebied. Het Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is genoemd naar de cactus.

Er worden twee ondersoorten onderscheiden. Stenocereus thurberi subsp. thurberi is groter en komt voor in Zuid-Arizona, het vasteland van Mexico en het noorden van Baja California. De andere ondersoort is de kleinere Stenocereus thurberi subsp. littoralis. Deze komt alleen voor in het het zuiden van Baja California.


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Orgelpijpcactus: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De orgelpijpcactus (Stenocereus thurberi) is een cactus.

De cactus komt van oorsprong uit Mexico en de Verenigde Staten en wordt voornamelijk aangetroffen in rotsachtig woestijngebied. Het Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is genoemd naar de cactus.

Er worden twee ondersoorten onderscheiden. Stenocereus thurberi subsp. thurberi is groter en komt voor in Zuid-Arizona, het vasteland van Mexico en het noorden van Baja California. De andere ondersoort is de kleinere Stenocereus thurberi subsp. littoralis. Deze komt alleen voor in het het zuiden van Baja California.

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Orgelkaktus ( Swedish )

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Orgelkaktus (Stenocereus thurberi) är en art i familjen kaktusväxter från sydcentrala USA och nordvästra Mexico. Unga exemplar kan odlas som krukväxt i Sverige.


subsp. thurberi

Cereus thurberi . Engelm.
Lemaireocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Britton & Rose
Marshallocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Backeb.
Neolemaireocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Backeb.
Pilocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Rümpler
Rathbunia thurberi (Engelm.) P.V.Heath
Rathbunia thurberi f. cristata P.V.Heath
Rathbunia thurberi f. dichotoma P.V.Heath
Stenocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Buxb.
Stenocereus thurberi f. cristatus (P.V.Heath) P.V.Heath
Stenocereus thurberi f. dichotomus (P.V.Heath) P.V.Heath

subsp. littoralis (K.Brandegee) N.P.Taylor

Cereus littoralis (K.Brandegee) H.E.Gates
Cereus thurberi var. littoralis K.Brandegee
Cereus thurberii var. littoralis K.Brandegee
Lemaireocereus littoralis (K.Brandegee) H.E.Gates
Lemaireocereus thurberi var. littoralis (K.Brandegee) G.E.Linds.
Marshallocereus thurberi var. littoralis (K.Brandegee) Backeb.
Rathbunia thurberi var. littoralis (Brandegee) P.V.Heath
Stenocereus littoralis (K.Brandegee) L.W.Lenz
Stenocereus thurberi var. littoralis (K.Brandegee) Bravo


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Orgelkaktus: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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Orgelkaktus (Stenocereus thurberi) är en art i familjen kaktusväxter från sydcentrala USA och nordvästra Mexico. Unga exemplar kan odlas som krukväxt i Sverige.

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Stenocereus thurberi ( Turkish )

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İkili adı Stenocereus thurberi
(Engelm.) Buxbaum, 1961 Dış bağlantılar Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons'ta Stenocereus thurberi ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur. Wikispecies-logo.svg Wikispecies'te Stenocereus thurberi ile ilgili detaylı taksonomi bilgileri bulunur.

Stenocereus thurberi, Meksika ve ABD'de bulunan Stenocereus cinsinden bir kaktüs türüdür. Kayalık çöllerde bulunur. İki tanede dağılımı ve yüksekliğinden ayırt edilebilecek alt türü bulunmaktadır. O kadar ünlü bir kaktüs türüdür ki ABD'de Arizona eyaleti Sonora çölünde bu türden kaktüsleri Org Borulu Kaktüs Ulusal Anıtı olarak ilan etmiştir,UNESCO tarafından miras olarak kabul edilmiştir..

Diğer taraftan meyveleri sebebiyle her ne kadar daha çok, bu türün yaşadığı kurak yörede iyi şekilde yetişemeyen Hylocereus türündeki kaktüslere bu ad atfedilmişse de, halk tarafından bu kaktüs türünün meyvelerine de 'pitaya' denmekte ve tatlı pitaya olarak bu türün meyveleri adlandırılmaktadır.


Org Borulu Kaktüs'ün Dalları

Yerden biten tek bir gövdenin üsütnde bu türde birbirine paralel ve dik olarak büyüyen birden çok dal bulunur. Dalları 6 inches (15 cm) kalınlığında olup and 16 feet (5 m)yüksekliğe kadar büyüyebilir bununla birlikte 23– 26 feet (7 ila 8 m) yüksekliğe erişenleride görülmüştür.[1] Gövdeden ayrılan dallar nadiren dallanır fakat her yıl son büyümelerinden kalan uçtan büyümeye devam ederler.Erişkin bir bitki 12 feet (3.7 m) ene ulaşabilir.Her sapta 12 ila 19 1/3 inch (.85 cm) uzunluğunda yaprak damarları bulunur, bunlar önce koyu kahverengi sonrasında siyah ve olgunlaştıkça griye dönen dikenlere sahiptir.Kaktüsün erişkinliğe erişmesi 150 yılı bulabilmektedir.[1] Yaşlı bitkiler three-inch (8 cm) lik huni-şeklinde,yıllık beyaz çiçekler verir,bu çiçekler gece açılıp,sabaha kapanır mor ya da pembe renk tonu alır. Çiçekleri Nisan, Mayıs ve Haziran'da açar. Bitki yarasalar sayesesinde tozlaşır. Tenis topu büyüklüğünde meyveler verir. Meyvenin dış kabuğunun altında kırmızı eti bulunur.Bu cinsin meyvesi Hylocereus meyvelerinden daha tatlı kavun tadı gibidir.[2] Bu meyve geleneksel olarak bu meyveye ool adı da veren Serilerce hasat edilir ve geleneksel tıpta bu halkça kullanılır.[3][4]


Org Borulu Kaktüs Çiçeği

Bitki Meksika, tam olarak Sonora Çölü and güney Baja California'da bulunur. 3000 feet (900 m) yüksekliğe kadar kayalık kurak bölgelerde bulunur. Soğuğa karşı hassas olup USDA Soğuğa dayanıklılık haritası 9b-11 arası bölgelerde dışarıda yetiştirilebilir.Bitki yavaş büyür ve iyi dranajlı toprak ve bol güneş ister.[2] Ancak fide aşamasında belli bir süre büyüyüp kök yapısı gelişene ve toprağın üst kısmında 10 cm'e kadar büyüyene kadar gölgede tutulabilir.[5]

Alt türleri

Bilinen alt türüneden biri, thurberi türüdür,çok büyüktür ve Güney Arizona,Meksika ve Baja Yarımadasının kuzeyinde bulunur. Diğer türü ise littoralis adını alır daha küçüktür ve (3 m) büyüyebilir ve sadece Güney Baja California adasında bulunur.[3]


  1. ^ a b Johnson, G. Mark (26-03-2003). The Ultimate Desert Handbook. McGraw-Hill Professional. s. 27. ISBN 0-07-139303-X. Tarih değerini gözden geçirin: |yıl= (yardım)
  2. ^ a b Mielke, Judy (01-01_1993). Native Plants for Southwestern Landscapes. University of Texas Press. ss. 262–3. ISBN 0-292-75147-8. Tarih değerini gözden geçirin: |tarih= (yardım)
  3. ^ a b Anderson, Edward (13 Mart 2001). Cactus Family. Timber Press. s. 648. ISBN 0-88192-498-9. Bilinmeyen parametre |yardımcı yazar= görmezden gelindi (yardım)
  4. ^ Felger, Richard (1985). People of the desert and sea: ethnobotany of the Seri Indians. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. ISBN 0-8165-0818-6. Bilinmeyen parametre |yardımcı yazar= görmezden gelindi (yardım)
  5. ^ "ORGAN PIPE CACTUS (Stenocereus thurberi)". Desert Ecology. 25 Eylül 2006 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
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Stenocereus thurberi: Brief Summary ( Turkish )

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Stenocereus thurberi, Meksika ve ABD'de bulunan Stenocereus cinsinden bir kaktüs türüdür. Kayalık çöllerde bulunur. İki tanede dağılımı ve yüksekliğinden ayırt edilebilecek alt türü bulunmaktadır. O kadar ünlü bir kaktüs türüdür ki ABD'de Arizona eyaleti Sonora çölünde bu türden kaktüsleri Org Borulu Kaktüs Ulusal Anıtı olarak ilan etmiştir,UNESCO tarafından miras olarak kabul edilmiştir..

Diğer taraftan meyveleri sebebiyle her ne kadar daha çok, bu türün yaşadığı kurak yörede iyi şekilde yetişemeyen Hylocereus türündeki kaktüslere bu ad atfedilmişse de, halk tarafından bu kaktüs türünün meyvelerine de 'pitaya' denmekte ve tatlı pitaya olarak bu türün meyveleri adlandırılmaktadır.

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Stenocereus thurberi ( Vietnamese )

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Stenocereus thurberi là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cactaceae. Loài này được (Engelm.) Buxb. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1961.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Stenocereus thurberi. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 8 năm 2013.

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Stenocereus thurberi: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Stenocereus thurberi là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cactaceae. Loài này được (Engelm.) Buxb. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1961.

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오르간파이프선인장 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

오르간파이프선인장(ダイオウカク(大王閣), organ pipe cactus, pitahaya)[1]멕시코, 미국 토착선인장이다. 이 은 로키 사막에서 발견된다. 서식지와 크기에 기반하여 두 아종이 알려져있다. 오르간파이프선인장국립천연기념물의 이름은 이 선인장을 따 지어졌다.

이 선인장의 이름은 파이프 오르간과의 유사성에서 유래했다. 멕시코 지역에서는 "달콤한 피타야"라는 의미의 피타야 둘세(pitaya dulce)라고 불린다. 국내에서는 일본 명칭을 따 '대왕각'이라고도 불리지만, 대왕각이 국내 공식 명칭인 선인장은 따로 있다.


이 선인장은 지면의 짧은 밑동에서 여러 개의 줄기들이 수직으로 자라난다. 이 줄기들의 두께는 대략 15cm, 높이는 대개 5m에 달하지만, 7-8m에 달한 개체도 기록되었다.[2] 이 줄기는 가지를 거의 뻗지 않고 위로만 자라난다. 성숙한 개체는 직경 4m에 달한다. 각각의 줄기는 시간이 지나면서 흰색으로 변하는 검은 가시들을 품은 높이 1cm에 달하는 이 있다. 선인장이 성숙하기까지는 150년이 소요된다.[2] 성숙한 개체는 8cm의 깔때기 모양 흰색 꽃을 해마다 4-6월에 피워내는데, 밤에 열리고 낮에 닫히며 보라색, 분홍색 색조를 띈다. 꽃봉오리는 지저분한 검은색 털로 뒤덮여있다. 보통 박쥐가 수분한다. 과일의 크기는 테니스볼만하며 새빨간 과육은 수박보다 맛있다고 여겨진다.[3] 세리족은 전통적으로 파이프오르간선인장의 과일을 채취해왔으며 약으로 사용한다. 이들은 이 선인장을 [oːɬ]이라고 부른다.[4][5]


이 선인장은 주로 멕시코, 특히 소노라주와 남부 바하칼리포르니아주에서 발견된다. 미국에서도 서식하지만 오르간파이프선인장국립천연기념물을 제외하면 상당히 드물다. 이 선인장은 해발 900m까지의 로키 산맥의 능선에서 많이 서식한다. 이 선인장은 서리에 민감하기 때문에, 서리에 훨씬 취약한 저지대 사막에서는 드물다. 이 식물은 천천히 자라며 바싹 마른 토양과 강렬한 햇빛의 조화를 선호한다.[3] 하지만 씨앗에서 자라나기 위해서는 그늘이 필요하기 때문에, 보통 다른 큰 식물의 밑에서 자라난다. 이 선인장이 제대로 된 뿌리 체계를 키워내기 위해서는 몇 년간의 시간을 필요로 하는데, 이는 지면에서 10cm 이상 노출되어있다.[6]


두 아종이 알려져있는데, 모식종 thurberi는 훨씬 크고 애리조나 남부, 멕시코 , 바하칼리포르니아 북부에 분포한다. 다른 아종 littoralis는 훨씬 작아서 3m 정도까지 자라나며 바하칼리포르니아 남부에서만 발견된다.[4]

참고 문서


  1. Stenocereus thurberi. Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database. USDA. 2015년 12월 2일에 확인함.
  2. Johnson, G. Mark (2003년 3월 26일). 《The Ultimate Desert Handbook》. McGraw-Hill Professional. 27쪽. ISBN 0-07-139303-X.
  3. Mielke, Judy (1993년 1월 1일). 《Native Plants for Southwestern Landscapes》. University of Texas Press. 262–3쪽. ISBN 0-292-75147-8.
  4. Anderson, Edward; Brown, Roger (2001년 3월 13일). 《Cactus Family》. Timber Press. 648쪽. ISBN 0-88192-498-9.
  5. Felger, Richard; Moser, Mary B (1985). 《People of the desert and sea: ethnobotany of the Seri Indians》. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. ISBN 0-8165-0818-6.
  6. “ORGAN PIPE CACTUS (Stenocereus thurberi)”. 《Desert Ecology》. 2006년 9월 25일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2006년 7월 31일에 확인함.
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오르간파이프선인장: Brief Summary ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

오르간파이프선인장(ダイオウカク(大王閣), organ pipe cactus, pitahaya)은 멕시코, 미국 토착선인장이다. 이 은 로키 사막에서 발견된다. 서식지와 크기에 기반하여 두 아종이 알려져있다. 오르간파이프선인장국립천연기념물의 이름은 이 선인장을 따 지어졌다.

이 선인장의 이름은 파이프 오르간과의 유사성에서 유래했다. 멕시코 지역에서는 "달콤한 피타야"라는 의미의 피타야 둘세(pitaya dulce)라고 불린다. 국내에서는 일본 명칭을 따 '대왕각'이라고도 불리지만, 대왕각이 국내 공식 명칭인 선인장은 따로 있다.

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