Figure 40.Holotype of Kunzea triregensis de Lange (P. J. de Lange s.n., AK 226797).
Figure 41.Distinguishing features of Kunzea triregensis. A Flowering branchlet (ex cult. AK 246881) B, B1 Vegetative bud and branchlet indumentum (ex cult. AK 246881) C Adaxial leaf surface (AK 246881) D Abaxial leaf surface (ex cult. AK 246881) E Adaxial leaf apex and leaf margin indumentum (ex cult. AK 246881); (F1) Pherophylls (ex cult. AK 46881); (F2) Vegetative leaves (ex cult. AK 246881) G Flower (top view) (ex cult. AK 246881) H Flower and hypanthium (side view) (ex cult. AK 246881) I Flower cross section showing anther, style and ovules (ex cult. AK 246881) J Style and stigma (ex cult. AK 246881) K Stamens (ex cult. AK 246881) L Dehisced fruit (ex cult. AK 246881). Scale bars: (A, F) 10 mm; (B–E, G–L) 1 mm.
Figure 42.Scanning Electron Micrographs of Kunzea triregensis. (A–C all AK 207160) Branchlet indumentum D–G Seeds (AK 289067). Scale bars: (A, D) 1 mm; (B, C, E–G) 100 μm.
Figure 43.Kunzea triregensis. A Kunzea triregensis forest, Three Kings Islands group, Manawatawhi / Great Island looking east to North East Island (photo: P. J. de Lange) B Interior of Kunzea triregensis forest, Three Kings Island group, Manawatawhi / Great Island, Tasman Stream (photo: P. J. de Lange) C Kunzea triregensis in full flower, Three Kings, Manawatawhi / Great Island, near Lighthouse (photo: P. J. de Lange) D Kunzea triregensis showing elongate botryum, pherophylls and buds just prior to bud burst (photo: J. E. Braggins); Kunzea triregensis showing elongate botryum, pherophylls, buds and flowers (photo: J. E. Braggins).
Figure 7.Distribution of Kunzea ericoides, Kunzea salterae, Kunzea sinclairii, Kunzea tenuicaulis, Kunzea toelkenii, Kunzea triregensis and Kunzea “Lottin Point”.