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Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancr.


provided by EOL authors
A member of the family Apiaceae (Umbellifera) that is cultivated as a crop in and around the Andes.
Amy Chang
Amy Chang
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Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft, Trans. Agr. Hort. Soc Jamaica 1825: 5. 1825.
Conium Arracacha Hook. Exot. Fl. pi. 152. 1825.
Arracacha esculenta DC. Bibl. Univ. Sci. & Arts 40: 78. 1829
Bancroftia xanthorrhiza Billb. Linn. Samf. Handl. 1: 40. 1833.
Stout, caulescent, branching, 3-12 dm. high, glabrous throughout; leaves broadly ovate in general outline, excluding the petioles 15-25 cm. long, pinnate, the 5 leaflets ovate, acuminate at the apex, rounded or cordate at the base, pinnatifid and coarsely incised and serrate, the segments acuminate; petioles equaling or longer than the blades, membranous-sheathing at the base; cauline leaves like the basal, the lower alternate, petiolate, the uppermost 3-parted, opposite and sessile; inflorescence branched, the umbels mostly terminal, the peduncles alternate, slender; involucre wanting, or of a single foliaceous bract; involucel of 2-8 setaceous bractlets, shorter than the flowers and fruit; rays 8-12, spreading-ascending; pedicels slender, spreading-ascending; flowers greenish-white to purplish-brown, the petals oval to obovate; stylopodium conic, with a conspicuous crenulated disk, the styles slender, spreading to recurved; immature fruit oblong-oval, the ribs prominent, acute; oil-tubes inconspicuous or obsolete; seed-face sulcate.
Type locality: Described from Jamaica, where it was cultivated from northern South America, probably Colombia or Venezuela.
Distribution: Escaped from cultivation in Jamaica.
bibliographic citation
Albert Charles Smith, Mildred Esther Mathias, Lincoln Constance, Harold William Rickett. 1944-1945. UMBELLALES and CORNALES. North American flora. vol 28B. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora


provided by wikipedia EN

Arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) is a root vegetable that originates in the Andes, whose starchy taproot is a popular food item across South America where it is a major commercial crop.

Common names

Being a South American plant, its most common names are in either Spanish or Portuguese, the two most spoken languages in that continent.

The name arracacha (or racacha) was borrowed into Spanish from Quechua raqacha,[2] and is used in the Andean region. The plant is also called apio or apio criollo ("Creole celery") in Venezuela and Puerto Rico, zanahoria blanca ("white carrot") in Ecuador, and virraca in Peru.

Its Portuguese names are usually derived from the plant's similarity to other well known vegetables and roots. It is known as either mandioquinha ("little cassava") or batata-baroa ("baroness potato") in most regions of Brazil, but other common names in certain regions of that country include batata-salsa (“parsley potato”), batata fiúza ("trustworthy potato"), cenourinha-branca ("little white carrot"), and cenourinha-amarela or simply cenoura-amarela ("little yellow carrot" or simply "yellow carrot"), among others.

It is sometimes called white carrot or yellow cassava in English, but these names may also refer to other vegetables.

Description and varieties

The leaves of arracacha are similar to parsley, and vary from dark green to purple. The roots resemble fat short carrots, with off-white skin. The interior may be white, yellow, or purple.


A freshly harvested arracacha root, still covered with dirt.

The plant is native to the region west of the Andes and grows at altitudes varying from 200 to 3,600 meters with an optimal altitude of between 1,800 and 2,500 meters. It is frequently grown with other crops such as maize, beans, and coffee. The plant is very susceptible to viruses and is slow to mature (10–12 months), but requires much less fertilizer input than the potato. Its harvest season in the Southern Hemisphere spans from January to September. Arracacia's roots need to be picked promptly lest they become woody. They have a short shelf life and must reach consumers within a week of harvest. Fresh arracachas can be kept in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 weeks.

Arracacha cultivation can be very lucrative. It was imported into Brazil in the 19th century and has been grown commercially since the 1960s. Brazilian crop improvement programs have developed varieties that are ready to harvest in seven months.

Culinary uses

Arracacha, peeled, boiled, and served on a plate

The most widely used part of arracacia is its starchy root. It cannot be eaten raw, but when cooked it develops a distinctive flavor and aroma that have been described as "a delicate blend of celery, cabbage and roasted chestnuts."

The boiled root is used in similar ways to boiled potatoes, including being served as side dishes, mashed or whipped into purées, formed into dumplings and gnocchi, as an ingredient in pastries, or creamed into soups, commonly garnished with chopped cilantro and croutons, though arracacia's flavor is stronger, and (depending on the variety) its color is more brilliant.

In the Andes region, arracacia is made into fried chips, biscuits, and ground into a coarse flour. The small size of arracacia starch grains make it highly digestible, and so purées and soups made from it are considered excellent as food for babies and young children.

The young stems can be eaten cooked or in salads, and the leaves can be fed to livestock.


100 grams of arracacha provide about 100 calories, 26g of which are dry matter, 23g being carbohydrate, and less than 1g of protein. The plant is rich in calcium, having four times as much as potatoes.

The yellow cultivar contains substantial amounts of carotenoid pigments, precursors to vitamin A, to the point that excessive consumption of arracachas may cause yellowing of the skin, a condition that is not considered to be harmful.


  1. ^ The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species, retrieved 12 July 2016
  2. ^ Teofilo Laime Ajacopa, Diccionario Bilingüe Iskay simipi yuyayk'ancha, La Paz, 2007 (Quechua-Spanish dictionary)

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Arracacha: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) is a root vegetable that originates in the Andes, whose starchy taproot is a popular food item across South America where it is a major commercial crop.

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