Melanodrymia aurantiaca is most likely to be confused with its congener, Melanodrymia ?galeronae. The protoconchs are very similar in size and general appearance. However, the sculpture is finer on M. ?galeronae, the aperture is less deeply sinuous and it lacks the distinct bump above the aperture, instead having a gentle curve which ends in a flare at the aperture.

Unknown Neomphalid sp. B - This protoconch is very similar in size and general appearance. However, instead of having a thick bump at the anterior edge, it has a narrow ridge that parallels the aperture, forming a distinct rim. The aperture is much straighter in this species and the sculpture is stronger and more regular, forming distinct rows at the anterior end of the shell.

Unknown neomphalid 290µm - This protoconch is very similar in general appearance and sculpture and may well be an undescribed Melanodrymia species. It is, however, larger (290µm against 260µm) and the aperture is more deeply sinuous, as well as flaring out at the outer edge.

Bathymargarites symplector - This protoconch is similar in general appearance, but is much larger (~350µm) and lacks the overall reticulate sculpture.