Taxonomic history
Ruzsky, 1905b: 191 (q.); Viehmeyer, 1916b PDF: 290 (m.).Combination in Camponotus (Myrmoturba): Forel, 1914a PDF: 267.Combination in Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex): Emery, 1925d PDF: 93.Senior synonym of Camponotus obliquipilosa Emery, 1920: Radchenko, 1996e: 1200 (in key); material of the unavailable name Camponotus maculatus fedtschenkoi mayri Ruzsky, 1905 referred here by Radchenko, 1997d: 807.
Camponotus buddhae is a species of carpenter ant (genus Camponotus) found in India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkey, and Turkmenistan.[1][2]
Camponotus buddhae is a species of carpenter ant (genus Camponotus) found in India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkey, and Turkmenistan.