Ceratium fusus.
Exuviaella lima.
Fig. 1. Identifying dinoflagellates: a. lateral view of a desmokont cell type (two dissimilar flagella apically inserted)
Plate 1. Alexandrium acatenella. Figs. 1-2. LM: ventral view of empty thecae. Cell small to medium, longer than wide, angular to round. Conical epitheca with shoulders; larger than hypotheca. Figs. 3-4. Line drawings. Fig. 3. Ventral view: 1' plate bears ventral pore (vp). Hypotheca with two antapical spines (arrows). Fig. 4. Po comes in direct contact with 1' plate. APC: comma-shaped foramen (arrow).
Plate 3. Alexandrium minutum. Fig. 1. SEM: ventral view. Cell small and ellipsoidal. Epitheca conical, larger than hypotheca. Hypotheca short and wide; antapex obliquely flattened. Intercalary bands present. Cingulum deep, lipped; displaced 1X its width. Sulcus shallow (sa=anterior sulcal plate). Apical pore plate (Po) in direct contact with 1' plate. Fig. 2. LM: ventral view. Ventral pore (vp) present on 1' plate. Fig. 3. SEM: apical view. Po large, narrow and oval; indirectly connected to 1' plate. Vp present (arrow). Figs. 4-5. Line drawing. Fig. 4. Ventral view. 1' plate slender and rhomboidal. Fig. 5. Po connection to 1' plate: a. direct; b. indirect via thin suture. Fig. 6. LM: cyst circular in apical view.
Plate 4. Alexandrium monilatum. Fig. 1. LM: four-cell chain. Cells large, wider than long, flattened anterio-posteriorly. Antapex slightly concave (arrow). Figs. 2-4. Line drawings. Fig. 2. Ventral pore (vp) depicted (Florida specimens) at anterior margin of 1' plate where it comes in contact with plates 2' and 4'. Cingulum (C) deeply excavated, wide, descending; displaced one time its width. Fig. 3. Apical pore plate (Po) does not come in contact with 1' plate. Anterior attachment pore (aap) large, round and dorsally situated in the APC. Foramen comma-shaped. Fig. 4. Antapical view: posterior sulcal plate (sp) large, rhomboid and concave with radial markings. Posterior attachment pore (pap) large and centrally located. Figs. 5-6. LM. Fig. 5. Two isogamous gametes fusing at oblique angles. Fig. 6. Mature resting cysts: dark and round, with a triple layered wall.
Plate 5. Alexandrium ostenfeldii. Figs. 1-3. LM. Fig. 1. Ventral view. Cell large and nearly spherical. Cingulum deeply excavated. Epitheca broad and convex-conical. Hypotheca hemispherical with an obliquely flattened antapex. Fig. 2. Epitheca: apical view. Ventral pore (vp) large and distinct. First apical plate (1') forms a 90 degree angle at the point where vp and 4' plate come in contact. Apical pore complex (APC) with comma-shaped foramen. Figs. 3-4. Line drawings. Fig. 3. Ventral view: 6'' plate wider than high. Cingulum (C) slightly excavated. Fig. 4. APC and 1' plate: a. Po in direct contact with 1'; b. Po in indirect contact with 1' via thin suture. Fig. 5. LM: vegetative cell. Small equatorial nucleus (n). Fig. 6. LM: temporary cyst large and spherical, covered in mucilage. Nucleus visible (arrowhead)(Mackenzie et al. 1996).
Plate 6. Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax. Figs. 1-4. LM. Fig. 1. Ventral view. Cell broadly pentagonal; wider than long. Epitheca short and dome-shaped. Hypotheca longer than epitheca. Cingulum shallow and barely displaced. Fig. 2. Dorsal view. Antapex obliquely concave. Fig. 3. Epitheca: ventral view. Apical pore plate (Po) with comma-shaped foramen. 1' plate pentagonal with large wide ventral pore (vp) on 4' plate margin. Fig. 4. Epitheca: apical view. 1' plate does not come in contact with Po. Po oval and longitudinal on apex. Figs. 5-6. Line drawings. Fig. 6. Po and 1' plate not in contact. Fig. 7. LM: isogamous gametes smaller and rounder than vegetative cells. Fig. 8. LM: round resting cyst. Fig. 9. SEM: paratabulate cyst.
Plate 7. Alexandrium tamarense. Fig. 1. LM. Two cell chain: cells small to medium; slightly longer than wide, nearly spherical. Cingulum (C) deeply escavated and lipped. Left hypothcal lobe slightly larger than right. Nucleus (n) visible. Figs. 2-4. SEM. Fig. 2. Two cell chain: cingulum displaced 1X its width. Deep sulcus (s) widens posteriorly. Fig. 3. Epitheca: apical view. Apical pore plate (Po) rectangular; narrows ventrally. Po and first apical plate (1') in direct contact. Small ventral pore present on 1' plate. Fig. 4. Apical pore complex (APC): foramen large and fishhook shaped. Small round anterior attachment pore (aap) present (Hallegraeff 1991). Fig. 5. Line drawing. Fig. 6. LM. Oblong resting cyst with rounded ends, reddish lipid bodies; covered in mucilage.
Plate 8. Alexandrium tamiyavanichi. Figs. 1-3. LM. Fig. 1. Two cell chain: cells medium-sized; round to slightly wider than long. Epitheca with shoulders. Fig. 2. Cells stained with calcofluor white: cingulum displaced 1X its width; sulcus widens posteriorly. Fig. 3. Apical view: apical pore plate (Po) houses comma-shaped foramen. First apical plate (1') with ventral pore (vp). Figs. 4-5. Line drawings. Fig. 4. 1' plate in direct contact with Po. Po with large central foramen surrounded by small pores. Anterior sulcal plate (s.a.) invades epitheca; an anterior projection of s.a. fits into a notch in the 1' plate (arrows). Fig. 5. Ventral view: sulcal lists project anteriorly (arrows). Fig. 6. Posterior sulcal plate (s.p.) with round posterior attachment plate (pap) in center (arrow).
Plate 9. Cochlodinium polykrikoides. Figs. 1-7. LM. Fig. 1. Four cell chain. Single cell small and ellipsoid. Epitheca (E) rounded and conical. Hypotheca (H) divided into two posterior lobes (arrows). Numerous rod-shaped chloroplasts. Fig. 2. Cingulum (c) deeply excavated; circles cell 1.8-1.9 times. Fig. 3. Colony of single and chained cells. Fig. 4. Large nucleus (n) in epitheca. Figs. 5-7. Cysts. (Figs. 3,6,7 by Matsuoka & Fukuyo)
Plate 10. Coolia monotis: Figs. 1-5. SEM. Fig. 1. Ventral view: spherical shape. Cingulum lipped and equatorial. Sulcus with flexible lists (arrowheads). Ventral pore present (arrow). Fig. 2. Dorsal view: apical pore plate (arrow), Po, located off-center on epitheca. Fig. 3. Antapical view: hypothecal plates. Fig. 4. Smooth edged thecal pores unevenly distributed. Fig. 5. Po about 12 _ long, slightly curved and narrow with a slit-like apical pore. Two supporting rib-like costae (arrows) and evenly spaced round pores surround the pore. Figs. 6,7. LM. Fig. 6. Ventral view of lipped cingulum and sulcus. Fig. 7. Planozygote with two longitudinal flagella (arrows). Fig. 8. Line drawing: thecal plate arrangement.
Plate 11. Dinophysis acuminata. Figs. 1-5. SEM: lateral view. Fig. 1. Cell oval and rotund; thecal surface with shallow depressions and scattered pores. Left sulcal list (LSL) extends beyond midpoint of cell. Well-developed cingular lists: anterior cingular list (ACL); posterior cingular list (PCL). C=cingulum. Fig. 2. Long and narrow cell with prominent surface areolae, each with a pore. Antapex tapered and ventrally off-center. Small posterior protrusion present (arrow). Fig. 3. Long and narrow cell. Thecal surface smooth with small scattered pores. Megacytic zone (M) void of pores. Posterior protrusions on antapex (arrow). Figs. 4-5. LM: lateral view. Fig. 4. Surface areolae and tapered antapex (from Larsen & Moestrup 1992: fig. 1d). Fig. 5. Large dorsal nucleus (N). Small, blunt projections on tapered antapex (arrow). Fig. 6. Line drawing.
Plate 12. Dinophysis acuta. Fig. 1. SEM: lateral view. Cell oblong and robust; theca heavily areolated. Well developed cingular lists (CL) and left sulcal list (LSL). Pointed antapex. Figs. 2-3. LM: lateral view (from Larsen & Moestrup 1992: fig.s 2a,d; scale bars=20 _). Fig. 2. Large areolae, each with a pore (arrows). Fig. 3. Widest point below mid-section (dashed line) aligned with third sulcal rib (arrow). Fig. 4. Line drawing.
Plate 13. Dinophysis caudata. Figs. 1-2. SEM. Fig. 1. Large, long and distinctive cell with extended ventral hypothecal process. Cingulum narrow; lists supported by ribs (arrowhead). Strong left sulcal list (double arrows). Right sulcal list present (single arrow). Fig. 2. Ventral view: cell compressed laterally. Figs. 3-4. LM. Fig. 3. Large posterior nucleus (n). Fig. 4. Left sulcal list with three supporting ribs (arrowheads); posterior projection with small knob-like spines (arrows). Surface areolae evident. Fig. 5. SEM. Paired cells joined at dorsal expansion (arrow). Fig. 6. Line drawing.
Plate 14. Dinophysis fortii. Fig. 1. SEM: lateral view. Left sulcul list (LSL) long and well-developed. Right sulcal list (RSL) present. Cingulum (C) obscures low and small epitheca. Thecal surface covered with areolae. Figs. 2-3. LM: lateral view. Fig. 2. Cell subovate with a wide round posterior bottom (dorsal bulge)(arrows). Fig. 3. LSL supported by three strong ribs (arrows). Smoothly convex dorsal margin. Fig. 4. Line drawing.
Plate 15. Dinophysis mitra. Figs. 1-4. SEM. Fig. 1. Lateral view: cell broad and wedge-shaped; epitheca visible. Left sulcal list (LSL) short (arrow). Right sulcal list (RSL) small (arrowhead). Theca heavily areolated. Fig. 2. Epitheca cap-like; greatly reduced. LSL supported by three short ribs (arrows). Ventral hypothecal margin concave below LSL (arrowheads). Fig. 3. Dorsal view: hypothecal margin smoothly convex. Short anterior cingular list (ACL) and posterior cingular list (PCL) supported by numerous ribs. Fig. 4. Ventral view: dividing cell. Megacytic zone expanding (arrows). Epitheca, sulcus, RSL and LSL visible. Fig. 5. LM: large nucleus (n). Fig. 6. Line drawing (Phalacroma mitra).
Plate 16. Dinophysis norvegica. Fig. 1. SEM: lateral view. Cell heavily areolated with pointed antapex and posterior protrusions (arrowheads). Ventral margin concave below left sulcal list (LSL)(arrow). Well developed cingular lists (CL) and LSL. Figs. 2-5. LM: lateral view. Fig. 2. Cell less robust than in Fig. 1; pointed antapex. Fig. 3. Robust cell with rounded antapex. Heavily areolated. Ventral margin straight below LSL (arrows). Fig. 4. Deepest point of cell through mid-point (dashed line), just above third rib of LSL. Fig. 5. Large posterior nucleus (n). Pointed antapex with posterior projections (arrows). Fig. 6. Line drawing. Right sulcal list depicted (RSL).
Plate 17. Dinophysis rotundata. Figs. 1-2. SEM: lateral view. Fig. 1. Cell broadly rounded. Small cap-like epitheca (e) not obscured by cingular lists. Right sulcal list (arrow). Fig. 2. Left sulcal list (LSL) (large arrow), over 1/2 the cell length, widens posteriorly. Surface pores present (small arrows). Figs. 3-4. LM (from Larsen & Moestrup 1992: figs. 8b,c). Fig. 3. Large food vacuoles (fv). LSL supported by three ribs (arrows). Widest width of cell between second and third rib. Fig. 4. Posterior nucleus (n). Fig. 5. Line drawing (as Phalacroma rotundata).
Plate 18. Dinophysis sacculus. Figs. 1-3. SEM: lateral view. Fig. 1. Cell oblong with rounded posterior. Hypotheca long, margins undulate. Thecal surface coarsely areolated. Short left sulcal list (LSL). Cingulum with two well developed lists. Small blunt posterior projections (arrow). Fig. 2. Cingulum lined with pores. Right sulcal list (RSL) visible. Fig. 3. Smooth thecal surface with pores. Metacytic zone (M) devoid of pores. Figs. 4-5. LM: lateral view. Fig. 4. Hypotheca sack-like with deep thecal pores. Posterior end with two blunt projections (arrows). Fig. 5. Large posterior nucleus (n). Fig. 6. Line drawing: morphotype from Stein (1883).
Plate 19. Dinophysis tripos. Fig. 1. SEM: lateral view. Cell large, oblong and heavily areolated. Hypothecal projections with toothed posterior ends (arrows). Left sulcal list (LSL) large, wide and reticulated. Figs. 2,3. LM: lateral view. Fig. 2. Anterior cingular list (ACL) projected anteriorly obscuring low epitheca (arrowheads). Narrow cingulum. Chloroplasts visible (arrows). Fig. 3. Paired cells. Hypothecal projection on dorsal margin sometimes seen with a narrow list (arrow) connecting two daughter cells during cell division. Fig. 4. Line drawing.
Plate 20. Gambierdiscus toxicus. Figs. 1-3. SEM. Fig. 1. Epitheca: cell round to ellipsoid; anterior-posteriorly compressed. Cell surface smooth with small scattered pores. Apical pore complex located at the apex (arrow). Fig. 2. Hypotheca: 1p plate large and pentagonal. Sulcal region deeply excavated (arrow). Fig. 3. Apical pore plate with characteristic fishhook shaped apical pore. Fig. 4. LM. Epitheca: cingulum and sulcal region in focus. Fig. 5. LM. Hypotheca: sulcal ridge (arrow); large nucleus (n). Fig. 6. Line drawing: thecal plate arrangement.
Plate 21. Gonyaulax polygramma. Figs. 1-3. SEM. Fig. 1. Ventral view: cell large, elongate and quadrilateral. Epitheca with prominent apical horn (arrow). Cingulum left-handed, displaced 1.5 X its width; sulcus widens posteriorly. Longitudinal ridges on thecal surface with reticulations in between. Fig. 2. Lateral ventral view: transverse (TF) and longitudinal (LF) flagella present. One antapical spine (arrow). Fig. 3. Dorsal view: hypotheca truncate with straight sides. Three antapical spines (arrows): one large and two small. Figs. 4-5. LM. Fig. 4. Ventral view: reticulations evident; one long antapical spine (arrow). Fig. 5. Dorsal view: prominent longitudinal ridges. Fig. 6. Line drawing.
Plate 22. Gymnodinium breve. Fig. 1. SEM: ventral view. Cell small, wider than long, dorso-ventrally flattened. Cell nearly square in outline; prominent apical process (AP) directed ventrally. Apical groove (AG) present on apical process, adjacent to sulcus. Figs. 2-3. LM. Fig. 2. Dorsal view: large nucleus (N) in hypotheca. Transverse (TF) and longitudinal (LF) flagella present. Hypotheca bilobed (arrow). Fig. 3. Ventral view: displaced cingulum (large arrow) and lipid globule (small arrow). Fig. 4. Line drawing. Cingulum (C) displaced, descending. Long sulcus (S) extends to apex of cell.