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Miner's Lettuce

Claytonia perfoliata subsp. perfoliata

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Limnia angustifolia (Greene) Rydberg, sp. now
Claylonia perfoliala anguslifolia Greene, Fl. Fran. 179. 1891.
Annual; stem erect, 1-2 dm. high, glabrous; basal leaves petioled, thin, the petioles 5-10 cm. long, the blades linear, sometimes not much broader than the petioles, 5-10 cm. long, or those of the innermost oblanceolate and shorter; stem-leaves connate-perfoliale, forming a suborbicular oblique disk 2-4 cm. broad; inflorescence subsessile, short, usually not equaling the stem-leaves; sepals suborbicular, unequal, 3 mm. long; petals white, about 5 mm. long, retuse; seeds black, 1.3-1.5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad.
Type locality: [Not given; but by inference] near San Francisco, California. Distribution: California.
bibliographic citation
Percy Wilson, Per Axel Rydberg. 1932. CHENOPODIALES. North American flora. vol 21(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Limnia perfoliata (Donn) Haw. Syn. PI. Succ. 11. 1812
. a perfoliata Donn. Hort. Cantab. 25. 1796.— Willd. Sp. PI. 1: 1186. 1798. ( laylonia cubensil Bonpl. Ann. Mm. Paris 7: 82. 1806. Montia perfoliata Howell. Erytl i I I 1893.
Annual; stem 1-3 dm. high, glabrous; basal leaves'rather thin, the petioles 3-15 cm.
long, the blades from broadly rhombic ovate or deltoid to clliptic-obovate, 1-5 cm. long;
liall) connate on both sides, forming an oblique suborbicular disk with tintwo
.r mucronate apices on one sidi i illj elongate, sessile or peduncled, 5-20
tin. loi With a small oblong or oval bra. 1 , 1 he Bowers usually more or less vcrlicil-
omewhal unequal, rounded-ovate or suborbicular, about 3 nun. Ion;;, white, clawed, obovate, retuse, 4 5 mm. Ion;,, minutely punctate, l.S nun. long,
..i i North tmerii i DumrBtmoM British Columbia to Montana, Arizona lifornia.
In I'm 7 pt.'i. Iliunl. .V Itoupl .PI. Ae,|, nil. pi I-
Bell Hort l pi Sf; Benth Handb Bril PI i Bngl. Bot. fl !i
.I, Bngl Fl.Gard.pl 71: Rattan, Pop Calil PI "I '■ 9;Garcke,Fl Deuts ed 1.
i ! ii 2 : 132, Hegj, III. PI. Mittel Bui rin & Boulger, Brit. PI. PI. pi. 59; i Bril PI. 3 A'. -'.
Umnia caraoaa (Greetu A.. Heller, MS
) i. Pran. 179. 1891. MS.
Annual; Item 1 2 dm. high, glabron , I... il ll <■• Ol by, thl petiol I 7 cm. long,
i, itold, more oi k decurrenl on the petiole, acute at the apex; stem-leaves usually connate on both sides into a suborbicular disk 1.5-5 cm. wide, oblique with 2 apices, blunt to short-acuminate; raceme usually rather lax, 3-10 cm. long, sessile or. short-stalked, the flowers mostly single or two at each node; sepals somewhat unequal, rounded-ovate, in fruit 5 mm. long; petals white, clawed, obovate, emarginate; ovary globose; style columnar; stigma 3-cleft; ovules 3; capsule ovoid, 3-valved, the valves involute; seeds black, shining, minutely punctate, suborbicular, 2-2.5 mm. in diameter.
Type locality: Mount Diablo, California.
Distribution: Southern Washington to western Nevada and southern California.
bibliographic citation
Percy Wilson, Per Axel Rydberg. 1932. CHENOPODIALES. North American flora. vol 21(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora