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Anemia karwinskyana (Presl) Prantl

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Anemia rosei Maxon, sp. nov
Rhizomes decumbent, stoutish, closely clustered ; fronds fasciculate, the stipes of the fertile fronds usually equaling or surpassing the sterile fronds. Fertile fronds 36-42 cm. long, weakly ascending ; stipes rather slender, 19-26 cm. long, light-stramineous, arcuate or subflexuous, sparingly clothed with delicate very slender spreading fulvous hairs, these readily deciduous ; sterile lamina deltoid-ovate, 14-16 cm, long, 9-12 cm. broad, acuminate, bipinnate or, as to the basal pinnae, nearly tripinnate, the rachis similar to the stipe, longpilose ; pinnae about 10-13 pairs, contiguous or the lower ones apart, these and the middle ones petiolate from a cordate base, broadly oblong-lanceolate, obtusish, slightly oblique, with 6-8 pairs of sessile or semiadnate deltoid-ovate, ovate or ovate-oblong oblique obtuse segments, the larger of these deeply and obliquely pinnatifid half way or nearly to the midvein into 2 or 3 pairs of broad unequally rounded lobes ; upper pinnae gradually smaller and simpler, finally adnate, confluent at the crenate apex ; leaf-tissue membranocoriaceous, light-green, lighter below, glandular upon both surfaces, inconspicuously fibrillosehirsute, mainly along the veins of the lower surface ; margins slightly thickened, a little recurved ; veins slightly elevated upon both surfaces ; fertile pinnae ascending or somewhat divergent, stout, 6-11 cm. long, about one half the length of the sterile lamina, the stalk 3-3.5 cm. long, the panicle stoutish, with mostly short close divisions, the lower ones somewhat apart ; spores immature. Sterile fronds 23-38 cm. long ; stipe 10-21 cm. long ; lamina 13-18 cm. long, 9-12 cm. broad, ovate, deltoid or subpentagonal by the basiscopic development of the lowermost pinnae, these ascending, unequally elongate-deltoid, with the inferior basal pinnules deltoid-oblong, 2-3.3 cm. long, 8-11 mm. broad ; pinnules of the basal pinnae anadromous, of the other pinnae catadromous.
Type collected in shade of rocks, Sierra de San Esteban, State of Jalisco, Mexico, altitude about 1500 meters, December 6. 1902, Pringle 11254 (U. S. Nat. Herb, no, 460628). Distribution : Known only from the State of Jalisco, Mexico.
bibliographic citation
Lucien Marcus Underwood, Ralph Curtiss BenedictWilliam Ralph Maxon. 1909. OPHIOGLOSSALES-FILICALES; OPHIOGLOSSACEAE, MARATTIACEAE, OSMUNDACEAE, CERATOPTERIDACEAE, SCHIZAEACEAE, GLEICHENIACEAE, CYATHEACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 16(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Anemia karwinskyana (Presl) Prantl, Schiz. 99. 1881
Anemia villosa Karwinskyana Presl, Abh. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. V. 4 : 343. 1845.
Rhizome stout, decumbent or ascending ; fronds closely fasciculate, the stipes of the fertile fronds barely surpassing the sterile fronds. Fertile fronds 32-38 cm. long ; stipe 19 -28 cm. long, erect, stout, flattish, light brownish-stramineous, clothed rather thickly with long subpersistent irregularly spreading brown hairs; sterile lamina deltoid, 10-11 cm. long, about 9 cm. broad, acutish, bipinnate, the rachis similar to the stipe ; pinnae about 9 pairs, contiguous, the lowermost and middle ones short7p etiolate from a cordate base, ovate-oblong, obtusish, with about 5 or 6 pairs of mostly semiadnate rhombic-orbicular to oblong-ovate segments, these contiguous or half their width apart, obtusish, mostly 3-
lobed, the larger ones crenately pinnatifid into 5-7 lobes ; upper pinnae gradually shorter and simpler, the uppermost adnate, confluent; leaf-tissue subcoriaceous, dull-greenish, scarcely lighter below, noticeably glandular upon both surfaces, laxly fibrillose-hirsute, conspicuously so over the whole lower surface ; margins thickened, slightly revolute ; veins elevated above, subimmersed below ; fertile pinnae strict, erect, 12-14 cm. long, exceeding the sterile lamina, the stalk 2-3.5 cm. long, the panicle with numerous strict ascending divisions, the lowermost of these 2.5-3.5 cm. long; spores broadly striate, the angles not produced. Sterile fronds 24-27 cm. long; stipe 12-13 cm. long; lamina ovatedeltoid, 14-15.5 cm. long, 10-11.5 cm. broad; pinnae 9-11 pairs, approximate or the lowermost apart, these unequally deltoid-ovate, strongly basiscopic, the inferior basal pinnule about2.3cm, long with about 9 blunt triangular-ovate lobes, the superior basal pinnule trilobate ; middle and upper pinnae as on the fertile frond ; pinnules of the basal pinnae anadromous, of the other pinnae catadromous.
Type locality : Cristo, Mexico. Distribution : Known only from Mexico.
bibliographic citation
Lucien Marcus Underwood, Ralph Curtiss BenedictWilliam Ralph Maxon. 1909. OPHIOGLOSSALES-FILICALES; OPHIOGLOSSACEAE, MARATTIACEAE, OSMUNDACEAE, CERATOPTERIDACEAE, SCHIZAEACEAE, GLEICHENIACEAE, CYATHEACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 16(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora