moist volcanic soils of road bank seep
Halenia elliptica is a common Asian plant, grwong in damp habitats. It is in China, India and neighbouring countires.
Habit, Linzhi, Xizang, 2006
Flowers, Linzhi, Xizang, China, 2006
shaded understory above creek bank
Flowers, Linzhi, Xizang, China, 2006
seeps in steep face of roadcut in volcanic rhyolitis tuff. Elev. 6018'
among seeps in steep face of roadcut in volcanic rhyolitis tuff. Elev. 6018' Note broader than normanal spathulate cauline leaves
moist soils of road bank seep, volcanic substrate
on coarse volcanic gravels and alluvial sands below rhyolitic tuff cliffs forming narrow canyon bottom drained by small perennial creek.
on coarse volcanic gravels and alluvial sands below rhyolitic tuff cliffs forming narrow canyon bottom drained by small perennial creek.
shaded understory above creek banks
on coarse volcanic gravels and alluvial sands below rhyolitic tuff cliffs forming narrow canyon bottom drained by small perennial creek.
on coarse volcanic gravels and alluvial sands below rhyolitic tuff cliffs forming narrow canyon bottom drained by small perennial creek.