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Português do Brasil
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Myrrh Family
Cellular Organisms
Green Plants
Seed Plants
Myrrh Family
Commiphora spathulata Mattick
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Commiphora spathulata Mattick
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Commiphora spathulata
Species recognized by
wikipedia VI
Tanzania Species List
Commiphora spathulata
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
GBIF classification
, and
GBIF national node type records UK
Commiphora spathulata Mattick
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Commiphora spathulata Mattick
Recognized by
Plant Forms, Habitat and Distribution
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Commiphora spathulata Mattick
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Commiphora spathulata Mattick
(this page)
Commiphora acuminata Mattick
Commiphora anacardiifolia Dinter & Engl.
Commiphora andranovoryensis Phillipson, Raharim., A. Weeks & Gostel
Commiphora ankaranensis (Leroy) M. Cheek & A. Rakotozafy
Commiphora antunesii Engl.
Commiphora aprevalii Guillaum.
Commiphora arenaria M. Thulin
Commiphora benguelensis Swanepoel
Commiphora berryi (Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora boranensis K. Vollesen
Commiphora buruxa Swanepoel
Commiphora caerulea B. D. Burtt
Commiphora campestris Engl.
Commiphora capensis (Sond.) Engl.
Commiphora capuronii Bardot-Vaucoulon
Commiphora caudata (Wight & Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora cervifolia Van der Walt
Commiphora chiovendana J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora ciliata K. Vollesen
Commiphora coleopsis H. Perrier
Commiphora corrugata Gillett & K. Vollesen
Commiphora crenatoserrata Engl.
Commiphora cyclophylla Chiov. ex Guidotti
Commiphora dalzielii Hutchinson
Commiphora dinteri Engl.
Commiphora discolor Mendes
Commiphora drakebrockmanii Sprague
Commiphora eminii Engl.
Commiphora enneaphylla Chiov.
Commiphora erlangeriana Engl.
Commiphora erosa K. Vollesen
Commiphora foliacea Sprague
Commiphora franciscana Capuron
Commiphora fraxinifolia Baker
Commiphora gardoensis J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora giessii Van der Walt
Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C. Christ.
Commiphora glandulosa Schinz
Commiphora glaucescens Engl.
Commiphora gurreh Engl.
Commiphora harveyi (Engl.) Engl.
Commiphora hildebrandtii (Engl.) Engl.
Commiphora hodai Sprague
Commiphora humbertii H. Perrier
Commiphora karibensis Wild
Commiphora kua (R. Br. ex Royle) K. Vollesen
Commiphora kuneneana Swanepoel
Commiphora lacerata Thulin
Commiphora lamii H. Perrier
Commiphora laxecymigera H. Perrier
Commiphora mafaidoha H. Perrier
Commiphora marchandii Engl.
Commiphora marlothii Engl.
Commiphora mombassensis Engl.
Commiphora monstruosa (H. Perrier) Capuron
Commiphora mossambicensis (Oliv.) Engl.
Commiphora mossamedensis Mendes
Commiphora multifoliolata J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora murraywatsonii J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.
Commiphora neglecta Verdoorn
Commiphora oblanceolata Schinz
Commiphora obovata Chiov.
Commiphora oddurensis Chiov. ex Guidotti
Commiphora orbicularis Engl.
Commiphora ovalifolia J. B. Gillett
Commiphora paolii Chiov.
Commiphora parvifolia (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora pedunculata (Kotschy & Peyr.) Engl.
Commiphora planifrons (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora pseudopaolii J. B. Gillett
Commiphora pterocarpa H. Perrier
Commiphora pubescens (Wight & Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora pyracanthoides Engl.
Commiphora quadricincta Schweinf.
Commiphora quercifoliola J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora razakamalalae Gostel, Phillipson & A. Weeks
Commiphora rostrata Engl.
Commiphora samharensis Schweinf.
Commiphora sarandensis B. D. Burtt
Commiphora schimperi (O. Berg) Engl.
Commiphora serrata Engl.
Commiphora simplicifolia H. Perrier
Commiphora socotrana (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora spinulosa J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora stellatopubescens J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora steynii Swanepoel
Commiphora stolonifera B. D. Burtt
Commiphora sulcata Chiov.
Commiphora swynnertonii B. D. Burtt
Commiphora tenuipetiolata Engl.
Commiphora tetramera Engl.
Commiphora tsimanampetsae Capuron
Commiphora ugogensis Engl.
Commiphora ulugurensis Engl.
Commiphora unilobata Gillett & K. Vollesen
Commiphora viminea Burtt Davy
Commiphora virgata Engl.
Commiphora woodii Engl.
Commiphora zanzibarica (Baill.) Engl.
60 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Sapindales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl
Burseraceae Kunth
Commiphora Jacq.
Commiphora spathulata Mattick
(this page)
Commiphora acuminata Mattick
Commiphora africana (Rich.) Engl.
Commiphora alata Chiov.
Commiphora alaticaulis J. B. Gillett & Vollesen
Commiphora anacardiifolia Dinter & Engl.
Commiphora andranovoryensis Phillipson, Raharim., A. Weeks & Gostel
Commiphora angolensis Engl.
Commiphora angustefoliolata Mendes
Commiphora ankaranensis (Leroy) Cheek & Rakot.
Commiphora antunesii Engl.
Commiphora aprevalii (Baill.) Guillaumin
Commiphora arafy H. Perrier
Commiphora arenaria Thulin
Commiphora baluensis Engl.
Commiphora benguelensis Swanepoel
Commiphora berardelli Chiov.
Commiphora berryi (Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora boranensis Vollesen
Commiphora brevicalyx H. Perrier
Commiphora buruxa Swanepoel
Commiphora caerulea Burtt
Commiphora campestris Engl.
Commiphora capensis (Sond.) Engl.
Commiphora capuronii Bard.-Vauc.
Commiphora caudata (Wight & Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora cervifolia Van der Walt
Commiphora chaetocarpa J. B. Gillett
Commiphora chevalieri Engl.
Commiphora chiovendana J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora ciliata Vollesen
Commiphora coleopsis H. Perrier
Commiphora confusa Vollesen
Commiphora corrugata J. B. Gillett & Vollesen
Commiphora crenatoserrata Engl.
Commiphora cuneifolia Baker
Commiphora cyclophylla Chiov. ex Guid.
Commiphora dalzielii Hutch.
Commiphora dinteri Engl.
Commiphora discolor Mendes
Commiphora drake-brockmanii Sprague
Commiphora edulis (Klotzsch) Engl.
Commiphora elliptica Phillipson, Raharim., A. Weeks & Gostel
Commiphora eminii Engl.
Commiphora engleri Guillaumin
Commiphora enneaphylla Chiov.
Commiphora erlangeriana Engl.
Commiphora erosa Vollesen
Commiphora falcata Capuron
Commiphora foliacea Sprague
Commiphora franciscana Capuron
Commiphora fraxinifolia Baker
Commiphora fulvotomentosa Engl.
Commiphora gardoensis J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora gariepensis Swanepoel
Commiphora giessii Van der Walt
Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C. Chr.
Commiphora glandulosa Schinz
Commiphora glaucescens Engl.
Commiphora gorinii Chiov.
Commiphora gracilifrondosa Dinter ex Van der Walt
Commiphora grandifolia Engl.
Commiphora guerichiania Engl.
Commiphora guidottii Chiov. ex Guid.
Commiphora guillauminii H. Perrier
Commiphora gurreh Engl.
Commiphora hartmannii Engl.
Commiphora harveyi (Engl.) Engl.
Commiphora humbertii H. Perrier
Commiphora kuneneana Swanepoel
Commiphora lobatospathulata J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora longibracteata Engl.
Commiphora monoica Vollesen
Commiphora namibensis Swanepoel
Commiphora omundomba Swanepoel & A. Weeks
Commiphora quadricincta Schweinf.
Commiphora ruspolii Chiov.
Commiphora samharensis Schweinf.
Commiphora sarandensis Burtt
Commiphora saxicola Engl.
Commiphora schimperi (O. Berg) Engl.
Commiphora schlechteri Engl.
Commiphora schultzei Engl.
Commiphora sennii Chiov.
Commiphora serrata Engl.
Commiphora serrulata Engl.
Commiphora setulifera Chiov. ex Guid.
Commiphora simplicifolia H. Perrier
Commiphora sinuata H. Perrier
Commiphora socotrana (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora spathulifoliolata Engl.
Commiphora sphaerocarpa Chiov.
Commiphora sphaerophylla Chiov.
Commiphora spinulosa J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora staphyleifolia Chiov. ex Guid.
Commiphora stellatopubescens J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora stellulata H. Perrier
Commiphora steynii Swanepoel
Commiphora sulcata Chiov.
Commiphora tenuipetiolata Engl.
Commiphora unilobata J. B. Gillett & Vollesen
69 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Commiphora spathulata Mattick
(this page)
Commiphora acuminata Mattick
Commiphora anacardiifolia Dinter & Engl.
Commiphora andranovoryensis Phillipson, Raharim., A. Weeks & Gostel
Commiphora ankaranensis (Leroy) M. Cheek & A. Rakotozafy
Commiphora antunesii Engl.
Commiphora aprevalii Guillaum.
Commiphora arenaria M. Thulin
Commiphora benguelensis Swanepoel
Commiphora berryi (Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora boranensis K. Vollesen
Commiphora buruxa Swanepoel
Commiphora caerulea B. D. Burtt
Commiphora campestris Engl.
Commiphora capensis (Sond.) Engl.
Commiphora capuronii Bardot-Vaucoulon
Commiphora caudata (Wight & Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora cervifolia Van der Walt
Commiphora chiovendana J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora ciliata K. Vollesen
Commiphora coleopsis H. Perrier
Commiphora corrugata Gillett & K. Vollesen
Commiphora crenatoserrata Engl.
Commiphora cyclophylla Chiov. ex Guidotti
Commiphora dalzielii Hutchinson
Commiphora dinteri Engl.
Commiphora discolor Mendes
Commiphora drakebrockmanii Sprague
Commiphora eminii Engl.
Commiphora enneaphylla Chiov.
Commiphora erlangeriana Engl.
Commiphora erosa K. Vollesen
Commiphora foliacea Sprague
Commiphora franciscana Capuron
Commiphora fraxinifolia Baker
Commiphora gardoensis J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora giessii Van der Walt
Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C. Christ.
Commiphora glandulosa Schinz
Commiphora glaucescens Engl.
Commiphora gurreh Engl.
Commiphora harveyi (Engl.) Engl.
Commiphora hildebrandtii (Engl.) Engl.
Commiphora hodai Sprague
Commiphora humbertii H. Perrier
Commiphora karibensis Wild
Commiphora kua (R. Br. ex Royle) K. Vollesen
Commiphora kuneneana Swanepoel
Commiphora lacerata Thulin
Commiphora lamii H. Perrier
Commiphora laxecymigera H. Perrier
Commiphora mafaidoha H. Perrier
Commiphora marchandii Engl.
Commiphora marlothii Engl.
Commiphora mombassensis Engl.
Commiphora monstruosa (H. Perrier) Capuron
Commiphora mossambicensis (Oliv.) Engl.
Commiphora mossamedensis Mendes
Commiphora multifoliolata J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora murraywatsonii J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.
Commiphora neglecta Verdoorn
Commiphora oblanceolata Schinz
Commiphora obovata Chiov.
Commiphora oddurensis Chiov. ex Guidotti
Commiphora orbicularis Engl.
Commiphora ovalifolia J. B. Gillett
Commiphora paolii Chiov.
Commiphora parvifolia (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora pedunculata (Kotschy & Peyr.) Engl.
Commiphora planifrons (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora pseudopaolii J. B. Gillett
Commiphora pterocarpa H. Perrier
Commiphora pubescens (Wight & Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora pyracanthoides Engl.
Commiphora quadricincta Schweinf.
Commiphora quercifoliola J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora razakamalalae Gostel, Phillipson & A. Weeks
Commiphora rostrata Engl.
Commiphora samharensis Schweinf.
Commiphora sarandensis B. D. Burtt
Commiphora schimperi (O. Berg) Engl.
Commiphora serrata Engl.
Commiphora simplicifolia H. Perrier
Commiphora socotrana (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora spinulosa J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora stellatopubescens J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora steynii Swanepoel
Commiphora stolonifera B. D. Burtt
Commiphora sulcata Chiov.
Commiphora swynnertonii B. D. Burtt
Commiphora tenuipetiolata Engl.
Commiphora tetramera Engl.
Commiphora tsimanampetsae Capuron
Commiphora ugogensis Engl.
Commiphora ulugurensis Engl.
Commiphora unilobata Gillett & K. Vollesen
Commiphora viminea Burtt Davy
Commiphora virgata Engl.
Commiphora woodii Engl.
Commiphora zanzibarica (Baill.) Engl.
60 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Commiphora spathulata Mattick
(this page)
Commiphora acuminata Mattick
Commiphora anacardiifolia Dinter & Engl.
Commiphora andranovoryensis Phillipson, Raharim., A. Weeks & Gostel
Commiphora ankaranensis (Leroy) M. Cheek & A. Rakotozafy
Commiphora antunesii Engl.
Commiphora aprevalii Guillaum.
Commiphora arenaria M. Thulin
Commiphora benguelensis Swanepoel
Commiphora berryi (Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora boranensis K. Vollesen
Commiphora buruxa Swanepoel
Commiphora caerulea B. D. Burtt
Commiphora campestris Engl.
Commiphora capensis (Sond.) Engl.
Commiphora capuronii Bardot-Vaucoulon
Commiphora caudata (Wight & Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora cervifolia Van der Walt
Commiphora chiovendana J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora ciliata K. Vollesen
Commiphora coleopsis H. Perrier
Commiphora corrugata Gillett & K. Vollesen
Commiphora crenatoserrata Engl.
Commiphora cyclophylla Chiov. ex Guidotti
Commiphora dalzielii Hutchinson
Commiphora dinteri Engl.
Commiphora discolor Mendes
Commiphora drakebrockmanii Sprague
Commiphora eminii Engl.
Commiphora enneaphylla Chiov.
Commiphora erlangeriana Engl.
Commiphora erosa K. Vollesen
Commiphora foliacea Sprague
Commiphora franciscana Capuron
Commiphora fraxinifolia Baker
Commiphora gardoensis J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora giessii Van der Walt
Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C. Christ.
Commiphora glandulosa Schinz
Commiphora glaucescens Engl.
Commiphora gurreh Engl.
Commiphora harveyi (Engl.) Engl.
Commiphora hildebrandtii (Engl.) Engl.
Commiphora hodai Sprague
Commiphora humbertii H. Perrier
Commiphora karibensis Wild
Commiphora kua (R. Br. ex Royle) K. Vollesen
Commiphora kuneneana Swanepoel
Commiphora lacerata Thulin
Commiphora lamii H. Perrier
Commiphora laxecymigera H. Perrier
Commiphora mafaidoha H. Perrier
Commiphora marchandii Engl.
Commiphora marlothii Engl.
Commiphora mombassensis Engl.
Commiphora monstruosa (H. Perrier) Capuron
Commiphora mossambicensis (Oliv.) Engl.
Commiphora mossamedensis Mendes
Commiphora multifoliolata J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora murraywatsonii J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.
Commiphora neglecta Verdoorn
Commiphora oblanceolata Schinz
Commiphora obovata Chiov.
Commiphora oddurensis Chiov. ex Guidotti
Commiphora orbicularis Engl.
Commiphora ovalifolia J. B. Gillett
Commiphora paolii Chiov.
Commiphora parvifolia (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora pedunculata (Kotschy & Peyr.) Engl.
Commiphora planifrons (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora pseudopaolii J. B. Gillett
Commiphora pterocarpa H. Perrier
Commiphora pubescens (Wight & Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora pyracanthoides Engl.
Commiphora quadricincta Schweinf.
Commiphora quercifoliola J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora razakamalalae Gostel, Phillipson & A. Weeks
Commiphora rostrata Engl.
Commiphora samharensis Schweinf.
Commiphora sarandensis B. D. Burtt
Commiphora schimperi (O. Berg) Engl.
Commiphora serrata Engl.
Commiphora simplicifolia H. Perrier
Commiphora socotrana (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora spinulosa J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora stellatopubescens J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora steynii Swanepoel
Commiphora stolonifera B. D. Burtt
Commiphora sulcata Chiov.
Commiphora swynnertonii B. D. Burtt
Commiphora tenuipetiolata Engl.
Commiphora tetramera Engl.
Commiphora tsimanampetsae Capuron
Commiphora ugogensis Engl.
Commiphora ulugurensis Engl.
Commiphora unilobata Gillett & K. Vollesen
Commiphora viminea Burtt Davy
Commiphora virgata Engl.
Commiphora woodii Engl.
Commiphora zanzibarica (Baill.) Engl.
60 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Commiphora spathulata Mattick
(this page)
Commiphora acuminata Mattick
Commiphora anacardiifolia Dinter & Engl.
Commiphora andranovoryensis Phillipson, Raharim., A. Weeks & Gostel
Commiphora ankaranensis (Leroy) M. Cheek & A. Rakotozafy
Commiphora antunesii Engl.
Commiphora aprevalii Guillaum.
Commiphora arenaria M. Thulin
Commiphora benguelensis Swanepoel
Commiphora berryi (Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora boranensis K. Vollesen
Commiphora buruxa Swanepoel
Commiphora caerulea B. D. Burtt
Commiphora campestris Engl.
Commiphora capensis (Sond.) Engl.
Commiphora capuronii Bardot-Vaucoulon
Commiphora caudata (Wight & Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora cervifolia Van der Walt
Commiphora chiovendana J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora ciliata K. Vollesen
Commiphora coleopsis H. Perrier
Commiphora corrugata Gillett & K. Vollesen
Commiphora crenatoserrata Engl.
Commiphora cyclophylla Chiov. ex Guidotti
Commiphora dalzielii Hutchinson
Commiphora dinteri Engl.
Commiphora discolor Mendes
Commiphora drakebrockmanii Sprague
Commiphora eminii Engl.
Commiphora enneaphylla Chiov.
Commiphora erlangeriana Engl.
Commiphora erosa K. Vollesen
Commiphora foliacea Sprague
Commiphora franciscana Capuron
Commiphora fraxinifolia Baker
Commiphora gardoensis J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora giessii Van der Walt
Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C. Christ.
Commiphora glandulosa Schinz
Commiphora glaucescens Engl.
Commiphora gurreh Engl.
Commiphora harveyi (Engl.) Engl.
Commiphora hildebrandtii (Engl.) Engl.
Commiphora hodai Sprague
Commiphora humbertii H. Perrier
Commiphora karibensis Wild
Commiphora kua (R. Br. ex Royle) K. Vollesen
Commiphora kuneneana Swanepoel
Commiphora lacerata Thulin
Commiphora lamii H. Perrier
Commiphora laxecymigera H. Perrier
Commiphora mafaidoha H. Perrier
Commiphora marchandii Engl.
Commiphora marlothii Engl.
Commiphora mombassensis Engl.
Commiphora monstruosa (H. Perrier) Capuron
Commiphora mossambicensis (Oliv.) Engl.
Commiphora mossamedensis Mendes
Commiphora multifoliolata J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora murraywatsonii J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl.
Commiphora neglecta Verdoorn
Commiphora oblanceolata Schinz
Commiphora obovata Chiov.
Commiphora oddurensis Chiov. ex Guidotti
Commiphora orbicularis Engl.
Commiphora ovalifolia J. B. Gillett
Commiphora paolii Chiov.
Commiphora parvifolia (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora pedunculata (Kotschy & Peyr.) Engl.
Commiphora planifrons (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora pseudopaolii J. B. Gillett
Commiphora pterocarpa H. Perrier
Commiphora pubescens (Wight & Arn.) Engl.
Commiphora pyracanthoides Engl.
Commiphora quadricincta Schweinf.
Commiphora quercifoliola J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora razakamalalae Gostel, Phillipson & A. Weeks
Commiphora rostrata Engl.
Commiphora samharensis Schweinf.
Commiphora sarandensis B. D. Burtt
Commiphora schimperi (O. Berg) Engl.
Commiphora serrata Engl.
Commiphora simplicifolia H. Perrier
Commiphora socotrana (Balf. fil.) Engl.
Commiphora spinulosa J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora stellatopubescens J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora steynii Swanepoel
Commiphora stolonifera B. D. Burtt
Commiphora sulcata Chiov.
Commiphora swynnertonii B. D. Burtt
Commiphora tenuipetiolata Engl.
Commiphora tetramera Engl.
Commiphora tsimanampetsae Capuron
Commiphora ugogensis Engl.
Commiphora ulugurensis Engl.
Commiphora unilobata Gillett & K. Vollesen
Commiphora viminea Burtt Davy
Commiphora virgata Engl.
Commiphora woodii Engl.
Commiphora zanzibarica (Baill.) Engl.
60 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Commiphora Jacq.
Commiphora spathulata Mattick
(this page)
Commiphora caerulea Burtt
Commiphora capensis Engl.
Commiphora capuronii Bard.-Vauc.
Commiphora cervifolia Van der Walt
Commiphora chaetocarpa J. B. Gillett
Commiphora chevalieri Engl.
Commiphora chiovendana J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora ciliata Vollesen
Commiphora coleopsis H. Perrier
Commiphora confusa Vollesen
Commiphora corrugata Gillett & Vollesen
Commiphora cuneifolia Baker
Commiphora cyclophylla Chiov. ex Guidotti
Commiphora dalzielii Hutch.
Commiphora dinteri Engl.
Commiphora discolor Mendes
Commiphora engleri Guillaumin
Commiphora enneaphylla Chiov.
Commiphora erlangeriana Engl.
Commiphora erosa Vollesen
Commiphora falcata Capuron
Commiphora foliacea Sprague
Commiphora franciscana Capuron
Commiphora fraxinifolia Baker
Commiphora fulvotomentosa Engl.
Commiphora gardoensis J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora gariepensis Swanepoel
Commiphora giessii Van der Walt
Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C. Chr.
Commiphora glandulosa Schinz
Commiphora glaucescens Engl.
Commiphora gorinii Chiov.
Commiphora gracilifrondosa Dinter ex Van der Walt
Commiphora grandifolia Engl.
Commiphora grosswelleri Engl.
Commiphora guerichiania Engl.
Commiphora guidottii Chiov. ex Guidotti
Commiphora gurreh Engl.
Commiphora hartmannii Engl.
Commiphora harveyi Engl.
Commiphora hildebrandtii Engl.
Commiphora hodai Sprague
Commiphora hornbyi Burtt
Commiphora horrida Chiov.
Commiphora humbertii H. Perrier
Commiphora kaokoensis Swanepoel
Commiphora karibensis Wild
Commiphora kerstingii Engl.
Commiphora kraeuseliana Heine
Commiphora kucharii Thulin
Commiphora kuneneana Swanepoel
Commiphora lacerata Thulin
Commiphora lamii H. Perrier
Commiphora lasiodisca H. Perrier
Commiphora laxecymigera H. Perrier
Commiphora leandriana H. Perrier
Commiphora lobatospathulata J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora planifrons Engl.
Commiphora playfairii Engl.
Commiphora pseudopaolii J. B. Gillett
Commiphora pteleifolia Engl.
Commiphora pterocarpa H. Perrier
Commiphora pubescens Engl.
Commiphora pyracanthoides Engl.
Commiphora quadricincta Schweinf.
Commiphora quercifoliola J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora ruspolii Chiov.
Commiphora saxicola Engl.
Commiphora schimperi Engl.
Commiphora schlechteri Engl.
Commiphora schultzei Engl.
Commiphora sennii Chiov.
Commiphora serrata Engl.
Commiphora serrulata Engl.
Commiphora simplicifolia H. Perrier
Commiphora sinuata H. Perrier
Commiphora socotrana Engl.
Commiphora spathulifoliolata Engl.
Commiphora sphaerocarpa Chiov.
Commiphora sphaerophylla Chiov.
Commiphora spinulosa J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora staphyleifolia Chiov. ex Guidotti
Commiphora stellatopubescens J. B. Gillett ex Thulin
Commiphora stellulata H. Perrier
Commiphora steynii Swanepoel
Commiphora stolonifera Burtt
Commiphora sulcata Chiov.
Commiphora swynnertonii Burtt
Commiphora tenuipetiolata Engl.
Commiphora tetramera Engl.
Commiphora truncata Engl.
Commiphora tsimanampetsae Capuron
Commiphora ugogensis Engl.
Commiphora ulugurensis Engl.
Commiphora unilobata Gillett & Vollesen
Commiphora viminea Burtt Davy
Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari
Commiphora wildii Merxm.
Commiphora woodii Engl.
Commiphora zanzibarica Engl.
75 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.