plants on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
plants on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
plants on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
plants on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
in shallow outwash accumulation of calcareous sand and small gravels on low slope of gray limestone hillside
in shallow outwash accumulation of calcareous sand and small gravels on low slope of gray limestone hillside
in shallow outwash accumulation of calcareous sand and small gravels on low slope of gray limestone hillside
in shallow outwash accumulation of calcareous sand and small gravels on low slope of gray limestone hillside
plants on flat plain of a large bolson in silty, slightly saline, calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area with numerous diverse annuals resulting from recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub. Site is located just inside (ca. 50 m) the state line.
plants on flat plain of a large bolson in silty, slightly saline, calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area with numerous diverse annuals resulting from recent heavy rains and patches of undisturbed native desert scrub. Site is located just inside (ca. 50 m) the state line.
Synonym: Lesquerella fendleri
on broad grassy roadside right-of-way in coarse gravelly calcareous/caliche soils of undulating plain. Siliques glabrous, pedicles straight.
on broad grassy roadside right-of-way in coarse gravelly calcareous/caliche soils of undulating plain. Siliques glabrous, pedicles straight.
on broad grassy roadside right-of-way in coarse gravelly calcareous/caliche soils of undulating plain. Siliques glabrous, pedicles straight.
Plants on broad grassy roadside right-of-way in coarse gravelly calcareous/caliche soils of undulating plain.
on mixed basin alluvial gravels with Dalea greggii, Nolina texana, Mimosa aculeaticarpa in grasses
on mixed basin alluvial gravels with Dalea greggii, Nolina texana, Mimosa aculeaticarpa in grasses
habitat view. On calcareous soil of shrub invaded grassland flats
View: inflated siliques on straight ascending pedicles. Plant on calcareous soil of shrub invaded grassland flats
Note: stellate hairs. Plant on calcareous soil of shrub invaded grassland flats
on exposed limestone face of low vertical road cut