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Slimleaf Rosewood

Vauquelinia corymbosa subsp. angustifolia (Rydb.) W. J. Hess & J. Henrickson

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Vauquelinia angustifolia Rydberg, sp. nov
Vauquelinia corymbosa C. K. Schneid. Handb. I^aubh. 1 : 492, in part. 1905.
A shrub, 3-5 m. high and trunk 5-10 cm. in diameter ; bark of the young ascending twigs glabrous and light greenish-brown, of the older branches chestnut-brown, more or less fissured and cracked; petioles 1-2 cm. long, glabrous; leaf-blades linear, 5-10 cm. long, coriaceous, shining, dark-green above, yellowish-green beneath, sharply dentate, acute at each end, strongly reticulate; corymbs rather small, glabrous; bracts subulate, 5-8 mm. long ; hypanthium glabrous without, villous at the base within ; sepals ovate, nearly 2 mm. long, glabrous without, villous on the margins within ; petals orbicular, 4 mm. long ; stamens slightly shorter; fruit ovoid, about 6 mm. long, densely pubescent.
Type collected in the Santa Eulalia Mountains, Chihuahua, Mexico, in 1885, C. G. PringleS. Distribution : Chihuahua.
bibliographic citation
Frederick Vernon Coville, Nathaniel Lord Britton, Henry Allan Gleason, John Kunkel Small, Charles Louis Pollard, Per Axel Rydberg. 1908. GROSSULARIACEAE, PLATANACEAE, CROSSOSOMATACEAE, CONNARACEAE, CALYCANTHACEAE, and ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora