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Palmer's Milkwort

Hebecarpa palmeri (S. Watson) J. R. Abbott

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Polygala palmeri S. Wats. Proc. Am Acad. 17: 325. 1882. Stems several, 1.2-1.8 dm. high, densely and subcanescently pubescent with spreadingincurved hairs; leaves from oval below to oblong or obovate-oblong, the middle and upper 15-16 mm. long, 4.5-7 mm. wide, obtuse or truncate, mucronate, cuneate at base, thick, incurved-spreading-pubescent; racemes 3.5-4.5 cm. long, canescently pubescent, 61 1 -flowered ; flowers pale greenish-yellow and purplish; wings obovate, 5.7-6 mm. long, 2.8 mm. wide, acutish, pubescent nearly all over with spreading-incurved hairs; keel equaling wings; capsule oval-ovate, somewhat narrowed above, rounded at base, ciliolate, 10 mm. long; seed 6 mm. long; aril 1.5 mm. deep, with spreading-pilose umbo and much narrower subentire scarious margin extended into short anterior and dorsal subhorizontal lobes.
Type locality: Juarez, Coahuila.
Distribution: Extreme western Texas and Coahuila.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora