Isoberlinia doka is a hardwood tree native to African tropical savannas and Guinean forest-savanna mosaic dry forests where it can form single species stands.[2] The tree is exploited for its economic value as a commercial timber. The leaves and shoots of the tree dominate the diet of the Giant Eland in its range.[3] The tree is a host plant for Anaphe moloneyi (superfamily Thaumetopoeidae), one of the caterpillars that produces a wild silk, sayan, local to parts of Nigeria.[4]
Isoberlinia doka is a hardwood tree native to African tropical savannas and Guinean forest-savanna mosaic dry forests where it can form single species stands. The tree is exploited for its economic value as a commercial timber. The leaves and shoots of the tree dominate the diet of the Giant Eland in its range. The tree is a host plant for Anaphe moloneyi (superfamily Thaumetopoeidae), one of the caterpillars that produces a wild silk, sayan, local to parts of Nigeria.