Whittaker, J. E.; Jones, R. W.; Banner, F. T. (1998). Key Mesozoic Benthic Foraminifera of the Middle East. The Natural History Museum of London. 1-236. Pl. 86, figs 1-8 Palorbitolina lenticularis (Blumenbach, 1805). 1, IPC no. M/2040, identified by Henson (1948c) as Orbitolina cf. discoidea Gras, axial section, x30. 2, 4, IPC no. M/2041, identified by Henson as O. cf. discoidea Gras, axial view and detail of megalospheric embryonic apparatus, x30 and x80, respectively. 3, IPC no. M/2040, identified by Henson as O. cf. discoidea Gras, part of axial section showing megalospheric embryonic apparatus, x75. 5, 6, IPC no. M/2171, identified by Henson as O. cf. discoidea Gras, axial section and detail of megalospheric embryonic apparatus, x40 and x95, respectively. 7, Syntype of Orbitolina discoidea Gras var. delicata Henson 1948c, IPC no. M/2795 (BMNH no. P 35919), illustrated by Henson (1948c, pl. 2, fig. 13), horizontal section through megalospheric embryo, x70. 8, Syntype of O. discoidea Gras var. delicata Henson, IPC no. M/2794 (BMNH no. P 35920), illustrated by Henson (1948c, pl. 2, fig. 14), part of near-parallel section close to test surface, x40. Figs 1-4 from Qashqai Sarhad, Tang Mawari, late Barremian/early Aptian, Iran. Figs 5, 6 from Jebel Abd-el-Aziz, Wadi N'garra, late Barremian, N.E. Syria. 7, 8 from Dukhan-2 Well, from "Barremian, 250-350' below Aptian", Qatar.
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 185, Figs. 6-10: L. Cretaceous (L. Aptian, U. Bedoulian). 6, 7, France, ventral and dorsal sides of topotypes, x 6.6; 8, part of basal section of topotype, x 50; 9, S. Italy, axial section of specimen showing central chamber (c), and perlembryonal ring (p) with well-marked marginal zone, x 88; 10, France, slightly oblique axial section of topotype, x 20 (figs. 6-8, 10, from Douglass, in Loeblich and Tappan, 1964; 9, from Cherchi et al., 1978).