
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Colpaster scutigerula Sladen, 1889

Colpaster scutigerula Sladen, 1889:648–650, pl. 47: figs. 4–7.

MERISTICS.—Arms = 7–10, R = 135+ mm (estimated), r = 6–10 mm, R/r = 13.5–22.5/1, length of gonadal region = 18–31 mm, length of longest arm spine = 4–7 mm.

DIAGNOSIS.—[80.a] Madreporite large; [100.a] madreporite with a few coarse irregular channels; [110.a] abactinal disc plates small, round, metapaxillar; [120.c] abactinal disc plates imbricate; [130.a] abactinal disc plates bearing 3–6 short, capitate spinelets; [170] number of arms 7–10, robust in proportion to disc; [205.b] gonadal region of arms 18–31 mm long, not inflated; [210.b] abactinal arm plates tumid; [240.a] abactinal arm plates bearing 3–6 short capitate spinelets; [280.a] marginal plates small; [290.d] marginals triangular; [310.a] marginals bearing one long, very robust, frequently capitate spine; [320.a,b] adambulacral plates about as long as high; [330.a] adambulacral plates cylindrical; [340.a] furrow margin straight; [350] number of furrow spines 2, small; [360.a] furrow spines acute; [370.a,b] one furrow spine proximal, one distal; [380] number of subambulacral spines 2; [390.b] subambulacral spines large, robust, frequently capitate; [420.b] ambulacral plates rather small, delicate; [430.d] head of ambulacrals cylindrical, much larger than base; [470.b] tubefeet rather heavy; [480.a] mouth plates small, strong; [490.c,f] mouth plates broader distally than proximally, with pronounced keel distally; [500] number of preoral spines per mouth plate 2; [510.b] preoral spine small, blunt, almost club-shaped; [520.b] preoral spines laterally placed, nearly closing ambulacral groove; [530] number of lateral oral spines per mouth plate 1 (not always present); [540.b] lateral oral spines blunt, similar to preoral spines; [550.a] lateral oral spines proximal on mouth plate; [560] number of suboral spines per mouth plate 1–3; [570.a] suboral spines acute; [580.a] suboral spines above center of mouth plate; [620.a,b,c] pedicellariae on both surfaces of disc and arms, in bands or rows on arms; [630.a] all pedicellariae quite small.

COLOR.—Ashy gray with traces of violet (in alcohol).

TYPE.—BM(NH) 1890.5.7.1081 (holotype); Challenger Sta 3, SW of Canary Islands, 25°45′N, 20° 14′W, 2789 m.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Holotype; 1 specimen, USNM E20796, Pillsbury Sta 266, Gulf of Guinea, 1°13′N, 46°E, 2525 m; 1 disc, Oregon II Sta 11217, off Honduras, 26°26′N, 83° 31′W, 933 m.

DISTRIBUTION.—S of Canary Islands; Gulf of Guinea; off Honduras; 933–2789 m.
bibliographic citation
Downey, Maureen E. 1986. "Revision of the Atlantic Brisingida (Echinodermata:Asteroidea), with description of a new genus and family." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-57. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.435