
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Amboleberis americana (Müller, 1890)

Asterope americana Müller, 1890:240, pl. 25: fig. 16; pl. 26: fig. 9; pl. 27: fig. 11.

Asterope dentata Müller, 1890:240 [lapsus].

Cylindroleberis americana.—Müller, 1894:218, 220 [inferred].

Cyclasterope brevis.—Brady, 1902:183, pl. 24: figs. 16–22 [see Poulsen, 1965:250].

Cyclasterope amerikana.—Müller, 1906:33.

Cyclasterope americana.—Müller, 1912:48.

Cyclasterope deutata.—Müller, 1912:48 [misspelling of C. dentata in synonymy].

Cycloleberis americana.—Skogsberg, 1920:442 [Skogsberg stated that the species probably should be placed in Cycloleberis].—Poulsen, 1965:169, 250, 252, figs. 85, 86.—Kornicker, 1975a:69, 78; 1977a:792, 795.

Cyclasterope priacanthus Tressler, 1949:338, figs. 1–3.

Cyclasterope tripla Tressler, 1949:340, figs. 10, 11.

Cyclasterope sphaerica Tressler, 1949:336, 337, 340, figs. 13, 14.

Cycloberis biminiensis Kornicker, 1958:232, 243, figs. 67A–D, 68A–F, 85A–E.

Cyclasterope biminiensis.—Darby, 1965:30, pl. 17: figs. 1–8; pl. 18: figs. 1–7; pl. 19: figs. 1–4.

Cycloleberis biminiensis.—Poulsen, 1965:245 [key].

Cycloleberis priacanthus.—Poulsen, 1965:245 [key].

Cycloleberis tripla.—Poulsen, 1965:245 [key].

Cycloleberis sphaerica.—Poulsen, 1965:245 [key].

HOLOTYPE.—Unique specimen, present locality of specimen, if extant, unknown.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Coast of South America (Pernambuco), pelagic.

MATERIAL.—USNM 88842, holotype of Cyclasterope tripla, juvenile male, seaweed on rocks on east side of Loggerhead Key, Tortugas, Florida; USNM 88844, holotype of Cyclasterope sphaerica, juvenile male, 18–20 m, east side of White Shoal, Tortugas, Florida; USNM 88848, holotype of Cyclasterope priacanthus, adult male, off Loggerhead Key, near marker 754, Tortugas, Florida (from fish stomach); USNM 88857, paratype of Cyclasterope tripla, 1 juvenile male, 16–18 m in southwest channel north of Red Buoy No. 2, Tortugas, Florida; USNM 88851, paratype of Cyclasterope sphaerica, 1 juvenile female, debris of cracked rock from west side of Loggerhead Key, Tortugas, Florida; USNM 150290A, 1 ovigerous female, Tampa Bay, Florida; USNM 150290B, 1 juvenile female, Tampa Bay; USNM 81645, 3 specimens (2 without all appendages), northeast of Lake Worth, Palm Beach County, Florida; USNM 150296, 1 adult male, continental shelf off Georgia; USNM 156913, 1 specimen, Gosnold cruise 222, sta 268B on Atlantic shelf off Florida; USNM 156989, 3 specimens, Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, sta 56; USNM 156800, 156801, 2 specimens, Costa Rica, sta 1567 and 1566, respectively; USNM 157587, 1 juvenile, sta 14, replicate 4, Anclote Anchorage, Florida. USNM 157763, 1 specimen, sta 16(2), off Galveston, Texas. Specimens returned to M. Bowen, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: 2 specimens, sta 1D off South Carolina, 2 specimens, sta 6B off Jacksonville, Florida.

Panama specimens, Pacific side: USNM 157138–140, 3 juveniles, sta 182-1; USNM 156933, 157141, 4 juveniles, sta 182-3; USNM 157142–145, 1 adult male, 10 juveniles sta 183-1; USNM 157146–149, 2 ovigerous females, 9 juveniles, sta 183-2; USNM 157168, 1 ovigerous female, sta 83; 1 juvenile male, sta 75 (retained by H. W. Kaufman); USNM 157198, 1 juvenile, sta 5; USNM 157199, 1 juvenile, sta 6; USNM 157200, 1 ovigerous female, sta 76.

DISTRIBUTION (Figure 39).—Atlantic Ocean: South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Dry Tortugas, Bahamas, Belize, Brazil. Gulf of Mexico: Florida, Texas. Pacific Ocean: Costa Rica, Gulf of Panama. Collected in surface plankton and on the bottom at intertidal depths and as deep as 53.5 m.
bibliographic citation
Kornicker, Louis S. 1981. "Revision, Distribution, Ecology, and Ontogeny of the Ostracode Subfamily Cyclasteropinae (Myodocopina: Cylindroleberididae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-548. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.319

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Amboleberis americana (Müller, 1890)

See Kornicker (1981b: 168) for synonomy.

HOLOTYPE.—Present locality of specimen, if extant, unknown (Kornicker, 1981:168).

MATERIAL.—Rat Cay Blue Hole, Andros Island, 9 specimens. Crab Cay Crevasse, Exuma Cays, USNM 194584, 1 specimen.

DISTRIBUTION.—East Atlantic coast: South Carolina to Brazil. Bahamas: Rat Cay Blue Hole and Crab Cay Cravasse (herein). East Pacific: Costa Rica and Gulf of Panama. Gulf of Mexico: Florida and Texas. Depth range: surface to 53.5 m.

SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION OF INSTAR I (sex unknown).—Carapace ovoid with vertical ridge posterior to incisur (Figure 69).

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194584, 0.76, 0.58.

Furca (Figure 69): Each lamella with 4 claws: claw 1 with suture at base, claws 2–4 without sutures.

Y-Sclerite and Girdle (Figure 69): Fused.

Appendix 1

Station Data With Specimens Examined

(in chronological order)

Inland Blue Holes

Sta 97–021, 5 Aug 1997, Mermaid's Lair, Grand Bahama Island; collected with plankton net from water column in 18–22 m depths.

Spelaeoecia parkeri: 1 specimen.

Sta 97–022, 6 Aug 1997, Mermaid's Lair, Grand Bahama Island; collected with individual vials and 93 mm mesh plankton net from halocline and below in 18–22 m depths.

Spelaeoecia parkeri: 1 specimen.

Sta 97–026, 24 Aug 1997, Stargate Blue Hole, South Andros Island; collected with plankton net, vials, and suction bottle from water column in 33–36 m depths of North Passage.

Deeveya bransoni: 4 specimens.

Spelaeoecia styx: 7 specimens.

Sta 97–028, 24 Aug 1997, Stargate Blue Hole (same collecting data as given above for Sta 97–026).

Deeveya bransoni: 3 specimens.

Sta 97–029, 26 Aug 1997, Stargate Blue Hole, South Andros Island; collected with plankton net and vials from water column in 33–39 m depths of South Passage.

Deeveya bransoni: 2 specimens.

Spelaeoecia styx: 3 specimens.

Oceanic Blue Holes

Sta 95–008, 18 May 1995, Angelfish Cave, Stocking Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas; salinity 35 ppt; collected with suction bottle from outside the cave in 9 m water depth on a sandy ledge overlooking the cave entrance.

Cylindroleberidinae, genus and species indeterminate: 1 early instar.

Sta 95–010, 18 May 1995, Crab Cay Crevasse, Crab Cay, Exuma Cays, Bahamas; salinity 35 ppt; collected with plankton net from coarse sediment at 35 m depth about 100 m inside cave.

Skogsbergia lerneri: 2 specimens.

Eurypylus hapax: 3 specimens.

Junctichela pax: 17 specimens.

Rutiderma darbyi: 1 specimen.

Amboleberis americana: 1 specimen.

Sta 95–091, 5 Aug 1995, Sugar Cay Blue Hole, Sugar Cay, Exuma Cays, Bahamas; collected with plankton net from a silt mound on the wall of the cave passage in 31 m depth (Kornicker and Iliffe, 2000:94).

Harbansus paucichelatus: 3 specimens.

Eusarsiella merx: 5 specimens.

Eusarsiella spp. indet.: 2 instar IV (USNM 194558, 194580); 3 juveniles (USNM 194628).

Sta 96–030, 9 Sep 1996, Mystery Cave, Stocking Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas; collected with plankton net from sandy bottom and walls in 50 m depth (Kornicker and Iliffe, 2000:94).

Synasterope browni: 3 specimens.

Sta 96–031, 9 Sep 1996, Master Harbour Cave, Great Exuma Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas; collected with plankton net from surface of a silt mound in 12–15 m depth. Skogsbergia lerneri: 2 specimens.

Cylindroleberidinae (genus and species indeterminate): 1 instar I.

Sta 96–040, 6 Apr 1996, Conch Sound Blue Hole, Andros Island, Bahamas; collected with plankton net from surface of silt mound in 22 m depth (Kornicker and Iliffe, 2000:94).

Harbansus paucichelatus: 11 specimens.

Eusarsiella sp. indet.: 1 instar I.

Sta 97–023, month and day unknown, 1997, Four Shark Cave, South Andros Island; collected by divers with a plankton net tow from the water column and silt on ledges at 27–33 m depth in the back section of the cavern.

Skogsbergia lerneri: 1 specimen.

Eusarsiella ryanae: 11 specimens.

Synasterope browni: 1 specimen.

Rat Cay Blue Hole, Andros Island, 1981, 1982; collected with plankton net about 1.5 m from walls of the cave in about 5 m depth while current flowed out of hole. Species marked by * are from Warner and Moore (1984, table 1) (those species were identified by Kornicker (1983, in litt.) and were returned to The Natural History Museum, London.

Skogsbergia lerneri*: 2 specimens.

Eusarsiella warneri: 1 specimen.

Amboleberis americana*: 9 specimens.

Actinoseta chelisparsa*: 1 specimen.

Asteropella monambon*: 1 specimen.

Appendix 2

(Number of filaments on c-, f-, and g-bristles of the first antennae of males and females of selected species of Cylindroleberidinae, and carapace length of adult males. (L=carapace length of adult male in mm; nd=no data; S=bristle relatively short; -=females unknown; +=distal part of bristle missing and number of missing additional filaments unknown; number of filaments may or may not include tip of bristle.)
bibliographic citation
Kornicker, Louis S., Iliffe, Thomas M., and Harrison-Nelson, Elizabeth. 2002. "Ostracoda (Myodocopa) from Bahamian Blue Holes." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-99. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.616

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Amboleberis americana (Müller, 1890)

Amboleberis americana.—Kornicker, 1981a:168, figs. 62–66; pls. 42–46 [see for complete synonomy].

HOLOTYPE.—Unique specimen, present locality, if extant, unknown.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Coast of South America (Pernambuco), pelagic.

MATERIAL.—See “Station Data with Specimens Examined.”

DISTRIBUTION.—Atlantic Ocean: North Caroline to Florida, Dry Tortugas, Bahamas, Virgin Islands, Belize, Brazil. Gulf of Mexico: Florida, Texas. Pacific Ocean: Costa Rica, Gulf of Panama. Collected in surface plankton and on the bottom at intertidal depths and as deep as 97.5 m.


This subfamily comprises 7 genera of which 3 have representatives in the study area: Actinoseta Kornicker, 1958, Asteropella Poulsen, 1965, and Asteropterygion Kornicker, 1981. Only these 3 genera are included in the Key, which is for species in the study area.
bibliographic citation
Kornicker, Louis S. 1986. "Cylindroleberididae of the Western North Atlantic and the Northern Gulf of Mexico, and Zoogeography of the Myodocopina (Ostracoda)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-139. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.425