marshy area on steep volcanic rhyolitic tuff hillside around flowing seep spring and small ponding area with Lobelia cardinalis, Perityle microcephala, Mimulus dentilobus
marshy area on steep volcanic rhyolitic tuff hillside around flowing seep spring and small ponding area with Lobelia cardinalis, Perityle microcephala, Mimulus dentilobus
marshy area on steep volcanic rhyolitic tuff hillside around flowing seep spring and small ponding area with Lobelia cardinalis, Perityle microcephala, Mimulus dentilobus
marshy area on steep volcanic rhyolitic tuff hillside around flowing seep spring and small ponding area with Lobelia cardinalis, Perityle microcephala, Mimulus dentilobus
marshy area on steep volcanic rhyolitic tuff hillside around flowing seep spring and small ponding area with Lobelia cardinalis, Perityle microcephala, Mimulus dentilobus
marshy area on steep volcanic rhyolitic tuff hillside around flowing seep spring and small ponding area with Lobelia cardinalis, Perityle microcephala, Mimulus dentilobus
marshy area on steep volcanic rhyolitic tuff hillside around flowing seep spring and small ponding area with Lobelia cardinalis, Perityle microcephala, Mimulus dentilobus
marshy area on steep volcanic rhyolitic tuff hillside around flowing seep spring and small ponding area with Lobelia cardinalis, Perityle microcephala, Mimulus dentilobus
on moist, silty, volcanic soil of large open grassy meadow and shallow marshy wetland at junction of shallow drainage from low forested hills forming the high regional Madrean plateau
on moist, silty, volcanic soil of large open grassy meadow and shallow marshy wetland at junction of shallow drainage from low forested hills forming the high regional Madrean plateau
on moist, silty, volcanic soil of large open grassy meadow and shallow marshy wetland at junction of shallow drainage from low forested hills forming the high regional Madrean plateau
on moist, silty, volcanic soil of large open grassy meadow and shallow marshy wetland at junction of shallow drainage from low forested hills forming the high regional Madrean plateau
coarse gravels of dark basalt at base of roadcut for new highway across the Sa. La Brena escarpment, largely obliterating the old, one lane railroad bed that provided access to the botanically rich, exciting and very scenic climb into the Madrean highlands
coarse gravels of dark basalt at base of roadcut for new highway across the Sa. La Brena escarpment, largely obliterating the old, one lane railroad bed that provided access to the botanically rich, exciting and very scenic climb into the Madrean highlands
coarse gravels of dark basalt at base of roadcut for new highway across the Sa. La Brena escarpment that largely obliterated the old, one lane railroad bed that provided access to the botanically rich, exciting and very scenic climb into the Madrean highlands
coarse gravels of dark basalt at base of roadcut for new highway across the Sa. La Brena escarpment that largely obliterated the old, one lane railroad bed that provided access to the botanically rich, exciting and very scenic climb into the Madrean highlands
coarse gravels of dark basalt at base of roadcut for new highway across the Sa. La Brena escarpment that largely obliterated the old, one lane railroad bed that provided access to the botanically rich, exciting and very scenic climb into the Madrean highlands
coarse gravels of dark basalt at base of roadcut for new highway across the Sa. La Brena escarpment that largely obliterated the old, one lane railroad bed that provided access to the botanically rich, exciting and very scenic climb into the Madrean highlands