Taxonomic history
Replacement name for Camponotus ruficeps (Smith, 1857). [Junior primary homonym of Camponotus ruficeps (Fabricius, 1804).].Forel, 1886h PDF: 171 (q.).Combination in Camponotus (Colobopsis): Chapman & Capco, 1951 PDF: 224.Combination in Camponotus (Myrmotarsus): Emery, 1925d PDF: 135; Bolton, 1995b: 131.Junior synonym of Camponotus misturus: Emery, 1925d PDF: 135.Status as species: Mayr, 1867a PDF: 37 (redescription); Mayr, 1879 PDF: 646; Forel, 1886h PDF: 171; Mayr, 1886c PDF: 354; Dalla Torre, 1893 PDF: 232; Emery, 1896j PDF: 374 (in list); Emery, 1900: 702; Forel, 1909b PDF: 57; Wheeler, 1919f PDF: 118; Donisthorpe, 1932c PDF: 443; Chapman & Capco, 1951 PDF: 224; Bolton, 1995b: 102; Pfeiffer et al., 2011 PDF: 37.Senior synonym of Camponotus distinguendus (Smith, 1871): Smith, 1871a PDF: 305 (unnecessary (second) replacement name for Camponotus ruficeps (Smith, 1857)).Senior synonym of Camponotus smithi Donisthorpe, 1932 (unnecessary third replacement name for Camponotus ruficeps (Smith, 1857)): Bolton, 1995b: 102.[[ worker ]] Long. 16 mill. Mayr (Form. Indo-neerland.) decrit la [[ worker ]] et la tete de la [[ queen ]]. Notre exemplaire correspond, bien a sa description, mais le vertex a une tache brune interocellaire. Le thorax est d'un brun fonce vaguement tache de roussatre sur le mesonotum. L'ecaille est echancree et l'abdomen noiratre a segments bordes de jaunatre. Les tibias sont arrondis, faiblement canneles, fournis d'une pilosite oblique. Les ailes sont enfumees de brun-noiratre.
Une [[ worker ]] recoltee a Sumatra par le Dr C. Klaesi (collection Autran).