Image of Eurytenes (Stigmatopoea) maya Wharton
Unresolved name

Eurytenes (Stigmatopoea) maya Wharton


provided by Zookeys
Female. Head in dorsal view 1.25–1.30 × broader than mesoscutum, 1.80–1.95 × broader than face; eye in dorsal view 2.5–3.2 × longer than temple, temples distinctly receding behind eyes. Frons and vertex highly polished, unsculptured except for shallow, median depression between toruli; frons bare, vertex and occiput with a few, short, scattered setae; width of ocellar field 1.05–1.3 × distance from ocellar field to eye. Face 1.55–1.70 × wider than high; slightly less polished than frons; uniformly setose (as in Figs 50, 52), with very fine punctures, these separated by at least 2 × their diameter. Frons and face delimited by slight change in sculpture resulting in weak, shallow sulcus between torulus and eye; distance between antennal toruli equal to distance from torulus to eye, eye not distinctly emarginate in region of antenna. Malar sulcus deep, complete; malar space about 0.5 × basal width of mandible, 0.2 × eye height. Face weakly convex, bulging slightly medially along the low midridge. Epistomal sulcus weak mid-dorsally, more distinct laterally. Clypeus 2.2–2.5 × wider than high; weakly convex, slightly protruding in profile; ventral margin sharp, truncate to very weakly concave in frontal view. Labrum broadly exposed, gap between ventral margin of clypeus and dorsal margin of mandible varying from 0.5–1.0 × height of clypeus, depending on how tightly closed the mandibles are. Occipital carina distinctly curved medially at dorsal end, broadly absent mid-dorsally, the space where the carina is absent distinctly wider than width of ocellar field; occipital and hypostomal carinae widely separated at base of mandible, the latter extending as a flange beneath about basal 0.2 of mandible. Mandible without basal lobe ventrally; bidentate apically, lower tooth much smaller than dorsal tooth and slightly twisted beneath dorsal tooth; ventral margin carinate throughout. Antenna 1.35–1.45 ×longer than fore wing, with 39–43 flagellomeres; first flagellomere 1.1–1.3 × longer than second, 1.2–1.3 × longer than third; flagellomeres 2.3–2.7 × longer than wide basally, twice longer than wide apically. Maxillary palps a little longer than head height; fifth and sixth segments equal in length or nearly so, fourth segment 1.1–1.15 × longer than both fifth and sixth. Mesosoma 1.4 × longer than high; 1.9 × longer than wide; 1.35–1.40 × higher than wide. Pronotum dorsally a narrow, polished, smooth band with crenulate groove along posterior margin; rarely with discernible, slightly enlarged pit in middle of crenulate groove; crenulae extending in narrow, shallow groove onto pronotum laterally, but only covering dorsal 0.2–0.4; groove margined anteriorly by sharp carina that continues ventrally along full length of pronotum. Anterior declivity of mesoscutum completely vertical, bare or nearly so; anterior-lateral corners of mesoscutum at upper edge of declivity elevated, rounded, sparsely setose; notauli extending 0.4 × distance from anterior declivity to scuto-scutellar sulcus, extending posteriorly from lateral side of elevated anterior-lateral corners, not extending to mesoscutal margin anteriorly, very weakly converging posteriorly; narrow, crenulate throughout; mesoscutum with distinct supra-marginal carina extending from elevated anterior-lateral corner to tegula. Lateral and median mesoscutal lobes bare except scattered setae along notauli; midpit deep, round to somewhat elongate, never extending to notauli. Scuto-scutellar sulcus nearly rectangular, a little narrower medially; 3.75–4.25 × wider than midlength; crenulate-foveolate, with 7 ridges; all sides vertical, clearly delineated. Scutellum very weakly convex, nearly flat, not strongly elevated; bare except for scattered setae posteriorly; unsculptured, even along posterior margin. Propodeum with median carina over anterior 0.3, bifurcating at this point to form an inverted v-shaped transverse carina extending to pleural carina just posteriad spiracle; pleural carina complete from base to apex though sometimes partly obscured by sculpture posteriad spiracle; lateral longitudinal carina parallel to and narrowly separated from pleural carina anteriad spiracle, more medially displaced when visible posteriad transverse carinae, forming part of broad areola; area between pleural and lateral longitudinal carinae rugose and sparsely setose anteriorly; lateral propodeal areas anteriorly on either side of median carina smooth, bare, unsculptured; areola broad, varying from distinct (with surface irregularly, weakly rugulose) to indistinct (surface rugose, disrupting carinate margin of areola); lateral propodeal areas posteriorly varying from nearly unsculptured and distinct to rugose and indistinct; propodeum largely bare medially, with a few scattered setae. Mesopleuron largely bare, with sparse setae in unsculptured subalar region and a small patch of setae dorsad mid coxa; posterior margin unsculptured. Precoxal sulcus weakly impressed but distinct; unsculptured. Metapleuron bare on dorsal half except for small patch below wing, with a few long setae medially, and patches of setae among rugulose sculpture along ventral margin and in groove on ventral half of anterior margin; otherwise unsculptured. Wings. Fore wing stigma parallel-sided, discrete posteriorly, 7.50–7.75 × longer than wide; r1 arising from basal 0.35; 1RS (excluding parastigma) 0.20–0.25 × length of 1M; RS+M straight or nearly so; m-cu postfurcal, extending into basal corner of second submarginal cell; second submarginal cell weakly converging distally; 3RSa 1.10–1.25 × longer than 2RS; 2RS 2.5–3.4 × longer than r, the two not forming a continuous line; 2RS with distinct median bend; 3RSb very weakly bowed, nearly straight; 3M variable, but often pigmented and sclerotized for most of its length; 2CUa 0.5–0.7 × length of 2cu-a, 2CUb arising well above middle of first subdiscal cell; 1cu-a distad 1M by about 1.0 × its length; 1–1A bowed toward wing margin, and separated therefrom by its width. Hind wing RS a weak but distinct, unpigmented crease, extending nearly to wing margin in most specimens; 2M extending to wing margin as a more deeply impressed line, very weakly pigmented for much of its length; m-cu usually a deeply impressed, curved line extending about half distance to wing margin. Metasoma distinctly petiolate; head 3.5–3.8 × wider than apex of T1. T1 2.15–2.35 × longer than apical width; nearly parallel-sided, with apex 1.20–1.35 × wider than base; surface striate throughout, above and below lateral carina; one or two very shallow, subapical depressions usually present dorsally; dorsope distinct, deep; laterope completely absent; dorsal carina present only at base, lateral carina usually distinct throughout; spiracle positioned 0.6 × length of T1 from the base; S1 extending about 0.25–0.30 × length of T1; dorsal surface of petiole in profile evenly convex from base to apex. T2 and following without sharp lateral margins; spiracle of second metasomal tergum laterally displaced, not visible in dorsal view. Ovipositor as long as mesosoma; ovipositor sheath 0.6–0.7 × length of mesosoma, with 2–3 irregular rows of long setae along its length. Color: head, including antenna, mesosoma, petiole and ovipositor sheath dark brown except scape yellow; mandible, lower gena, ventral portion of clypeus, pedicel (occasionally), face adjacent antennal base, propleuron, anterior margin of pronotum, spot on mesopleuron below wing and a smaller spot above mid coxa, two streaks on either side of midpit on mesoscutum, posterior margins of scutellum and metapleuron, and petiole laterally (occasionally) dark yellow to orange; palps pale yellow, nearly white. Legs and metasoma beyond T1 yellow except hind tibia, hind tarsi, lateral margin of metasomal terga 2 + 3 and often anterior half of terga 4–6 brown, the hind tibia often paler medially. Male. As in female except antenna with 41–45 flagellomeres, head 4.0–4.6 × wider than apex of T1 and T1 2.5–2.9 × longer than apical width. Body somewhat darker in color, with metasomal terga 6, 7, and most or all of 5 dark brown. Body length 3.2–4.3 mm; wing length 3.5–4.2 mm.
Robert Wharton, Lauren Ward, Istvan Miko
bibliographic citation
Wharton R, Ward L, Miko I (2012) New neotropical species of Opiinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) reared from fruit-infesting and leaf-mining Tephritidae (Diptera) with comments on the  Diachasmimorpha mexicana species group and the genera Lorenzopius and Tubiformopius ZooKeys 243: 27–82
Robert Wharton
Lauren Ward
Istvan Miko
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