Image of green stoneseed
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Green Stoneseed

Lithospermum viride Greene


provided by EOL authors

The flowers of L. viride are quite distinctive for the US species of the genus. The corolla is yellow-green, which is uncommon in the genus in general and particularly for the US species. The corolla lobes are reflexed, which differs from L. macromeria, another species in the genus with similar-colored corollas, but that has ascending corolla lobes. The anthers are included in the corolla, but the stigma is exserted. Again, this differs from L. macromeria, which bears exserted anthers and stigmas. L. viride also bears glands near the filaments on the inside of the corolla, but does not develop faucal appendages, which are common in other species of Lithospermum.

Jim Cohen
Jim Cohen
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