
Alliatinella ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Alliatinella es un género de foraminífero bentónico de la subfamilia Alliatininae, de la familia Robertinidae, de la superfamilia Robertinoidea, del suborden Robertinina[1]​ y del orden Robertinida.[2]​ Su especie tipo es Alliatinella gedgravensis. Su rango cronoestratigráfico abarca desde el Plioceno hasta la Actualidad.


Alliatinella incluye a las siguientes especies:[3][4][5]


  1. Loeblich, A.R., Jr. y Tappan, H. (1987). Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company (ed.), 2 vol., 1-970, 1-212 + 847 láminas.
  2. Loeblich, A.R., Jr. y Tappan, H. (1992). Present Status of Foraminiferal Classification. Studies in Benthic Foraminifera en Benthos'90, Sendai (1990), Tokai University Press, 93-102.
  3. Encyclopedia of the Life, en http://eol.org/
  4. World Modern Foraminifera Database, en http://www.marinespecies.org/foraminifera/index.php
  5. Classifications Browser en http://www.ubio.org/browser/classifications.php?conceptID=13894357&expand=1&namebankID= Página 1 de 134
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Alliatinella: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Alliatinella es un género de foraminífero bentónico de la subfamilia Alliatininae, de la familia Robertinidae, de la superfamilia Robertinoidea, del suborden Robertinina​ y del orden Robertinida.​ Su especie tipo es Alliatinella gedgravensis. Su rango cronoestratigráfico abarca desde el Plioceno hasta la Actualidad.

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provided by World Register of Marine Species
Test auriculate in outline, somewhat compressed and biconcave, resembling Alliatina but distinctly trochospiral, small accessory chambers developed over the sutures on the umbilical side, reflecting the position of attachment of the internal partition, asymmetrical internal partition of inverted V shape, crossing the chamber obliquely to attach to the interior wall of the septal face where its position is marked externally by a groove from the areal opening to the proximal chamber margin near the umbilicus, then extending back to attach to the base of the previous septum, sutures distinct, white in color, later ones slightly depressed, periphery broadly rounded; wall aragonitic, finely perforate, lamellar; aperture a low interiomarginal and equatorial slit, with a rounded areal aperture as in Alliatina but slightly offset toward the umbilical side, aperture sealed in the final chamber by a thin calcareous plate that is resorbed when new chamber is added to leave a functional areal foramen. Pliocene to Holocene; England, Italy; Pacific: Philippine Islands; off Mexico. (Loeblich & Tappan, 1987, Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification)


Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1987). Foraminiferal Genera and their Classification. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. 970pp.

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