Trachelostyla (track-ell-owe-stike-a) (tentative identification) is one of a large number of stichotrichine hypotrich ciliates, and the genera can only be properly distinguished by careful mapping of the the distribution of the cirri - an exercise which requires special preparation of the cell. Trachelostyla is one of several genera which can have a narrowed front end bearing the adoral zone of membranelles. Phase contrast.
Trachelostyla (track-ell-owe-style-a), a hypotrich ciliate. With a narrowed anterior end to the body, with an adoral zone of membranelles. Phase contrast micrograph.
Trachelostyla (track-ell-owe-style-a), a hypotrich ciliate. With a narrowed anterior end to the body, with an adoral zone of membranelles. Phase contrast micrograph.