Gonioplectrus hispanus ist ein Vertreter der Zackenbarsche (Epinephelidae). Wegen seiner gelborangenen Längsstreifen wird er im Englischen "Spanish flag" genannt. Gonioplectrus hispanus ist die einzige Art der Gattung Gonioplectrus.
Die Fische leben im tropischen, westlichen Atlantik, von Florida und den Bahamas bis nach Brasilien, in der Karibik und im Golf von Mexiko. Noch pelagisch lebende Postlarvale Jungfischstadien, die vielleicht vom Golfstrom verdriftet wurden, fand man auch nördlicher zum Beispiel an der Küste North Carolinas. Gonioplectrus hispanus lebt über felsigen Biotopen in Tiefen von 35 bis mehr als 300 Metern.
Gonioplectrus hispanus wird 30 Zentimeter lang.
Wegen seines tiefen Lebensraums ist über ihn wenig bekannt. Er ist ein Einzelgänger, der in felsigen Habitaten lebt.
Gonioplectrus hispanus ist ein Vertreter der Zackenbarsche (Epinephelidae). Wegen seiner gelborangenen Längsstreifen wird er im Englischen "Spanish flag" genannt. Gonioplectrus hispanus ist die einzige Art der Gattung Gonioplectrus.
The Spanish flag (Gonioplectrus hispanus) is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a grouper from the subfamily Epinephelinae which is part of the family Serranidae, which also includes the anthias and sea basses. It is found in the western Atlantic Ocean. It is the only species in the genus Gonioplectrus.
The Spanish flag has a body which is oblong with a large head, the length of the head is the same as the body's depth.[4] The standard length is 2.3 to 2.5 times the depth of the body. The dorsal profile of the head and the intraorbital area are convex. They have a rounded preopercle which has a large, curved spine at its angle and fleshy lower edge. The central spine on the gill cover is and reaches past the rear of the opercular membrane.[5] The dorsal fin contains 8 spines and 13 soft rays while the anal fin has 3 spines and 7 soft rays.[3] The membranes between the dorsal fin spines are deeplyncised and the spines have fleshy, scale covered bases. The caudal fin is truncate. There are 47-49 scales in the lateral line,[5] which curves upwards underneath the soiny part of the dorsal in and then downwards below the soft-rayed part.[4] The background colour of the head, body, dorsal and caudal fins is yellow and there are 6-7 pink stripes running horizontally from the head to the soft-rayed part of the dorsal fin and the caudal fin. There is a bright red blotch on the anterior part of the anal fin and a white blotch on the side of the belly. The pelvic fins are pinkish purple in colour. This species attains a maximum total length of 30 centimetres (12 in).[3]
The Spanish flag occurs in the Western Atlantic Ocean in the Gulf of Mexico where its range extends as far north as Louisiana and the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, the Florida Keys, the Bahamas and northwestern Cuba south to Quintana Roo ion Mexico and the Bay Islands of Honduras. They are also found off Santa Marta in Colombia, east along the South American coast to Venezuela and south to Vitória, Espírito Santo and Trinidade island. Vagrants have been recorded as far north as North Carolina.[1]
The Spanish flag is a fish of deeper waters and is found at depths of 35 to 460 metres (115 to 1,509 ft).[1] It is a rather solitary species[3] which occurs over hard bottoms and reefs, especially on the edge of the continental shelfwhere there are steep slopes and walls.[1] It is largely piscivorous, feeding on other fishes, but will also prey on benthic crustaceans such as crabs or shrimps.[4]
The Spanish flag was first formally described as Plectropoma hispanum in 1828 by the French naturalist Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) with the type locality given as Martinique.[6] In 1862 the American ichthyologist, Theodore Nicholas Gill (1837-1914) placed it in the monotypic genus Gonioplectrus.[2] The relationships of the genus Gonioplectrus to the other groupers are regarded as unclear but it does sit within the subfamily Epinephelinae.[5]
The Spanish flag is a smallish rare species of deeper waters and as such is not targeted by commercial fisheries.[5] However, as a relatively small, colourful species it is found in the aquarium trade.[7]
The Spanish flag (Gonioplectrus hispanus) is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a grouper from the subfamily Epinephelinae which is part of the family Serranidae, which also includes the anthias and sea basses. It is found in the western Atlantic Ocean. It is the only species in the genus Gonioplectrus.
Gonioplectrus hispanus Gonioplectrus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Serranidae familian sailkatzen da.
Gonioplectrus hispanus Gonioplectrus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Serranidae familian sailkatzen da.
Gonioplectrus hispanus est une espèce de poissons de la famille des Serranidae.
Gonioplectrus hispanus, vrsta morske ribe iz porodice vučica (Serranidae), jedini je predstavnik u svome rodu.
U raznim narodnim nazivima poznata je prevedeno kao „španjolska zastava”, u aluziji na boje crvenih i žutih pruga koje se pružaju od glave prema repu. Ovaj naziv koristi i FAO, i vernakularan je na Kubi, Portoriku, SAD-u, i Naraste maksimalno do 30cm. Leđnih bodlji ima osam a na prednjoj strani analne peraje ima mrlju krvavo crvene boje.
Ova vrsta rasprostranjena je u zapadnom Atlantiku od brazilske države Vitoria pa preko Meksičkog zaljeva i Kariba do obale Sjeverne Karoline.
U komercijalnom ribolovu je rijetka pa za nju ne postoji ni službeni trgovački naziv[1], a status zabrinutosti je niska.[2]
Na Zajedničkom poslužitelju postoje datoteke vezane uz: Gonioplectrus hispanus Wikivrste imaju podatke o: [[Wikispecies:Gonioplectrus hispanus|]]Gonioplectrus hispanus, vrsta morske ribe iz porodice vučica (Serranidae), jedini je predstavnik u svome rodu.
Gonioplectrus hispanus è l'unica specie del genere Gonioplectrus, appartenente alla famiglia (tassonomia) dei Serranidae.
Questo pesce è diffuso nell'oceano atlantico, nelle acque costiere che vanno dalla Carolina del Nord, scendendo fino al golfo del Messico (Bahamas comprese) fino al Brasile.
Vive a profondità, da 30 a 350 m, prevalentemente nella zona circalitorale su fondi duri.
Molto simile alle cernie come aspetto generale è noto soprattutto per i bellissimi colori caratterizzati da fasce longitudinali di colore alternativamente giallo oro e rosso porpora con vermicolature gialle sull'opercolo branchiale ed una macchia color rosso fuoco sulla pinna anale. La taglia nonsupera i 30 cm.
Pressoché ignota.
Viene saltuariamente catturata dai pescatori sportivi e professionali ma, date anche le modeste dimensioni, non è un specie oggetto di pesca specifica.
Pur costituendo, per bellezza della livrea e per dimensioni, una specie adatta all'allevamento in acquario raramente viene allevata, sia per la difficoltà di portarla viva in superficie dalle alte profondità che per la quasi impossibilità di ricostruire l'ambiente adatto.
Gonioplectrus hispanus è l'unica specie del genere Gonioplectrus, appartenente alla famiglia (tassonomia) dei Serranidae.
Gonioplectrus hispanus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van zaag- of zeebaarzen (Serranidae).[2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1828 door Cuvier.
De soort staat op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN als niet bedreigd, beoordelingsjaar 2008.[1]
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesGonioplectrus hispanus[3] – gatunek ryby z rodziny strzępielowatych, jedyny przedstawiciel rodzaju Gonioplectrus Gill, 1862.
Zachodnia część Oceanu Atlantyckiego na głębokościach 35–365 m p.p.m.
Dorasta do 30 cm długości.
Gonioplectrus hispanus – gatunek ryby z rodziny strzępielowatych, jedyny przedstawiciel rodzaju Gonioplectrus Gill, 1862.