Rehousing Remarks: Multiple lots on one x-ray film. USNM 79899 (RAD118567-001), USNM 79902 (RAD118588-001) appear on the same plate. Catalog numbers unrecorded on plate; not able to match catalog number to specimen. Originally the following specimens were X-rayed together: USNM 57562 (RAD118566-001), USNM 79899 (RAD118567-001), USNM 79902 (RAD118588-001).
Description: Français : Planche N°14 du livre "Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation" par Georges Cuvier (Tome 8), seconde édition de 1828, représentant : -en haut : Beryx delphini -au milieu : Myripristis lima -en bas : Holocentrum leo. Date: 18 April 2013, 17:38:25. Source: Own work. Author: Rvalette.