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The esca of the holotype and only known specimen of O. bradburyae is badly damaged. The following is taken from the original description: a rather long fine filament arising from left side of distal end of esca; a shorter club-tipped prolongation on right side; a short, delicate cluster of filaments centrally; all filaments colorless; length of longest filament 15.7% SL.
Subopercle without indentation on posterodorsal margin; length of ventral fork of opercle 24.7% SL; ratio of lengths of dorsal and ventral forks of opercle 0.45.
Epibranchial teeth absent; teeth present on pharyngobranchial II; total number of teeth in upper jaw 42, in lower jaw 54 (jaw-tooth counts are most probably low due to damage); number of teeth on vomer 8; dorsal-fin rays 5; anal-fin rays 4; pectoral-fin rays 14.
Measurements in percent of standard length: head length 43.8; head depth 42.6; premaxilla length 34.0; lower jaw length 48.9; illicium length 72.3.
Oneirodes bradburyae is tentatively assigned to the O. schmidti-group. It appears to differ from all known members of this group in having an extremely long illicium (72% SL). While the illicial lengths of O. micronema (35.3–74.2% SL) and O. schmidti (37.5–107.7% SL) range higher than this, they are much shorter at comparable standard lengths.
Oneirodes bradburyae is known from a single specimen collected in the Gulf of Mexico at 28°28'N, 87°18'W, somewhere between the surface and 1426 m.
Probably meso- to bathypelagic.
Pietsch TW. 2009. Oceanic Anglerfishes: Extraordinary Diversity in the Deep Sea. Berkley: University of California Press. 638 p.
Although unknown, males of O. bradburyae are certainly free living and non-parasitic, as is the case with most oneirodid taxa.
Known from a single known metamorphosed female (23.5 mm).
OREGON station 1028, Gulf of Mexico, 28°28'N, 87°18'W, 0–1426 m, 21 April 1954.
Holotype of Oneirodes bradburyae: USNM 164359, 23.5 mm.